The low trajectory, high spinning wedge shot


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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I'm looking for some expert advice here.

I know this is a highly skilled shot and I'm not a highly skilled golfer, but I want to be able to play the low trajectory, high spinning wedge shot.

If you don't know what I'm on about, the shot that Rory played into the 18th yesterday, when it looked like he had just thinned it over the green, and then bounced and checked almost immediately.

Can someone give me some tips on how to play this shot?


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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You've picked one of the hardest shots to master.
First off, you need to be playing a premium ball. (Pro v1/B330/FGTour/Zstar….etc) any of the mid range balls simply don't allow enough spin to be created.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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High tariff shot which won't give the player the best chance of getting consistent results, without a good deal of skill many chunks & thins plus shots that just won't check up so go a ways past the pin.

Starting off much easier to get some consistency to get up & down most often by using the body turn plus connected arm swing & learning through practice what different lengths of back & through swing (by using the clockface image) gives you distance-wise, while allowing them to run out to the pin from the chosen landing spot.

But here's the high spinning check up.


One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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I find any decent ball struck 'properly' gets plenty of spin and checks.

Funny you should say that.

About a week ago I was prattling about on hh he 8th green at my gaff.

Playing my stock Pro V1x I can get the ball to 'slow up' after a bounce or two and find it easy to control distance.

Played the same shot, several times, with a Bridgestone B330RX and found it less predictable.

When I try and play high spinning shots green side, I try and present as much loft as possible at impact. To do this I keep he ball position Centre stance, with a neutral shaft (Not forward leaning forward excessively), then make a back swing proportionate to the distance I need to carry the ball.

The one thing you can't do is slow down into impact. You have to commit fully to the shot.

These guys usually give some good tips out and explain spinning chip shots well:



Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The one thing you can't do is slow down into impact. You have to commit fully to the shot.

This is good advice and is often followed by 'keep the hands in front of the clubhead'


For the more adventurous/brave/daft (you choose), try the oposite :)

This should only be used when you have a good lie and there are no windows behind the flag.
For the greenside lob that needs to land softly,
Position the ball in the centre of your stance,
weight central and hands centre.
Use quite a long backswing, then as you come into impact, slow down a little. Stop the hands at impact and let the club head go past your hands. This actually adds loft and with the slower swing means the ball will land softly.

This shot has to be practised and should only be tried off a good lie.
Also try not to use a wedge with too much bounce.

Or you could just reach for your 64 ;)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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This is good advice and is often followed by 'keep the hands in front of the clubhead'


For the more adventurous/brave/daft (you choose), try the oposite :)

This should only be used when you have a good lie and there are no windows behind the flag.
For the greenside lob that needs to land softly,
Position the ball in the centre of your stance,
weight central and hands centre.
Use quite a long backswing, then as you come into impact, slow down a little. Stop the hands at impact and let the club head go past your hands. This actually adds loft and with the slower swing means the ball will land softly.

This shot has to be practised and should only be tried off a good lie.
Also try not to use a wedge with too much bounce.

Or you could just reach for your 64 ;)

I think the lad in the video I posted Bob says something similar regarding this :thup:


Head Pro
Apr 3, 2012
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Thanks for the comments so far.

I tried it yesterday with my 50 degree wedge.

I was getting the right trajectory but the ball just rolled out with no spin :(

Grooves were clean and I was playing a Pro V1

Deleted member 15344

Thanks for the comments so far.

I tried it yesterday with my 50 degree wedge.

I was getting the right trajectory but the ball just rolled out with no spin :(

Grooves were clean and I was playing a Pro V1

What was the green like ? Hard or soft ?

It's very hard get spin on a ball enough to get it to stop quickly on hard greens


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Use say a 52ºGW (you can use a 56º 58º or 60º but the more loft the more skill you need to execute it as the higher static lofts makes it harder to do) ball is center of stance, hands just ahead on top of the front of the ball so minimum shaft lean, weight left. {you don't want hands well ahead with big shaft lean as this just makes it a good deal harder to do, as to get the low launching spinny you need to have the contact thats round about the 4th groove to be able to generate the spin friction needed with a swing that doesn't have a deal of clubhead speed)

One thing even after setting up right, folks don't get the spin because the backswing was a ways too long so as they come in of ball off a to long backswing so are heavily decelerating through impact so no friction, low launch but little spin so runs out too far.

40 - 50 yards you only want your swing hands to hip height/waist height area, depends on how well a player get can good contact through any short swing you just have to practice to find the swing length, but much further back with backswing & you'll slow down to hit it if you do this shot will travel more or less on the traj you want & round about the correct distance to landing spot but it won't check up it will roll a good ways through.

But if you have a longer swing past hip height along with a fairly complete wrist set & with this you'll get the spin but hit it 20 yards past your landing spot. So instead of 40/50 yards it will fly 70 then check.

What you need is the hands to hip height backswing, but the right hand only really softens back on itself a little ways (same way it would say for 20 foot chip which then you'd keep through contact, you want this kind of right hand with this shot too)

You then have to keep this right wrist angle all the ways to & through impact, right hand only releases after strike, this is important as it enables the strike on ball to be lower on the face around that 4th groove, this is where you'll get the most friction, higher up the face because of the vertical face angle & the strike won't provide that friction in the contact.

The thing with just this soft right hand angle thats kept through impact, is then to get longer distance you need, as it's not with a hand set &release through strike, the speed from this shorter length swing comes from the chest rotation with a connected wide arc arm swing.

One player that perhaps it's easier to see this action on this shot (like the one he holed to go on to beat Tiger in his own comp on the 18th at Sherwood) is Zach Johnson, as he's very much a body rotation control player anyways. But watch him & you'll see less wrists along with the wide arc arm swing with the chest/body rotation as the way to get the speed so distance needed, very much smooth controlled acceleration through strike, not wristy, no big set.