The Brexit Irish Border Solution

A very pertinent question.

The point being that the EU are wanting the border, we are not. If they, meaning the Republic of Ireland as well, insist on the border then they should be coming up with the acceptable solution, not the UK govt.
yes they just need to build a border post on their side then nobody can blame the UK government.

But do the EU want a border or are they playing politics .
If so we should call their bluff and let them sort it.
Fair enough, you obviously like being ruled over by a party that the Scots voters have rejected for the last 66 years.
Does that not really make your views the minority.

I think we all know that Scotland would be welcomed into the EU. The economic benefits to both would be the obvious factor.

Oh….and your Brexit solution to the Irish border is ????????????????????????.
What about the people of Scotland who vote tory? Should they be ignored? or the people of England who are just as anti-tory?
Not all of Scotland have voted for 66 years in the manner you suggest.
What was the border situation in the island of Ireland prior to the existence of the EU?

A very pertinent question.

The point being that the EU are wanting the border, we are not. If they, meaning the Republic of Ireland as well, insist on the border then they should be coming up with the acceptable solution, not the UK govt.

Ireland and the UK have a CTA, common travel agreement and have had since before the EU ever existed. Ireland has never signed the Schengen Agreement, preferring to keep the CTA as its overriding treaty between them and the UK.

The hard border issue is purely about trade, and Ireland knows it will fall back into recession, which it only escaped 3 years ago, if there isn’t a free trade agreement. All the smoke and mirrors about the Good Friday Agreement is a little disingenuous on the part of the EU and the Irish PM. They are using it to cause as much unrest as they can over Brexit. Their end game is to stop Brexit.
What about the people of Scotland who vote tory? Should they be ignored? or the people of England who are just as anti-tory?
Not all of Scotland have voted for 66 years in the manner you suggest.

What about the Scots that voted no to independence? Oh that’s right, they get ignored.
A solution to the border issue should surely form the basis for any deal - it is Tier 1 - all other Red Lines are Tier 2 by comparison.

Indeed I think May appreciates this as in recent HoC statements on the matter she says that she will not allow there to be any hard border imposed. That statement surely burst the balloon of the most sinister JR-M who quite insouciantly shrugs his shoulders and blames the EU at the possibility of the EU having to impose border controls if an agreed solution is not forthcoming.

We have most probably all - at some time in our lives - had to do things we absolutely did not want to do as a result of the actions of another. And indeed it is often that by us having to do what we must, there is a negative impact on others we would not want to hurt. And we know how we feel if those who by their actions precipitated our actions claim no responsibility for what results.

We do not view them very favourably...

Yet this is the stance the Mr Sinister Fauntleroy (aka JR-M) takes in respect of the NI/EU border.
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I think I've found a solution 😁

The arses that we are dealing with in the EU, rather than try to make an example of us to frighten any other country from leaving, offer us a much better deal to stay than the rubbish that they offered David Cameron. If it was much better then I'm pretty sure Mrs M could soon pursuade the country to have a second referendum and we undoubtedly would reverse the original vote.

Not rocket science but I guess it ain't ever gonna happen 😁
Fair enough, you obviously like being ruled over by a party that the Scots voters have rejected for the last 66 years.
Does that not really make your views the minority.

I think we all know that Scotland would be welcomed into the EU. The economic benefits to both would be the obvious factor.

Oh….and your Brexit solution to the Irish border is ????????????????????????.

The highlighted bit kinda sums up the reason we voted to leave in the first place, we are being 'ruled' by a 'party' that the majority do not want.
In a moment of brilliance (please excuse my modesty) I have come up with the answer to this problem.......

Northern Ireland remains in the EU and Scotland remains in the UK.

Not very groundbreaking so far, I'll admit, but next all of the Scots that want to remain in the EU move to Northern Ireland, and all of the Northern Irish that want to stay as part of the UK and leave the EU move to Scotland. In effect Scotland becomes Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland becomes Scotland. They could even change the names of the two countries to reflect this. Both countries have good golf courses and make whiskey so it's a decent trade off. And it ends any issues over the Good Friday agreement because there is no longer a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Any English or Welsh residents that wish to remain in the EU could also move to what was Northern Ireland and it eases the problems of overcrowding and pressure on public services in England. And we can then go for the plan the EU like which is to have the border in the Irish Sea.

