Type 2 Diabetes


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Feb 27, 2010
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After being diagnosed two years ago and the docs wanting to tip drugs down my throat, ( god I hate them), I told them I was going to sort it out with diet. One doc rang me and screamed at me " do you want to go blind", I kid you not. So I had my latest bloods done and a trainee doc rang me to discuss them. She was foreign and I didn't really understand what she was on about but strangely kept pushing statins on me? Huh, what about the diabetes? I had an appointment with the diabetic nurse a week later so I just put the phone down.
My appointment with the nurse was on Wednesday 9am. Lovely lady (retired actually but filling in). She was going to skip the discussion on the diabetes but I said no, let have the discussion and explained why. No probs. Well, to shorten this coz you're bored now. I'm 48 mmol or whatever. what does that mean? I'm 2 points off being normal! Yeah yeah, do the jokes, the wifes already done them. BP down 23 points. Weight down 8 pounds (I've not converted to KG's for body weight yet sadly). Cholestrol down 0.3, not a lot but still down. She was really chuffed for me and amazed. It made my day and hers as she said she NEVER gets people in who actually do anything about these things, they just take the pills.

So to anyone out there who has been diagnosed. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE PILLS! Change you diet!!!!! It's weird and challenging, but can be done.

I'm now moved to 6 month check ups. Up yours doc Cragg!

Ye Olde Boomer

Well-known member
Dec 30, 2019
An hour northwest of Boston
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After being diagnosed two years ago and the docs wanting to tip drugs down my throat, ( god I hate them), I told them I was going to sort it out with diet. One doc rang me and screamed at me " do you want to go blind", I kid you not. So I had my latest bloods done and a trainee doc rang me to discuss them. She was foreign and I didn't really understand what she was on about but strangely kept pushing statins on me? Huh, what about the diabetes? I had an appointment with the diabetic nurse a week later so I just put the phone down.
My appointment with the nurse was on Wednesday 9am. Lovely lady (retired actually but filling in). She was going to skip the discussion on the diabetes but I said no, let have the discussion and explained why. No probs. Well, to shorten this coz you're bored now. I'm 48 mmol or whatever. what does that mean? I'm 2 points off being normal! Yeah yeah, do the jokes, the wifes already done them. BP down 23 points. Weight down 8 pounds (I've not converted to KG's for body weight yet sadly). Cholestrol down 0.3, not a lot but still down. She was really chuffed for me and amazed. It made my day and hers as she said she NEVER gets people in who actually do anything about these things, they just take the pills.

So to anyone out there who has been diagnosed. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE PILLS! Change you diet!!!!! It's weird and challenging, but can be done.

I'm now moved to 6 month check ups. Up yours doc Cragg!
All true, Crazyface, and best wishes with your chosen approach.

I take a Trulicity shot once a week and then eat whatever the hell I want.
That's what works best for me.
I regard dieting and exercising as forms of self-abuse.
And when the Trulicity stops working, my cremation is already prepaid. :cool:

But best wishes for your health and congratulations on your self-discipline.


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Ave said this before and I will say it again.
When I worked in the medical centre at the pit. Part of our role was doing health survey lances or medicals for the work force. You could see men’s medical results going back decades. Predominantly they had got taller and fatter. There BPs had also gone high, and sometimes very high. They had got to there 40’s and 50’s and were fat. They never exercised, smoke, drank heavy and ate crap. They had two choices to control there BP which is a gateway to other more serious ailments. The two choices were change your lifestyle or take tablets. The vast majority took the easy option. Tablets.
When they had there reviews a year or a two later. They were on BP tablets which affected there libido. Basically they. Ouldnt get it up. There bodies were now used to the medication so they had higher doses. It was a vicious downward spiral.
Big up massive respect to choose the harder but better option. Good luck with it CF me man.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 6, 2012
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After being diagnosed two years ago and the docs wanting to tip drugs down my throat, ( god I hate them), I told them I was going to sort it out with diet. One doc rang me and screamed at me " do you want to go blind", I kid you not. So I had my latest bloods done and a trainee doc rang me to discuss them. She was foreign and I didn't really understand what she was on about but strangely kept pushing statins on me? Huh, what about the diabetes? I had an appointment with the diabetic nurse a week later so I just put the phone down.
My appointment with the nurse was on Wednesday 9am. Lovely lady (retired actually but filling in). She was going to skip the discussion on the diabetes but I said no, let have the discussion and explained why. No probs. Well, to shorten this coz you're bored now. I'm 48 mmol or whatever. what does that mean? I'm 2 points off being normal! Yeah yeah, do the jokes, the wifes already done them. BP down 23 points. Weight down 8 pounds (I've not converted to KG's for body weight yet sadly). Cholestrol down 0.3, not a lot but still down. She was really chuffed for me and amazed. It made my day and hers as she said she NEVER gets people in who actually do anything about these things, they just take the pills.

So to anyone out there who has been diagnosed. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE THE PILLS! Change you diet!!!!! It's weird and challenging, but can be done.

I'm now moved to 6 month check ups. Up yours doc Cragg!
What did you change in your diet? I think I remember you either being fairly fit or getting fitter?? I could be wrong.

I've got my blood pressure/blood tests coming up shortly. I have changed my diet, lost weight and exercising more than ever but kinda prepared for what may be on the cards as pretty much everyone I speak to our age is basically put on tablets or offered more tablets to control