What a round of golf... ( 3 holes anyway!)

Big D 88

Q-School Graduate
Sep 11, 2012
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So last night whilst waiting for the 5aside game before ours to finish, I got chatting to 1 of the lads who I rarely speak to before or after our game (just the usual hello mate tbh!)

Anyways, turns out he is a keen golfer, whos played since he was a teen (id guess he was around 30ish now), at a course not far from me. In the short time span of the conversation, he had told me about how he is playing off 5 and swinging the club better than ever. He mentioned that he was off work this morning and would probably go down the club and have a round. Being the cheeky git I am I said if he was playing alone i'd happily come down and he could probably teach me a few things. He said it was a great idea and to meet him at the club for 7am. One of the lads from my team, James, asked if he could make it a 3ball. I was more 'mates' with James so thought that would be good, and the other lad didn't disagree.

I arrived at 7am with James, and this other guy told me he had already been there 35 minutes warming up (I thought blimey this guy really does take it serious! I guess that's how you get down to 5!)

As we approached the clubhouse he said he wasn't a member here, he just liked the course a lot so came here often (again - my first thought was there goes the members guest rate out the window! haha)

Then the fun began;

Between the car park, the clubhouse, the practice putting green and the first tee...I was told he was going through a slight swing change and that the club pro had told him it was going to take some time to be imbedded in (I thought to myself it was only last night you said you haven't swung it better but thought nothing on it) He also was waiting on a new putter as his broke falling out the boot of his car and he was playing with an old 1 from his garage.

I gave him the honour and he tee'd it up, made a few practice swings and then a PSR which seemed to take an age...

..then he topped it 20 yards forward, hit the ladies tee box and careered left into a bush. He told me & james to tee off whilst he retrieved his ball. I made a decent enough swing and then went with him to find the errant tee shot.

He chipped out and ended the first hole with a quadruple 8. I got a 6. James a Par.

2nd hole he said he always plays this hole bad ( i'm thinking to myself - your a 5 handicapper surely you can make any hole half good!)

He drove it fine, but then hit his 2nd shot way left, duffed two chips back onto the fairway, found the green with his 5th and 3 putted for another quadruple 8. I got a 6 again. James got a 5.

As we walked towards the par 3 160yard third, he told me that he twisted his ankle slightly last night playing footy and it was getting worse swinging the club. I agreed, as I have had some injuries recently which does make playing golf painful if not 100%.

I hit the green with a 7i, albeit about 35ft away, and he pulled out a hybrid club?!?! He gave it an almightly smack and went OOB thru the back of the green. Trying not to sound condescending, I said I presumed that would be too much club. his response was that he could put a more relaxed swing on it and not hurt his ankle. the problem, I thought, was that he did swing like his life depended on it!!

Whilst on the 3rd tee box, He then declared he was unfit to play, and would me and james mind playing the remainder as a 2 ball.

He shook both our hands and walked the other way.

We were gobsmacked. Not because of the injury, or lack of. More that this guy must be a WUM.

I've message him on facebook asking how his ankle is, and that we'd have to arrange another game sometime.

My worry is, is that he felt he had to lie to make himself look better in front of people last night at footy.

I could be wrong, the injury/swing change could of been a deciding factor on his +8 thru 2 score.

But I think not...
@ homer: WUM=wind up merchant..

@big d: I'm not too sure what to make of it... It could be down to nerves, I recently played in a works do and whenever our group had our pictures being taken by some, I have to say, extremely pretty girls, my tee shots went to pot. The rest of the time, when they weren't there, they were pretty half decent...

i suppose one question to ask is were his swings/ general play, an accurate representation of his handicap? Benefit of the doubt it could be down to injury, but why play and not cancel?
@ homer: WUM=wind up merchant..

@big d: I'm not too sure what to make of it... It could be down to nerves, I recently played in a works do and whenever our group had our pictures being taken by some, I have to say, extremely pretty girls, my tee shots went to pot. The rest of the time, when they weren't there, they were pretty half decent...

i suppose one question to ask is were his swings/ general play, an accurate representation of his handicap? Benefit of the doubt it could be down to injury, but why play and not cancel?

Yeah i guess if he knew he had over elaborated his h'cap he could of cried off before the round started

Secondly, he would of mentioned the injury prior to the tee off, as he managed to pack a lot of 'excuses' in the short time between car park and 1st tee.

I'm not a very good player myself, i dont play as often as i would like, and he didnt need to big himself up to me in order for us to play.
Yeah i guess if he knew he had over elaborated his h'cap he could of cried off before the round started

Secondly, he would of mentioned the injury prior to the tee off, as he managed to pack a lot of 'excuses' in the short time between car park and 1st

^^exactly, maybe you called his bluff? Did he get back to you at all?

If he's game for another round, perhaps judge him by that one I'd say... If he avoids you, you may have your answer...