I think that you'll all have to admit that my solution is genius. :thup:
In a moment of brilliance (please excuse my modesty) I have come up with the answer to this problem.......

Northern Ireland remains in the EU and Scotland remains in the UK.

Not very groundbreaking so far, I'll admit, but next all of the Scots that want to remain in the EU move to Northern Ireland, and all of the Northern Irish that want to stay as part of the UK and leave the EU move to Scotland. In effect Scotland becomes Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland becomes Scotland. They could even change the names of the two countries to reflect this. Both countries have good golf courses and make whiskey so it's a decent trade off. And it ends any issues over the Good Friday agreement because there is no longer a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Any English or Welsh residents that wish to remain in the EU could also move to what was Northern Ireland and it eases the problems of overcrowding and pressure on public services in England. And we can then go for the plan the EU like which is to have the border in the Irish Sea.

I think that you'll all have to admit that my solution is genius. :thup:

One huge flaw in your otherwise brilliant plan

One makes Whiskey and the other Whisky 😊

It's never going to work is it ?
In a moment of brilliance (please excuse my modesty) I have come up with the answer to this problem.......

Northern Ireland remains in the EU and Scotland remains in the UK.

Not very groundbreaking so far, I'll admit, but next all of the Scots that want to remain in the EU move to Northern Ireland, and all of the Northern Irish that want to stay as part of the UK and leave the EU move to Scotland. In effect Scotland becomes Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland becomes Scotland. They could even change the names of the two countries to reflect this. Both countries have good golf courses and make whiskey so it's a decent trade off. And it ends any issues over the Good Friday agreement because there is no longer a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Any English or Welsh residents that wish to remain in the EU could also move to what was Northern Ireland and it eases the problems of overcrowding and pressure on public services in England. And we can then go for the plan the EU like which is to have the border in the Irish Sea.

I think that you'll all have to admit that my solution is genius. :thup:

No I can't see this working, there are too many important things you've missed out.

1) The haggis is native to Scotland, would they all have to be rounded up and relocated to the wilds of NI or would they stay and become Irish? They are very sensitive animals, they might not breed so well in the slightly different climate.

2) All the 'Royal' golf clubs have reciprocals with each other I believe, will this still apply to Royal County Down?

3) Scotland own the patent on deep fried Mars bars, will this be affected?

I'm sure there are plenty of other things I've missed too?
One huge flaw in your otherwise brilliant plan

One makes Whiskey and the other Whisky 😊

It's never going to work is it ?

Article 51 covers the cross border movement of the letter E I think :thup:
In a moment of brilliance (please excuse my modesty) I have come up with the answer to this problem.......

Northern Ireland remains in the EU and Scotland remains in the UK.

Not very groundbreaking so far, I'll admit, but next all of the Scots that want to remain in the EU move to Northern Ireland, and all of the Northern Irish that want to stay as part of the UK and leave the EU move to Scotland. In effect Scotland becomes Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland becomes Scotland. They could even change the names of the two countries to reflect this. Both countries have good golf courses and make whiskey so it's a decent trade off. And it ends any issues over the Good Friday agreement because there is no longer a border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Any English or Welsh residents that wish to remain in the EU could also move to what was Northern Ireland and it eases the problems of overcrowding and pressure on public services in England. And we can then go for the plan the EU like which is to have the border in the Irish Sea.

I think that you'll all have to admit that my solution is genius. :thup:

You do know what led to the break up of Ireland, i.e. the Ulster Plantation of Lowland Scots.... its a convoluted story but worth a read, and it is the root of all the troubles in Northern Ireland.
Article 51 covers the cross border movement of the letter E I think :thup:

If you were to read it properly that article only covers the letter E when its preceding the following letters 'by gum' and is strictly only used for people up north !