things that annoy


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Probably covered loads of times but..

I was mid round yesterday, gross +4 going down the 12th fairway, had played nice drive and 3 wood to 15yd from green on par 5. I was left with a relatively easy chip between the bunkers to the pin. One of the groundstaff had been cutting the fairways and stopped about 20yds behind me, engine still running. I know it shouldn't have but I got distracted by it and promptly s&*nked it. tried to compose myself chip and 2 putts. I don't know if it was just me looking for some excuse but I could swear that he was smirking. Trouble is I was then thinking about this for the next tee shot and pushed it. By this time I was getting really Pi££ed off and promptly dropped 6 shots over the closing holes.
I was playing really well at the time and even after I was striking the ball well but my mind was somewhere else.

I know that you are supposed to stop in the present and I normally do but has anyone else experienced this (not necessarily a tractor) and how did you deal with it.

This has now moved into my top 5 annoyances on course along with
1. slow play
2. un repaired pitch marks
3. un replaced divots
4. mobile phones
I'm gonna go to the range t'mora and take revenge on the ball collector in his tractor. :mad:
Then play 18 after I have got it out of my system.
As I said before, 1 of the most anoying things for me is the person who finishes the hole out first dosen't lift the flag! and walks off the green ready for the next hole while his (mates) are still putting. That really bugs the 5hit out of me
Have had a couple of shaky moments with ground staff watching but that doesn't bother me now. I was playing a solo round on Wed and the guy cutting the rough seemed to be following me. He must of said hi to me 6 times. And had to stop cutting for me to play a shot 3 times. One was a 4 iron off the tee, another a 4 off the deck and last one was a tight drive. Managed to nail all 3 but a few months ago I would have cacked me keks!
I played on Wednesday evening and we were stuck behind a four ball of team members playing in the WedMed and they took an eternity to play their shots. I think they see Pro's dilly dally on TV and think that they should do the same. I was raging with them (until I eagled the 10th ;) )


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
It wasn't the watching that bothered me it was the engine of the tractor that was the distraction.

Madandra, what about the 5 mins each lining up a putt. laying down to sight it, walk around the back of the hole. spend two mins stood over it then hit it 8 foot past to start the whole process over again.
Golf snobs who think they own the course.

Idiots hacking around drinking beer screaming to one another and putting with a 5 iron

Why cant people be normal!?!?
1 - 1st person to hole out not lifting the flag
2 - not fixing pitch marks
3 - not replacing divots
4 - bad manners
5 - mobile phones on course
6 - leaving bags/buggies at wrong side of green
7 - not raking bunkers
I could go on lol
People who stand around gossiping whilst you're playing your shot. Not that they're gossiping, but that they're not making their way to their ball and getting ready to play.

People who make no effort to help find a ball.

Oh, and old slow golfers, young slow golfers, young fast golfers, them in between, people with flash kit, shorts wearers, ants which breathe too loudly, and ....
People that won't look for your ball - but expect help when they go off line

Senior members treating the course as their own and never letting anyone through

Juniors treating it as a playground and running between shots/shouting and mis-using the bunkers

Players not repairing divots and then moaning in the clubhouse about the state of the greens costing them to 3 putt

Partners who won't chat during competitions and are so focussed on what they are doing. We have to be together for four hours at least be civil

Mobile phones. I'm all for carrying one for emergencies/work but they do come with silent buttons

All the gear and no idea merchants parading like some peacock on heat and telling anyone withing 30 yards the obscene amount they spent on the latest driver/bag/ shirt shoes etc
The 3 blokes in front who play only when the golfs on bbc, They wont let you through even though you catch them up on every tee. They just ignore you and make excuse for the last 3 putt, 'them bloody greens are terrible, too fast, too slow, to green, ya cant putt on them'

Then they mess the tee shot and shout, 'ave done it agen' grad the bag and march off 50 yards down the fairway with the same club in their hand. Hack it and proceed again, only changing the club to a PW when they are 5 yards from the green, chip a foot on and go through the pro's process of lining up the putt, to go on and take 3 putts
This is the one that gets me reaching for a 3 wood to draw off their heads :::::


AAAAAaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dead on Madandra, the 3 amigos I was talking about above kept doing this. At one point I was tempted to drive my tee shot over them and just walk through! At best the tee-shots where 150 and I carry about 220 so was really thinking about it.

But knowing my luck I would have thinned it 160.
Hahaha, I was thinking of shouting fore for no reason too and see what they did at one point because I was getting board, but didnt want to disrupt anyone else!
1) Idiots who do not shout fore, I was almost decapitated by a junior the other day who was teeing off when he shouldn't have been.

2) People who don't repair pitchmarks, I always repair mine and then another.

3) People who stand on the green having a drink and marking a card whilst we are waiting to tee off.

4) People who line up a 3ft putt for 5 mins from every concievable angle.
People that drag their feet on greens leaving spike marks and clear damage. This is so inconsiderate and ignorant it is unbelievable. Luckily I rarely come across it though.