Weight Transfer


Journeyman Pro
Jun 7, 2011
Tiptree, Essex - Where they make the Jam!
A shocking weekend of golf has led me to really wanting to sell the clubs, honestly it was embarrassingly bad, all witnessed by my pro as well which made things worse....I could almost see the ££ signs in his eyes!

I'm catching anything and everything either really fat or really thin and I'm told it's all down to weight transfer and the fact that my weight is staying on my right side through impact when it should be on the left side and smashing into the back of the ball first.....I just can't for the life of me do it. Anyone got any tips on getting the weight firmly on the left side to stop me hitting up on the ball?


The old walk though drill is a good starter for ten. In your practice after you have hit your shot walk though with your right foot towards the target, it get your body moving in that direction. Don't worry too much about where the ball goes to start with, just get moving. You can even take a few steps. GL.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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Leave it on the left during the backswing.....

Seriosuly, a more centred swing wouldn't need a big heave back to the ball. Check out Robert Rock's swing on Youtube.... he hardly has to do anything to get back to the ball, becasue he never moved of it in the first place

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Leave it on the left during the backswing.....

Seriosuly, a more centred swing wouldn't need a big heave back to the ball. Check out Robert Rock's swing on Youtube.... he hardly has to do anything to get back to the ball, becasue he never moved of it in the first place

I see how you avioded a certain phrase there Monty :rofl:


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Leave it on the left during the backswing.....

I might agree with this :whistle:

Try this....

Turn your left foot out towards the target about 45 degrees, yes...45 degrees!... now slide your hips about 2-3 inches to the left so they're slightly favouring being over the left leg.... have the ball in the center of your sternum, hit the ball from there.


Tour Rookie
Aug 10, 2011
East Herts
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I see how you avioded a certain phrase there Monty :rofl:

Fancy seeing you here....

I might agree with this :whistle:

Try this....

Turn your left foot out towards the target about 45 degrees, yes...45 degrees!... now slide your hips about 2-3 inches to the left so they're slightly favouring being over the left leg.... have the ball in the center of your sternum, hit the ball from there.

... and you!

Ssssshhhhh!. The swing that dare not speak its name, but doesn't hit fat shots.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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A shocking weekend of golf has led me to really wanting to sell the clubs, honestly it was embarrassingly bad, all witnessed by my pro as well which made things worse....I could almost see the ££ signs in his eyes!

I'm catching anything and everything either really fat or really thin and I'm told it's all down to weight transfer and the fact that my weight is staying on my right side through impact when it should be on the left side and smashing into the back of the ball first.....I just can't for the life of me do it. Anyone got any tips on getting the weight firmly on the left side to stop me hitting up on the ball?

Keep your weight evenly distributed at address and throughout the backswing for the majority of shots. You might want to consider 40/60 for a driver where slightly more weight on your back foot encourages catching the ball on the upswing.

Reverse applies for chipping.

There is no marked weight transfer in a backswing so you might be loading your right side/back foot incorrectly in the first place.

However, at impact your right heel should start to come off the ground and your right begins to fold so it comes alongside the left knee.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 7, 2011
Tiptree, Essex - Where they make the Jam!
Just had a session down the range, working on this. Still struggling a little bit with it but made some improvement. Still find myself curved backwards with far too much weight on my left foot the majority of the time but starting to get a bit more of a feeling for transferring my weight. Will get back down the range during the week and work some more....this game will NOT beat me.....even though it absolutely battered me from pillar to post yesterday in France.....I got back to the UK very battered and bruised, ready to throw the sticks in the bin!


Journeyman Pro
May 25, 2009
Newport South Wales
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What seems to have worked for me is turn my right foot in 20 degrees keeping the weight on the ball of my feet and big toe,you really feel the resistance in the backswing and your weight naturally transfers to the left when you unwind in the downswing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
What seems to have worked for me is turn my right foot in 20 degrees keeping the weight on the ball of my feet and big toe,you really feel the resistance in the backswing and your weight naturally transfers to the left when you unwind in the downswing.

If you resist the right side too much you risk seriously injuring yourself... but it's horses for courses I guess. I would never suggest doing that.


Journeyman Pro
May 25, 2009
Newport South Wales
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If you resist the right side too much you risk seriously injuring yourself... but it's horses for courses I guess. I would never suggest doing that.

