Occasional Tour Caddy
No bunkers ?
Would have thought at least 54 is needed from sand even if its only a short or two, or even none a round ?
Plenty bunkers on the course but I practice not going in them rather than escaping them
Seriously though, I find the GW is mental versatile. I practiced bunkers for a few minutes this morning (its inevitable I'll find one every few rounds ) and hit about 20 shots from wettish sand about 5ft beneath the level of the green to a close pin. Three thins + 1 left in the sand, the rest were all on the green, none holed though. Typical mid-handicap results I'd guess
I've space to pop another blade style wedge in the bag but not worth buying a club for so little use in return
Just walked the course in my head and only one hole has no greenside bunker/s
as a post script: Irrationally, it annoys me post round to realise what club/s I hauled round but didn't use (I tend to max out at 12 clubs)
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