What do you think about during your swing?


Deleted Member 1156

Sorry Jumping in here:

The target is a good thing to focus on. If you focus on the ball it will encourage your intent to just hitting at it, which IMO is not a good idea. I look at the ball but have my focus out at the target, this encourages swinging through the ball with the club accelerating.

OMG what is going on here, for the first time ever I agree with SR.

Put it down to festive spirit, goodwill to all men :ears:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Sorry Jumping in here:

The target is a good thing to focus on. If you focus on the ball it will encourage your intent to just hitting at it, which IMO is not a good idea. I look at the ball but have my focus out at the target, this encourages swinging through the ball with the club accelerating.

hmm..... ok, let's discuss a couple of scenarios and see if the logic is similar.....

You are throwing a ball to someone standing 30yds away.... you know that gravity means that you have to throw the ball on an 'upwards' tragectory.... do you think about the target or the angle that you're going to release the ball from your hand?

You are throwing a boomerang from right to left to kill a kangeroo (this is for our new Aussie friend) do you think about the kangeroo or where exactly you're going to aim/release the boomerang from your hand?

Lastly, (I like this one) you're a fast bowler.. do you think about the wicket (end result) or where abouts on the floor you're going to bounce the ball (intermediate target)?

appreciate your thoughts......


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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the problem with the scenarios you have mentioned James are they are totally different from each other. A fast bowler will practice daily working on his action and release and will no doubt be focussing on where he wants to pitch the ball on the wicket

throwing a ball is something we do with very little thought as its something we learn from childhood so becomes almost 2nd nature for the majority of us

Boomerangs again once the trajectory is worked out through practice we would then make the 'calculation' automatically and throw through instinct and based on practice

Golf is the same but as its quite unique as we are hitting a ball with a club as opposed to throwing an object with our hands

What it does highlight is that through practice and repetition, knowing how each club/shot type affects the ball we can then swing in the confident knowledge we know what the distance/shot shape is likely to be.

I better get practicing more :D


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
the problem with the scenarios you have mentioned James are they are totally different from each other. A fast bowler will practice daily working on his action and release and will no doubt be focussing on where he wants to pitch the ball on the wicket

throwing a ball is something we do with very little thought as its something we learn from childhood so becomes almost 2nd nature for the majority of us

Boomerangs again once the trajectory is worked out through practice we would then make the 'calculation' automatically and throw through instinct and based on practice

Golf is the same but as its quite unique as we are hitting a ball with a club as opposed to throwing an object with our hands

What it does highlight is that through practice and repetition, knowing how each club/shot type affects the ball we can then swing in the confident knowledge we know what the distance/shot shape is likely to be.

I better get practicing more :D

I don't agree... but not to worry.... it's about understanding thought processes...

here's another one maybe closer to your ideal as it involves hitting a ball with a stick .... snooker.... focus on the ball you are going to hit.. or the pocket?


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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I know what your getting at by the way. Was just saying that certain actions we do naturally or through a lot of practice.

Personally I used to just focus on hitting the ball but now I am more focussing on how I want to hit the ball and imagining the shot in my head, set up and go as I have already worked out what I want to do before I swing the club
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Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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hmm..... ok, let's discuss a couple of scenarios and see if the logic is similar.....

You are throwing a ball to someone standing 30yds away.... you know that gravity means that you have to throw the ball on an 'upwards' tragectory.... do you think about the target or the angle that you're going to release the ball from your hand?

You are throwing a boomerang from right to left to kill a kangeroo (this is for our new Aussie friend) do you think about the kangeroo or where exactly you're going to aim/release the boomerang from your hand?

Lastly, (I like this one) you're a fast bowler.. do you think about the wicket (end result) or where abouts on the floor you're going to bounce the ball (intermediate target)?

appreciate your thoughts......

As G1BB0 suggests throwing an object is a different action to striking a stationary ball with a golf club, in the former you are looking at the target and this is where your focus will be. It's also different to hitting a ball in Tennis or squash, although I did play squash for many years at a good standard and my focus was always where the ball would strike the wall. Would you not agree that swinging through the golf ball is a better action than hitting at it?


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009

I know what your getting at by the way. Was just saying that certain actions we do naturally or through a lot of practice.

Personally I used to just focus on hitting the ball but now I am more focussing on how I want to hit the ball and imagining the shot in my head, set up and go as I have already worked out what I want to do before I swing the club

I saw you edit that.... when you said BOTH I was going to say "This isn't eBay actions buddy!"

