what is the most you have/would pay for green fees?

£75 for Hoylake in a couple of weeks is the most I have played. I don't think there is a limit on what I would pay...but to spend a lot of money, the course would have to be pretty special.
Paid £110 to play Royal Lytham a year, maybe 2, ago.

Most I would pay would be about £200 I reckon. Going over the £200 barrier would take some thinking about!

Birkdale us £135 in October so that will be the highest I've paid..
Paying £220 to play The Old, New and Jubilee in April. Not sure what the breakdown is per course but wouldn't pay much more. I like the idea but, knowing golf, imagine having an absolute mare of a round!
Paid the same to play the Old, Jubilee and Castle in October. I think the Old is £110, and the other two work out at £55 each. We also get £16 worth of vouchers for food and drink in the Clubhouse, so not a bad deal.
Don't want to appear a big time Charley cos I'm not but if someone offered me and my boy the chance to play Augusta I think I would pay £5k. I'd rather have a crap car and wonderful memories than something better to drive and nothing in the locker between the ears.

So if Mrs Rice is running a guest introduction for Charidee day then I'm her man
Paid the same to play the Old, Jubilee and Castle in October. I think the Old is £110, and the other two work out at £55 each. We also get £16 worth of vouchers for food and drink in the Clubhouse, so not a bad deal.

Yes was pleasantly surprised to get the email about vouchers for food etc. Really looking forward to it now and got The Belfry before so quite a tidy month of golf!
Don't have a specific figure in mind for a one off treat but maybe around the £200 mark

If it was like many say such as Augusta then that's a once in a lifetime so would go a bit higher but I'll never actually know what id be willing to go to until someone offers me the chance
i don't play many away courses anymore as i pay nearly £1000 green fees at my club so begrudge paying at another course unless its an open and the green fees are cheap.
Paid £150 for Trump last year, worth every penny and might go back this year.

£133 for The Old and Eden at St Andrews in 5 weeks time.

Most i will pay is the $500 for Pebble Beach in the next few years and as said by someone else, Augusta could name their price and I would pay it!
Woburn was my limit for a days golf never mind one round, memory is crap but think it was £135 or something around that.

I wouldnt pay more than £60 inc food as by the time you factor in petrol etc. If I got to a decent handicap then it would be different as I would be able to do them justice then.
would happily pay £200 for the right course, paid £80 for Hillside and £90 for North Berwick, but would pay more for Muirfield, RCD etc.

Saying that, got St Andrews Old, New & Jubilee on the first weekend of November for £155, which I think is a bargain.
I paid £240 for birkdale day last summer, right at the top end of my intended budget.
I am tempted by 36 hole comp day at sunningdale but £270 plus travel and stay is pushing my like him HID at present.

Have a great day at muirfield tomorrow one and all! :lol:
Paid £200 for both Sunningdale courses. I live almost on the doorstep so the add on in terms of petrol negligible. Was it worth it? Not the way I played but in terms of aura, clubhouse atmosphere and test of golf then yes. I don't play these marque courses often and so it was a big splurge. It would depend on the course but I doubt I'd go much more than £150 anymore
I can't justify a big outlay what with the family and all, I'd just feel guilty.

The most I've paid for a single round would have been the GM Meet at Hillside last year, £60 or £80?