Tips for Playing in the Rain

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Guys, you got any tips for playing in the rain.

I went out this morning, was dry for the front 9 and played ok, for me. But it started to rain on the back 9, I've only ever really played during short showers, but this lasted until the 18th. It wasn't heavy rain just constant stream.

Fairways got pretty soft and waterlogged.

I found I was ok'ish off the tee but my irons were terrible. I've been focusing on trying to strike down on the ball, but in these conditions the ball just seemed to 'squirt' and go nowhere. I tried to adjust and just started topping it, again ball when nowhere.

Some advice would be really useful as I'm out again Saturday.



Money List Winner
Jan 24, 2008
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Very difficult to say without watching you. You may just have a confidence problem in the rain. You shouldn't really need to adjust your game to play in the rain. The only noticable difference I would make if the fairways became softer, Is play short irons in the middle of my stance and to to sweep them away more rather than strike down into a spongy fairway.

What seemed to be the contributory factors? Wet grips? Clubs sliding etc?


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Top tip for playing in the rain - DON'T

Seriously though it may be a number of contributory factors such as too steep a swing path caused by restrictive clothing, wet grips, ball position etc.

When I play in the rain I'm hampered further by being a glasses wearer. I tend to to use a brolly where possible to keep a towel and my glove dry. I have a set pre-shot routine in wet winter golf which is to clean and place my ball first and driy my hands. Decide which club to use and pull it out of my bag. Put my glove on and give the grip a wipe and then take address and play the shot. I make sure I clean the head as much as possible and then go looking for the ball


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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a/ don't play, just walk in.

b/ get a pair of rain gloves.

c/ don't bother with long irons, they are difficult to hit off sticky lies. Stick to short irons, 7 and down, or hybrids, and accept that it is hard to score well. It is the same for everyone. 7 of us played at the weekend, 18 holes of solid rain, and the best score was 29 points. That was a good score in the conditions.


Grand Slam Winner
Oct 17, 2008
Gods waiting room.....
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I don't normally mind playing in the rain, as long as the course if fairly firm underfoot. It doesn't really make an awful lot of difference to your ball striking unless it is as waterlogged as it was on Sunday at Old Thorns.
Try to hit into the back of the ball and mud and shite go everywhere, and a 7 iron goes about 100 yards.
Try and be a little careful and "pick" the ball cleanly off the top and you end up either squirting the bloody thing right about a foot off the ground or blading it through the clubhouse window.
I'm supposed to be playing again on Friday with a couple of mates...if the weather holds up between now and then we will play a local course that drains well. If it rains any more between now and then I will stay at home and clean my balls.


Tour Winner
Sep 2, 2008
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Guys, you got any tips for playing in the rain.

I went out this morning, was dry for the front 9 and played ok, for me. But it started to rain on the back 9, I've only ever really played during short showers, but this lasted until the 18th. It wasn't heavy rain just constant stream.

Fairways got pretty soft and waterlogged.

I found I was ok'ish off the tee but my irons were terrible. I've been focusing on trying to strike down on the ball, but in these conditions the ball just seemed to 'squirt' and go nowhere. I tried to adjust and just started topping it, again ball when nowhere.

Some advice would be really useful as I'm out again Saturday.


As has been said, its difficult on here to judge. But try using a three quater swing and visualise a smooth transition through the ball and only aiming to get 75% distance with chosen club, so if you think its an 8 iron shot, take a 7 or even 6 and go easy . You will be surprised at the results.


Head Pro
May 27, 2008
Essex, England
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personally i love playing in the rain, granted you may duff a few and score badly but the feeling of you vs. the course AND the elements makes it very satisfying in my opinion - especially as you have the course to yourself and can take your time!

User 105

Journeyman Pro
Oct 17, 2008
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Thanks for the feedback guys.

The rain itself doesn't bother me, grips and clothing were fine. I think the issue was really the striking of the ball on such a soft surface. The ground did get really soggy.

It was mainly my longer irons I was having trouble with, 7 and shorter were OK most of the time.

I almost walked off after 3 holes of the back nine but decided to stay with it to see if I could find the adjustment. But didn't. Hence the post.

I think I'll avoid the higher irons and maybe use 3/4 swing hybrid instead if I need some distance.

The course I'm playing on Saturday has much firmer fairways and better drainage, so hopefully won't be so much of an issue.

Thanks Again


Club Champion
Nov 29, 2008
St Ives, Cambs
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I guess my natural swing must just suit the rain and wet ground, as I have never had a problem swinging the same way, although divots cause a bit of a mess! My biggest problem/fear is keeping grips dry. I did once hurl my 5 wood a good 100 yards down the fairway as it left my grip unintentionally!