Thunderstorms & Lightening

Biblical rain here Robin.
Garden flooded and roads look like rivers.

Full on here also, Max is in his den now and its lashing it down outside, the guttering can't cope and all you can see is waterfalls off the roofs opposite! No real thunder cracks yet but some very noisy rumbles, I think it will get worse :(
Under siege again here. Massive thunder & lightening and rain lashing it down, had to draw the curtains as the lightening was really strong.

The tele's turned right up as Max has taken cover behind the settee :(
Getting ominously dark here but as this is my day in the office I don't mind! The overnight rain of the past few nights has helped the course tremedously and suddenly it's green again :thup:
Its like the middle of the night right now! Storm right overhead. Unreal thunder and lightning and now hailstones!
am i the only one not to have had and storms? we have had a bit of rain and a tiny rumble here and there, but my kids want to see some lightning and hear some proper thunder!!

Still got the thunder & lightening but no rain! Really loud though so its quite strange really, been rumbling all afternoon but this feels like its building up to a big 'un again!
I was about to head up Stoneleigh for a knock, but its suddenly gone very dark and theres obviously something brewing. No rain here since early afternoon, but loads of lightening and sounds of distant thunder.
Guess i'll just have to sit here and reaquaint myself with Mr Magners ;)
Had to walk off today after 14, due to the thunder and lightning. Furthest point away from the clubhouse so we didn't hear the klaxon.

Started off so well +7 gross after nine, I wont mention the other 5 holes :o
The 1st tee just when the hail started.
Dam iPad wouldn't load pic, will do it off pc in the morning.