What do you think about during your swing?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Firstly I defy anyone to be thinking about a flag on a green 220yds away whilst in the middle of their backswing, or indeed a 4" hole in the ground.... yes perhaps you have a 'feeling' of direction but then if you look at just how OFF most peoples shots are then that 'directional thought' is certainly lacking, or not effective.

Swinging through the golf ball is a better action than hitting at it? I'd say BOTH are important in the swing.

Gibbo... hitting a putt... the line you are starting the ball on, or the hole?

I made a long reply to this which seems to have vanished when I posted it. Hopefully it will reappear, if not I will have to do it again as it was really good :)

Deleted Member 1156

This thread seems to be going round and round in pointless circles.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
James you are assuming that my target is a green or a hole in the green. That is not normally the case, let me explain: My target is a green when I am fairly near to it, it is seldom a flag or hole though. I was taught by my coach, on longer shots, not to focus on the green but rather pick out a target high in the distance and in the direction I need the ball to go. This is often a high tree, a building, even a cloud at times, it takes my mind away from hazards. I dont conger up this image at the top of my backswing either, it is something I picked out in my pre-shot routine as I stand behind the ball. With distances nearer the green I set a target where I want the ball to land, be it infront of, or at a certain point on the green so the ball will land and react to the type of shot played.

Am I assuming or did you say....

The target is a good thing to focus on. If you focus on the ball it will encourage your intent to just hitting at it, which IMO is not a good idea. I look at the ball but have my focus out at the target

I still don't think you'll be thinking about that tree or cloud (as it's too far away and distracting for our brain... might explain the duffed shots? :p) HOWEVER I would agree that picking an intermittent target is better than focusing on the final destination, generally the closer the initial target the more effective our focus... even better if we can actually SEE it rather than trying to imagine it whilst swinging.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Sorry Socket, seems we're not allowed to continue our conversation as it doesn't fit in with Gordon's 'discussion criteria'.



Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I still don't think you'll be thinking about that tree or cloud (as it's too far away and distracting for our brain... might explain the duffed shots? :p) HOWEVER I would agree that picking an intermittent target is better than focusing on the final destination, generally the closer the initial target the more effective our focus... even better if we can actually SEE it rather than trying to imagine it whilst swinging.

Maybe my massive brain can focus on these far off targets. :smirk: This is a method taught to me by someone who has played on tour and has worked with a top 10 world player. We dont all have the same degree of imagery, some can visualise very clearly while others cannot , it's just the way we are wired up.

Deleted Member 1156

There is discussion and there is flogging a dead horse. Boomerangs and snooker cues? Carry on if you find it interesting but this thread seems to have run it's course long ago.

Deleted Member 1156

Because you seem to be going round in circles berating others that are having a discussion that does not suit you.

Got to laugh at that last comment. Doesn't it say in the forum rules something about not saying things on here that you wouldn't say to someone's face? Would you tell me to 'do one' face to face?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Got to laugh at that last comment. Doesn't it say in the forum rules something about not saying things on here that you wouldn't say to someone's face? Would you tell me to 'do one' face to face?

Hopefully I will not be that close to you. You have too many issues for me.

Why cant you just keep away from topics that dont interest you? Thats what I do.

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Deleted Member 1156

Why cant you just keep away from topics that dont interest you? Thats what I do.

This actually started off as quite an interesting thread which is why I posted on it originally but it's sadly degenerated