

Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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believe what you want love.

View attachment 23034

Sorry you are right, is 89.24. My bad....

No again that's balls, I was not saying you haven't got it I was saying I couldn't get it. Full package + HD one room no broadband £145 a month at the time. Lowest they went to was £125 + £50 for my Virgin broadband = £175 a month. Virgin was £100 all in for everything including 200mb Broadband. If Sky had done me same price as Virgin minus the broadband cost I would have stayed but they weren't interested.

Just because you have it doesn't mean we all get it, some people do <script id="gpt-impl-0.6148080956430086" src=""></script>get screwed over. As mentioned I was getting an offer of around £65 a month for everything 3 months after I left which was too bloody late wasn't it, should have offered it when I was asking.

It seems to be a real lottery on who gets what and very little for the customer who stays over and over against those who swap or join as new, there should be loyalty options not screw you options.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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I am moving house and have the same package as you ( new install for Sky Q ) - £30 install and bill is £82.50 a month. Cheaper than what I had with Sky +

Keep your old Sky HUB router Phil, the new one is too clever for its own good and thus is terrible. its dual band and utilizes the TV boxes as extra hot spots. Unless you live in a mansion, this is pointless. It tries to create this all singing, all dancing wifi mesh in your house, all it does is make a mess. Its truly awful, I had 3 engineers out, 3 new routers, then rolled back to the old router and have been problem free ever since!

Deleted member 15344

Keep your old Sky HUB router Phil, the new one is too clever for its own good and thus is terrible. its dual band and utilizes the TV boxes as extra hot spots. Unless you live in a mansion, this is pointless. It tries to create this all singing, all dancing wifi mesh in your house, all it does is make a mess. Its truly awful, I had 3 engineers out, 3 new routers, then rolled back to the old router and have been problem free ever since!

Don't worry mate I use my own wireless network within the house and the router will be just a router with the wifi turned off ( I'll even put in a new router as well at some stage )