What about afterwards?


Sep 11, 2011
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There's a thread about how its affecting us now, and one on what do we miss. But what about afterwards?

For some it will be a return to normality, and I guess to most that's were it will end up. And I dare say that applies to me too. I will, in the main, go back to doing what I always do(God willing).

However, a conversation I had with a friend a few years back resonates more now than it ever has. To quote, "you can't buy time but you can fill it." The conversation revolved around golf, at the time, but is relevant to so many things. We often talked about playing the Open courses, and thankfully prior to leaving the UK we made time in our schedules and ticked a few more of those off. Those days have made for great memories.

We bought our Place in the Sun in early 2016, and we retired here early 2018. When we were out here visiting we'd stay relatively local but when we retired we, originally, cranked up some km's visiting different places, all usually just a couple of hours travel at the most. And during this time we were getting tips about places to visit. The vast majority of those tips don't appear in many guide books or travel programmes. The Spanish manana was taking over, and it was always tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow.

The day the lockdown lifts is the day the bucketlist will start to be booked. Jaen, Badajoz, Jerez, Cadiz, Huelva, Evora(Portugal) - on the way to Lisbon. There's a whole lot more hillside towns and seaside fishing villages. Sounds expensive? A decent village hotel will come in at anything from €25 a night for a room. A decent 4* spa hotel can be got from €50 a night. And a decent evening meal, away from the tourist areas, inc drinks, will come in at less than €15.

Roll on the end of lockdown!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Once this is over I am going on a very long holiday to unwind and clear the head. Feel like I'm running close to empty with all leave cancelled. I'm not alone and most of the nurses and doctors I speak to say the same. Depending on how the money situation pans out once various bits and pieces are fixed and paid for I might start a golfing bucket list. Above all though I hope this community feeling we seemed to have developed stays and becomes something we can aspire to regularly without the need for such a insidious disease to bring us together


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Once the lockdown is over I plan to play as much golf as I can lol

I hope the world will adapt and we come out a better society

However I just think people will rush back to type and we will be back to the mess we were in 6 months ago minus the virus


The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Initially I'll just be looking to get back to some semblance of normality
As soon as social distancing is relaxed I can start work and my clients are waiting.
I'll be back to relative normality within a week or so.
Then it'll be taking stock of any instructors who haven't financially made it through and have packed up.
That could mean there's a lot of people after an instructor and while it's great to have work available I dont want to go back to the 10-12 hours in the car days of yesteryear
I'm too old for that now, takes way too much out of me. P,us I need to get some value for money out of Ellesborough
Biggest issue is...when do they relax social distancing...?

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Don’t know about this year, we might try to get all the stuff in the house done, but there is an arrangement that we can carry over more leave at work than we normally do. Between that and the money I’m not spending on golf, I’m looking at taking the Ducati to the Isle of Man for the TT next year.

Deleted Member 1156

Don’t know about this year, we might try to get all the stuff in the house done, but there is an arrangement that we can carry over more leave at work than we normally do. Between that and the money I’m not spending on golf, I’m looking at taking the Ducati to the Isle of Man for the TT next year.
Been before Rich? It's bluddy awesome!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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All up in the air for us, we were about to put the house on the market to move back closer to the inlaws. Likely wouldve meant another property renovation project which appeals as Ive certainly not missed the betting/trading since everything got shut down and am close to knocking that one the head full stop. Have also enjoyed doing some accounting/tax work helping out some friends who have small businesses/self employed so may look to doing that a couple of days a week again, but certainly not in a corporate environment.

We will take stock once things hopefully start to return to a semblance of normality and decide whether the move still makes sense and if so where it is we want to be (our opinions get stronger each time we do!) Am starting to get back close to fitness so the big upside for me hopefully will be to get back playing regular golf again (and take up a few invites ;) ) and ultimately finding a new club to call home depending on where we are, so am trying to lose a few pounds and continue with some exercise whilst locked down


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2010
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Think I'll try to get back in touch with old friends. Kind of lazily lost contact with many after having kids. They're still quite young and need a lot of attention but I need to start making time for me. Not had much of that in the last few years.

Also need to start playing golf much, much more. Just don't have the time.


Tour Winner
Jan 21, 2013
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Well depending when it is over. Have 2 trips to Portugal October and November planned, plus tenerife in February.

Will also look to shift the inevitable lockdown gut. Also have to reschedule daughters bday trip to Potterworld.

Deleted member 1147

All I know is that, once I get off furlough we’ll be so busy catching up, that I’ll be working many hours


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Going to meet up with a couple of mates including my best friend for some golf and then beers with them and their family. Hoping to get some trips with the golf holiday company I have an association with to do some UK reviews. Spend some time with the wife and catch up with all of my friends at the club. Not got a big family anymore bar some cousins in Northampton so definitely make time for them (and maybe see about Woburn as its not far away)/


Crow Person
Nov 14, 2010
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I semi retired at the end of March and was hoping to enjoy a lot more golf and a bit of travel.
I was 60 this year too and was hoping to finally play The Old Course.

The best laid plans and all that.

No part-time work to be had now and the pension will have take a right hammering, I just hope financial markets pick up fairly quickly once this is over. (Cripes, I might have to sell a few clubs!)
As for when I get to play The Old Course, that's anyone's guess.

Deleted member 21258

Less work and more golf and fun. Try to get the vtec mini back on the road, so I can take son for a drive in it again.

And most important see the family again properly and hopefully get to see the wife holding the baby grandson again. She is missing that a lot.

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
S W Scotland
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There will be a glut of s/h jigsaws on ebay :love:

The last 5 years or so I have come into a habit of doing a jigsaw between Christmas and new year.
Generally buy them new at charity shops and usually have a few in the loft.
Gave most back to a charity shop 3 months ago.:eek:
The Quartermaster [Lady Doon's new family nickname] and I have enjoyed doing a couple during lockdown. She went on line to buy [only new of course] and they are asking stupid prices for them.