What the F is wrong with some people???


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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The other thing that's annoying me Brian is the fact that he's ringing at 2pm on a Sunday to say that his car can't be collected because he and his wife have doctors appointments.
Now you and I know that you can't make a doctors appointment, let alone two, on a Sunday. He must have made those appointments a few days ago.
So why did he leave it until the last minute to advise us????

Many moons ago when I was a young MD of a dealership (Ford) we were asked to cover a Sunday breakdown in our town by the AA. T'was a simple broken cable issue but the lady in question would not allow our Ford mechanic to touch her VW and gave our guy a tirade of abuse!! He returned to the dealership having done nowt. The AA agreed to get a VW dealer out but not for 4/5 hrs.

3 months later we received a court summons suing us and the AA for causing her stress and thus a miscarriage. That and numerous people trying to drive off without paying or passing dodgy cheques convinced me to sell the company and do something more fun.

srixon 1

Journeyman Pro
Oct 5, 2011
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Many moons ago when I was a young MD of a dealership (Ford) we were asked to cover a Sunday breakdown in our town by the AA. T'was a simple broken cable issue but the lady in question would not allow our Ford mechanic to touch her VW and gave our guy a tirade of abuse!! He returned to the dealership having done nowt. The AA agreed to get a VW dealer out but not for 4/5 hrs.

3 months later we received a court summons suing us and the AA for causing her stress and thus a miscarriage. That and numerous people trying to drive off without paying or passing dodgy cheques convinced me to sell the company and do something more fun.
I hope that she lost her case, but somehow I bet she was awarded something.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Ave done Poppy collections for the RBL in our local ASDA. Had a lovely netter for 30 mins with a guy whose son committed suicide due to PTSD . He marched with me two days later. We had another lovely natter afterwards. But the guy I remember most was a guy who I was talking to re a trip I did to Normandy to see the DDpay beaches and cemetaries etc. I mentioned the beaches the Americans had to take were murderous. He exact reply was “ if anyone deserved it, the yanks did” I don’t know how I kept my calm and never knocked the *** out. I was seething. The problem is smiffy we don’t focus on the hundreds of folk that are normal decent customers or charity giving Joe publics in there thousands. We remember the twazzocks, the negative ones that contribute sod all to society. Instead of the ones like the guy who appreciated a kind word.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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No contact yet from head office. My manager say's not to worry about it. I'm not particularly, just annoyed with the prat.
I don't think you will hear anything as the person in question knows full well your service dept don't work on Sundays, and he was being an ars.e because he was probably annoyed with himself for screwing up his doctors appt's and car service on the same day.
If he was face to face, he wouldn't have the gonnads to say anything to you about it. He knew he was wrong, and just didn't have the decency to admit it so ranted without need.
He is obviosly one of the many who can't admit he made a mistake, and it has to be someone elses fault.
Don't let it bother you, life is too short:)


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I once had a blazing row with a customer who, after discussing his problem face to face, took the opportunity of waiting for another customer to turn up to shout and swear about my customer service, so after his (quite obnoxious) rant, calmly just said "so let me just check the facts again"

"You stopped my mechanic in the road, asked him take take your disc cutter in for repair, to do it behind my back for cash, use my spare parts and then you (apparently) leave it with us for over a year before coming to collect it and now the cutter that you have no paperwork for, and my mechanic has no knowledge of you giving it to him, you want me to give you a new one free of charge? "

He said "yes" - I invited him to leave the premises ?

Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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Most people are generally nice and generally reasonable.

A minority of people are absolute a-holes.

The trouble is that when you work with the general public, there's a tendency to dwell on and remember the a-holes.

I would amend this.

About 13% of people are pretty nice.
About 32% are total troglodytes.
The remaining 55% of us just do the best that we can.


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Christmas Eve 1994 feeling happy. Phoned a customer saying that were insufficient funds to pay his cheque and it was going to be returned. He told me he had a gun and would arrange for it to be used on me. Being around 20 stone 6 ft and of gypsy origin I explained the conversation was being recorded.

i am still here but the account was transferred to Nat. West. before the end of the year.


Tour Rookie
Aug 7, 2015
I was booking my next hospital appointment today, 6 months time on a Wednesday. I asked could it be on a Monday and she said the specialist only held a surgery in that hospital on a Wednesday. So I said as the choice is a Wednesday or a Wednesday I'd take a Wednesday, I'd take the Wednesday.
She said it was nice to have a patient who did what they're told! :LOL:


Head Pro
Nov 2, 2015
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I was booking my next hospital appointment today, 6 months time on a Wednesday. I asked could it be on a Monday and she said the specialist only held a surgery in that hospital on a Wednesday. So I said as the choice is a Wednesday or a Wednesday I'd take a Wednesday, I'd take the Wednesday.
She said it was nice to have a patient who did what they're told! :LOL:
At 6 month you are bloody lucky ;-) of course you are going to be nice.

My annual check ups are about 15 months apart. I always have to laugh if they ask me if a specific day in 1 1/2 years is convenient for me.

As for people shouting at the phone, back in the days I just turned down the volume and they were as load as anyone else. This should probably be done by software now?


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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At work yesterday (Sunday) and the phone rings about 2pm.
"Customer" on the other end has a service booked for this morning and is expecting the car to be collected, but is ringing to say that neither him, nor his wife will be there as they both have doctors appointments.
I ask him if he would like to cancel the appointment but he says "No I still need the service done"
I then explain that I have got nobody there on service as it is a Sunday afternoon, and I can arrange for somebody to phone him in the morning to re-arrange the service appointment.
He doesn't want me to do that either.
When I ask him what he would like to do, he says "I was hoping to get it done now"......
I again explain that being a Sunday our workshops aren't open, etc. etc. and I'm met with a tirade of abuse, on what a crap garage we are, how he is disgusted with his treatment, and that he is going to phone Peugeot UK to complain about us.
I tried to explain but he wouldn't let me talk, and hung up. Unfortunately I lost it with the bloke.
I tried to phone him back to explain calmly and collectively why we couldn't carry out a service but again got a mouthful and he hung up.
Expecting a phone call from Peugeot UK today with his complaint.
I give up.
Feel ur pain mate . Guy rang dealer principal to make complaint i refused to book his car in . Like u even if i wanted to i cant , cause im in parts , dont have access to booking sheets .
Told him i could get 1 of the 3 service advisors to ring him or the booking centre to ring him ..
DP came out and asked me what happened . I explained . He was shocked called the customer a name and went and rang him back . Told customer we did not need his business..


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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Well, the email complaint has arrived. If I'm not sacked he is going to report me to the police for harassment, and will also be contacting the Sun newspaper with the story. Apparently I phoned him back 3 times which has caused untold stress to his sick wife. I actually phoned him back once to offer my apologies but he wasn't having any of that. Also I know where he lives and if I attempt to go round to see him then be warned.... He's ex Army. You couldn't make this crock of *** up if you tried ???


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Well, the email complaint has arrived. If I'm not sacked he is going to report me to the police for harassment, and will also be contacting the Sun newspaper with the story. Apparently I phoned him back 3 times which has caused untold stress to his sick wife. I actually phoned him back once to offer my apologies but he wasn't having any of that. Also I know where he lives and if I attempt to go round to see him then be warned.... He's ex Army. You couldn't make this crock of *** up if you tried ???
Sounds like one of life's unpleasant people .. move on and look for some banter with one of your friends.