

Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Brand new toy to play with in the form of a driver and my oppo lets me down for a game today! How cack. Like a kid with a new bike at christmas but dad wont put it together! Grrrr.

Anyone else feel like crying when they cant play?
I'd play anyway! I'm sure you could take the opportunity and play one or two "provisionals" in the process (just for practice)! :D

Well i was gonna go play at the club i am looking to join (an invitational round) so dont really want to turn up on my todd. I will still play today, just not there! O well, F-I-L should be awake soon, al get him out!
I cant play either but this is because I am on the sick list.
Went to the range this morning but could not get going. Just still lacking strength. However my medication has cleared away all the pain and I am trying to get a little exercise to build up to my next attempt at hitting balls.
I have promised myself another new driver (number 8) once I get back to full fitness. And yes it will be CF. :D
Mate, if your are serious about your driver being custom fit, DO NOT settle for anything less than a vector launch monitor and a pga pro fitting you. IT IS THE BEST WAY POSSIBLE! The results are quites staggering!