So you say you are focusing on HOW you want to hit the ball and NOT the target... so what's the difference with any of the examples that I posted that you disagreed with? :confused:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
As G1BB0 suggests throwing an object is a different action to striking a stationary ball with a golf club, in the former you are looking at the target and this is where your focus will be. It's also different to hitting a ball in Tennis or squash, although I did play squash for many years at a good standard and my focus was always where the ball would strike the wall. Would you not agree that swinging through the golf ball is a better action than hitting at it?

Firstly I defy anyone to be thinking about a flag on a green 220yds away whilst in the middle of their backswing, or indeed a 4" hole in the ground.... yes perhaps you have a 'feeling' of direction but then if you look at just how OFF most peoples shots are then that 'directional thought' is certainly lacking, or not effective.

Swinging through the golf ball is a better action than hitting at it? I'd say BOTH are important in the swing.

Gibbo... hitting a putt... the line you are starting the ball on, or the hole?
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Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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in reply to the question in post 69.

I didnt disagree with them I was merely pointing out that they are different in a sense as we influence the ball/boomerang with our hands, yes we adopts the right stance to make the throw, get our weight right on each foot but they are more dynamic than hitting a golf shot and therfore use more natural actions.

For me now I am working on ball striking and alignment so I am trying to pick a target on my line for my shot, as I am now hitting a slight draw my target is slightly right (for me that is, I am not saying that is correct so dont go quoting ball flight laws etc), my finishing target is central but my focus is on ball striking and the initial trajectory/shape of the shot... I hope that makes sense? lol

edited as dont know my left from right haha


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
For me now I am working on ball striking and alignment so I am trying to pick a target on my line for my shot, as I am now hitting a slight draw my target is slightly right (for me that is, I am not saying that is correct so dont go quoting ball flight laws etc), my finishing target is central but my focus is on ball striking and the initial trajectory/shape of the shot... I hope that makes sense? lol

Makes perfect sense to me seeing as I don't believe that anyone should be thinking about the target... indeed whether those that say they are REALLY are.

Once I've picked my line I've no need to look up again.. I know that I've lined up to where I want to hit the shot now all i need to be thinking about is my swing. Rather like a blind person playing golf who has never actually seen a target, you just focus on the playing of the shot.

EDIT: Seeing as I agree with you, I'd suggest you STAY IN these technical threads! :clap: LOL
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Global Moderator
Nov 17, 2011
Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I.
I know someone off +3 that doesn't... point being? ;)

....and are you suggesting we should all mutter to ourselves???? :p LOL

Point being everyone has a different trigger does different things as part of their own pre shot routine. I know a pro that played in the Irish open would pat his hand against his right thigh before he addressed the ball. Slightly different than swing thought but still along the lines.

Oh and if I thought muttering would get me to +2 and get 4 grand off the GUI to go towards my golf costs and free 913 drivers I'd do it myself. Not counting winnings either lol.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Point being everyone has a different trigger does different things as part of their own pre shot routine. I know a pro that played in the Irish open would pat his hand against his right thigh before he addressed the ball. Slightly different than swing thought but still along the lines.

Oh and if I thought muttering would get me to +2 and get 4 grand off the GUI to go towards my golf costs and free 913 drivers I'd do it myself. Not counting winnings either lol.

So (you might aswell join in)

1) Do you think about the hole when you're putting?

2) If you realised that you probably shouldn't be thinking about the target would you stop or do you just do what your +2 mate does?


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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Firstly I defy anyone to be thinking about a flag on a green 220yds away whilst in the middle of their backswing, or indeed a 4" hole in the ground.... yes perhaps you have a 'feeling' of direction but then if you look at just how OFF most peoples shots are then that 'directional thought' is certainly lacking, or not effective.

Swinging through the golf ball is a better action than hitting at it? I'd say BOTH are important in the swing.

Gibbo... hitting a putt... the line you are starting the ball on, or the hole?

James you are assuming that my target is a green or a hole in the green. That is not normally the case, let me explain: My target is a green when I am fairly near to it, it is seldom a flag or hole though. I was taught by my coach, on longer shots, not to focus on the green but rather pick out a target high in the distance and in the direction I need the ball to go. This is often a high tree, a building, even a cloud at times, it takes my mind away from hazards. I dont conger up this image at the top of my backswing either, it is something I picked out in my pre-shot routine as I stand behind the ball. With distances nearer the green I set a target where I want the ball to land, be it infront of, or at a certain point on the green so the ball will land and react to the type of shot played.