The pro suggested it to counter hip slide and help weight transfer,can't really see how I could injure myself. I thought the modern swing was all about the top half resisting the bottom half and unwinding through the ball? Loads of articles on this.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
The pro suggested it to counter hip slide and help weight transfer,can't really see how I could injure myself. I thought the modern swing was all about the top half resisting the bottom half and unwinding through the ball? Loads of articles on this.

Our knee joints aren't made to be twisted inwards and then have a load applied to them (resist a turn)... if you want to give up walking in the next 10yrs then carry on :thup: (maybe less than 10yrs if you really try and rip a drive and snap a ligament).

On the contrary, if you flare your feet outwards you can swing as hard as you like... and controlled as it gives you better balance, even Hogan managed to figure that part out.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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Keep your weight evenly distributed at address and throughout the backswing for the majority of shots.

Who said this?

You know how some Pros kind of do a wiggle to settle themselves down? Think Big Ernie....

It's a great idea especially with the short clubs...I mean, who needs weight shift? Most of us can hit a wedge better and cleaner with our feet together.

50/50 is great, some may disagree, but if you don't move all the way out there on the backswing (like I do/did) you can keep still and not consciously do anything to recover the situation.

That's my take anyway. :)


Journeyman Pro
May 25, 2009
Newport South Wales
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Our knee joints aren't made to be twisted inwards and then have a load applied to them (resist a turn)... if you want to give up walking in the next 10yrs then carry on :thup: (maybe less than 10yrs if you really try and rip a drive and snap a ligament).

On the contrary, if you flare your feet outwards you can swing as hard as you like... and controlled as it gives you better balance, even Hogan managed to figure that part out.

Isn't flaring your feet outwards twisting your kneecaps then?
Totally confused now,really don't want to damage my knee again (football injury). But it does work to counter the hip slide and weight transfer.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
When you squat down on your haunches do your knees go inwards or outwards?

When you walk do your feet turn inwards or outwards?

Lie on your back with your toes pointing up.... when you relax do they fall inwards or outwards?

I could go on....... ;)

Our knees and ankles aren't made to bend inwards or resist a force... judo would teach you that.. it's the concept of arm locks, leg locks etc... apply a force that the body can't take in the wrong direction that a joint is meant to flex.... believe me it doesn't take much force to dislocate a joint when you apply a force to it in the wrong direction.

I'd be having very stern words with your pro.
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Head Pro
Jul 7, 2012
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When you squat down on your haunches do your knees go inwards or outwards?

When you walk do your feet turn inwards or outwards?

Lie on your back with your toes pointing up.... when you relax do they fall inwards or outwards?

I could go on....... ;)

Our knees and ankles aren't made to bend inwards or resist a force... judo would teach you that.. it's the concept of arm locks, leg locks etc... apply a force that the body can't take in the wrong direction that a joint is meant to flex.... believe me it doesn't take much force to dislocate a joint when you apply a force to it in the wrong direction.

I'd be having very stern words with your pro.

Get yourself a Whippy Tempomaster. Once you're able to hit shots with one of them you'll swing in perfect balance every time.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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I'd be having very stern words with your pro.

James, I think you're making assumptions here.
What if Shewy had his right foot flared out 30 degrees to start with and he has turned it in 20 deg? It will still be poiting outwards a little.
Shewy, get onto Youtube and take a look at the likes of Westwood, Donald, Tiger, Mcllroy etc....their right foot points more or less straight forward so if it's working for them and you, don't fix it.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Many years ago I had what sounds like the exact same problem as you have. I would hit a couple of shots fat then I would thin a few trying to counteract it. What my pro got me to do is like James mentioned earlier and that is to start with slightly more weight on the front foot. Instantly this stopped me from getting stuck on my back foot in the downswing. This also restricted my back swing slightly and stopped me from over swinging. Do not worry that you may loose any power or distance doing this as I smash it right out there with all my clubs doing it this way......:thup:


Money List Winner
Dec 3, 2010
Stevenage, Herts
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your a beast tho Adey ;)

weight transfer is my issue also. I had a lesson and it is definitely helping. I still get caught a little on the right side but practice and more practice is slowly but surely sorting this.

Good luck :thup: