Thunderstorms & Lightening

Working thru' the night some of the lightning flashes were quite impressive and the thunder was seemingly continuous at one point... But relatively very little wet stuff with it... Though I was told the area [Park Royal] was hit with a flash storm over the weekend and when the lads got in Monday am they had a good deal of mopping up to do...
I saw a massive lightning fork this morning as I was on the way into work about 6:15 and it appears it hit Piccadilly train station and took out some of the lines :eek:

Nothing at all since really.
Had a pathetic dribble of rain for about 20 mins last night and a bit of thunder for about 5 minutes and that was it :(

Still muggy as a muggy thing today. Hooray for humidity!
Thunder as loud enough to wake me up at around 3, so must have been quite loud!

Then there was an immense flash and simultaneous thunderclap - the loudest I have ever heard - so very very close!

Huge downpour a short time later.

Another less severe session this morning, but back to heat now.
Woke me up at 5AM and nothing ever normally wakes me up, this may sound stupid but it was nice dropping back off to the sound of rolls of thunder and rain 😴😴😴 was still going off when I went to work at 7:45.
Got some beaut lightening here just now. Just watched 4 or 5 strikes across the fields. Amazing to watch.
The rumble of thunder that followed the biggest set car alarms off down in the village.

I love when it's like this, just awesome to watch.
Drove through Troon this morning and there was more water than grass on the 1st fairway of Portland.
I could not believe that there were some total idiots out playing Royal Troon with lightening still about.

Re Hogan's post.
About 15 years ago I ran a Junior open that had over 650 kids playing on three courses.
The morning forecast said that there might be some isolated thunderstorms.
With 3 courses going from 7am to 4pm any delay would have caused mayhem and I was very anxious.
Halfway through the afternoon I heard a rumble of thunder and raced out of the marquee in total panic. watch this old boy returning his wheelie bin to his back garden!!
According to HID and everyone at work we had a storm of biblical proportions last night and also according to HID I slept right through the whole thing. Shame as i love a good storm with seeing the lightening and listening to the rumble of thunder and rain lashing at the windows.

Hope we get one tonight its bloody hot and I'm wide awake.
Half an hour of rain and no lightning or thunder what so ever. Red hot for 2 weeks and we get sod all. Not happy as I love a good storm.
Here we go, round 2 is just starting. Gone pitch black, wind has kicked up, some distant rumblings.

Satellite TV is already stuttering and freezing!

Batten down the hatches, turning the TV up to help Max.'s coming big style again.
Here we go, round 2 is just starting. Gone pitch black, wind has kicked up, some distant rumblings.

Satellite TV is already stuttering and freezing!

Batten down the hatches, turning the TV up to help Max.'s coming big style again.

Biblical rain here Robin.
Garden flooded and roads look like rivers.