Money List Winner
Following my comments in another thread, I thought that this subject might have its own.
Should the UK have a 'Team GB' mentality in developing golfers to international standard. Much like the RYA do with sailboat racing, and because of this we (GB) have been the most succesful Olympic country in sailing.
The gist of it is. Identify talent at a young age, regular training, coaching, mental coaching, diet coaching, international regattas and general 'grooming' of the few from the many to produce world class competitors.
Yes the parents still have to cough up for alot of the outlay in equipment etc, but it does give the essential support from professionals in a group of other like minded youngsters in which to develop. It also provides a high standard of national competition which provides a springboard to international comps.
I get the impression in golf that it's all down to the parents. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As I understand it the USA has colleges / academys that provide first class facilities to produce home grown talent. It's no wonder that we're a bit thin on the ground for world class players.
Please be assured, I admire our players, and I can only admire their achievments, but without a structure we can only ever produce the occasional rare world class talent. Professional sports is a business, and to produce talent we need to treat it as such.
Comments and views please.
Should the UK have a 'Team GB' mentality in developing golfers to international standard. Much like the RYA do with sailboat racing, and because of this we (GB) have been the most succesful Olympic country in sailing.
The gist of it is. Identify talent at a young age, regular training, coaching, mental coaching, diet coaching, international regattas and general 'grooming' of the few from the many to produce world class competitors.
Yes the parents still have to cough up for alot of the outlay in equipment etc, but it does give the essential support from professionals in a group of other like minded youngsters in which to develop. It also provides a high standard of national competition which provides a springboard to international comps.
I get the impression in golf that it's all down to the parents. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
As I understand it the USA has colleges / academys that provide first class facilities to produce home grown talent. It's no wonder that we're a bit thin on the ground for world class players.
Please be assured, I admire our players, and I can only admire their achievments, but without a structure we can only ever produce the occasional rare world class talent. Professional sports is a business, and to produce talent we need to treat it as such.
Comments and views please.