Tiger - Plenty of work to do


Assistant Pro
May 18, 2009
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One round back after an injury that could have ended his career completely and competing against the best players in the world I'd say he didn't do too badly. Take the fluffed chips and bunker shot out and he's level; these are all mistakes he won't be making in a few weeks time.

I expect him to be challenging when the masters comes around, especially with more time on his swing and time for the short game to get back up to scratch


Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 26, 2010
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I only saw a few minutes of the presenters talking about him and they all seemed rather positive about his swing and put the rest down to rustiness. I have no doubt he'll be in the winners circle more than once next year if he stays fit.


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Aug 1, 2014
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Wow. That 2nd one is just amateur. Hopefully he'll get his short-game sorted soon, and be back on track. Sounds like he went okay in the Pro Am, so was just a bad day. Would love to see Tiger back to his best!


Money List Winner
Dec 11, 2011
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It was bad but he's rusty and it obviously got in his head. Easily sorted for a player of his ability - more interesting was the long game and driving which seems to be quite promising. I think he'll be challenging next year!

Deleted member 18588

He hit the driver long and in the fairway. That has been his Achilles heal in recent times, big improvement there. The chips were brutal but that won't last. He had a lot of birdie chances today, just didn't make any. Rustiness is to be expected.

it was worse than I expected, on the scorecard, but I think there were positives there. Would not be surprised to see him put a good round together 1 day this tournament. He'll be nowhere near the leaders, but I could see a good round coming from him.

Really, only 9/14 fairways hit and 11 GIR. Still plenty of work to do I would suggest.


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Great job by Tiger. Worked though the round, made some errors but kept calm. Big smile on the last green. Day one done... the rest of his life to go...

Deleted member 15344

Well apart from the air shot anger swishes after the duff chips he was calm

And if +5 in perfect conditions is a great job then I hate to see a poor job

He had the odd good drive and good shot but overall was poor


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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For all the work he's put in on the new swing and in rehab since the surgery I cannot believe that so many duffed chips are purely a result of rustiness. It's the one area pros work on more than any other. Very poor and on current showing, even with a swing the experts are saying looks better, it looked like he was well out of sorts


Tour Winner
Jan 2, 2014
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Bla bla bla.... speculate speculate, yall have no idea what the plan was, what his expectations were, how the back is, how the knee is,how much work has been put into what. This was the first test no matter the range and swing work its not real till you play.

It was a poor result, he did a fine job...

Clearly there were expectations but they were yours and maybe not his.

Out of interest I did not see an interview, was there one and what did he say?


Journeyman Pro
Sep 19, 2012
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Really, only 9/14 fairways hit and 11 GIR. Still plenty of work to do I would suggest.

I don't think the stats tell the whole story.

Of the fairways missed:
One was off the first tee where he carved it OOB with a fairway wood not driver. 1st tee nerves.
One was a good straight drive but he hit it too long through the fairway.
There were two bad swings that went left, not entirely unexpected with a swing change and ring rustiness.
Don't recall the 5th missed fairway.

Key point for me was that he looked more comfortable with driver than he has in years, and seems to have picked up some length too, knocking it passed Jason Day several times.

Deleted member 18588

I don't think the stats tell the whole story.

Of the fairways missed:
One was off the first tee where he carved it OOB with a fairway wood not driver. 1st tee nerves.
One was a good straight drive but he hit it too long through the fairway.
There were two bad swings that went left, not entirely unexpected with a swing change and ring rustiness.
Don't recall the 5th missed fairway.

Key point for me was that he looked more comfortable with driver than he has in years, and seems to have picked up some length too, knocking it passed Jason Day several times.

And only 11/18 GIR?

Looked to me as if his all round game was (understandably) extremely rusty and any sing changes he may have made are, again understandably, a long way from set.

I am sure he will improve over the coming months but it does not appear that all the work is yet done.

Deleted member 15344

It's not the first return of Tiger woods - must have been 5 now and doubt we will see anything different than in the last 6 years

He is not the stand out golfer anymore - part of the pack chasing the top 3 or 4 guys


Journeyman Pro
Sep 28, 2010
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I didn't expect him to come out all cylinders firing, he is bound to be rusty after his injury and swing changes. As others have said, his new old swing looks really good and hopefully once hes worked on it in competitive play he will be able to compete again. Its just a case of relieving pressure from his back by not hitting the power shots.

In terms of his duff'd chips I would love to duff 2 chips and still manage a bogey!!

His short game needs some tweeking, getting the tempo working correctly.. won't be long. there is a lot of pressure on him being his home course, he is the host and its his first round back.

Also, those saying a pro should never duff a shot... [video=youtube;jNM5Ko1_Zsc]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNM5Ko1_Zsc[/video]
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