Tee time booking and restrictions on how many times a week you can book

Our booking for Friday went online at 10am and was very busy, but not mentally so, maybe having two courses helped - there's a couple of late (7.30pm onwards) places still available.

I booked about half an hour after times went live and got 9.30am on the smaller course, happy with that - I'd have had little choice on the main one where most times had gone in first five minutes.

We are doing bookings up to two days in advance through BRS and you can book either a two ball or a single - if you book as a single then you may get someone booking alongside you. To add a third player you have to book online and then phone in to add the extra person.

As far as I can see we could book to play every day under present, though I did notice that we can only book one tee time per day
We had a stern email from the D of G outlining , once again, the booking process and giving a reminder to people who have accidentally breached the rules and those who have, quite frankly, taken the pee, that the committee are looking at what sanctions can be imposed on repeat offenders.
Those who had too many times boomed have been asked to remove them or the will " be removed on your behalf"...
This week is rammed as it would have been half term week, many will already have booked the time off and have nowhere to go
When I looked this morning there was roo to add 14 players to the times between 7am this morning and close of play Saturday evening- all after 6.30.
We started off 2 balls on 9 holes and only 2 rounds and used the IG limiter they created

First members found a way around it and then told other members how to do it
Curious about that. We use the IG limiter, set to 3 bookings in the next 7 days.It seems to work, when I tested it, I couldn‘t book a 4th. Only way I know of over riding it is by someone with Admin rights, e.g the Pro, where an available tee time can be booked on the day but only by phoning the shop.
Curious about that. We use the IG limiter, set to 3 bookings in the next 7 days.It seems to work, when I tested it, I couldn‘t book a 4th. Only way I know of over riding it is by someone with Admin rights, e.g the Pro, where an available tee time can be booked on the day but only by phoning the shop.

The limiter is on a rolling basis and it ignores the day you are playing

So if you book three tee times for say Monday to Wednesday, on Monday you can book for Thursday, Tuesday you can book for Friday , Wednesday you can book for Saturday etc as the system will only see you have 3 live tee bookings due to ignoring the day you are on

It doesn’t work on a “static” week ie - Monday to Sunday.
The limiter is on a rolling basis and it ignores the day you are playing

So if you book three tee times for say Monday to Wednesday, on Monday you can book for Thursday, Tuesday you can book for Friday , Wednesday you can book for Saturday etc as the system will only see you have 3 live tee bookings due to ignoring the day you are on

It doesn’t work on a “static” week ie - Monday to Sunday.

OK, so it works as I expected and explained by IG. It’s the number of bookings in the next 7 days. In your example it assumes there are enough tee times available on the Thursday, Friday etc. Members could have booked on Monday, Thursday and Saturday for example.
Just got a message saying our June medal is on (no money, or 2's)....over 4 days to make sure everybody gets a shot. Late June........waiting for something to happen before I research this one....
OK, so it works as I expected and explained by IG. It’s the number of bookings in the next 7 days. In your example it assumes there are enough tee times available on the Thursday, Friday etc. Members could have booked on Monday, Thursday and Saturday for example.

What it means is that you can book 7 days in a row , it’s only a restriction on future bookings so it didn’t work how it was initially described to us. We and other clubs expected it to just only allow a specific amount in a set 7 days but it didn’t and people learned quickly that it ignored the day you are on. We still have people now abusing them requests.
As you know, I'm against it at the best of times but I just don't see how single sex block bookings can possibly be justified under the current circumstances.

The response was “the Ladies have a historic booking on a Tuesday and those ladies don’t play any other time in the week because they get intimidated by the men”

We have a meeting tomorrow and it will be highlighted that every single one of those ladies that are in the reserved booking also managed to book rounds on other days as well - they have shot themselves in the foot and did it very publically
Yeah, might almost have had some sympathy if the reason had stood up to scrutiny. (almost)

I fully understand that there are new golfers and people of an age that would take a little bit longer and there are some ladies that only play 9 each week - we had 4 spots a day reserved for those people but they refused it and wanted the block booking.

Members are looking into equality laws etc etc and it could get messy
Let me know what they come up with. Might come in handy ;)
Certainly - should work both ways.

The problem is booking competitions doesn’t get covered under any equality laws etc hence why our ladies booked a comp every single Tuesday.
I fully understand that there are new golfers and people of an age that would take a little bit longer and there are some ladies that only play 9 each week - we had 4 spots a day reserved for those people but they refused it and wanted the block booking.

Members are looking into equality laws etc etc and it could get messy

sounds like plenty not going to come out of this covered in glory :( undoes all the good work that had been done previously too, you must be seriously hacked off tbh
The response was “the Ladies have a historic booking on a Tuesday and those ladies don’t play any other time in the week because they get intimidated by the men”

We have a meeting tomorrow and it will be highlighted that every single one of those ladies that are in the reserved booking also managed to book rounds on other days as well - they have shot themselves in the foot and did it very publically

If the ladies are intimidated by some members then there will be men also intimidated. This is not about gender it is about intimidation.
sounds like plenty not going to come out of this covered in glory :( undoes all the good work that had been done previously too, you must be seriously hacked off tbh
Very annoyed mate especially after all the work we did about 4 years ago , the hounding out of the junior player who played of scratch was a disgrace and all because they didn’t like her winning the big Club champs.
Not true, it's textbook indirect sex discrimination and literally the example of how not to do it in England Golf's equality act guidance.

It’s already been cleared that it doesn’t come under any sex discrimination law - it may not be right under guidance but by law it’s fine unfortunately but there are some lawyers going into it.

But there is the big core who don’t want them to play on Saturdays so happy to let them have Tuesday’s - it needs a huge attitude change which is prob years away
Ridiculous. Logged in before 7.00 for the sheet to come out bang on 7.00 and earliest I can get is 1.10 and all gone by 7.06. Think the club needs to start doing what so many other clubs are doing and rationing bookings. People are playing everyday and so those folks working aren't getting a look in
Gender should not come into when you can play or how much you pay. It should be equal for everyone.
Correct, however at my club ( and this is normal times, not right now) it's the women who have refused to give up their weekday morning tee reservation for their play and comps. They are free to play any other time as well.
Currently right now everything is first come first served.
Correct, however at my club ( and this is normal times, not right now) it's the women who have refused to give up their weekday morning tee reservation for their play and comps. They are free to play any other time as well.
Currently right now everything is first come first served.[/QUOTE

Ladies at ours had to be told in NUT that they couldn't keep there 4 slots of 2 hours 9 half hour buffer as they don't want men behind them, they wanted an hour. they can also book any other time. there are no say when women can't book the only exception being the 10 silver trophy comps but they can play PM as there usually only take up the mornings. We also had to stop the medal role up slots for men, which on the monthly medal which you book yourself and play with your choice of partner (2 a month) was half hour slot at 9am and another at 1pm fore guys who didn't have a partner to play with. Ladies were turning up in those and demanding to play, even though they didn't have comp on as they refused mixed medals. our ladies still think they are hard done by despite not day they cannot play, but have 3 Sat opens where the course is closed the whole day to men.. then there was the winter league they tried to start, baring in mind they already had 8.30 to 9.30 every tues and thursday moring, the ladies section also have there own advanced booking log in, everyone else has to do it FCFS, so they advance booked every Monday, Wed and Friday, you couldn't make it up
Well they made a mess of that... Had a call from the Captain of the Kings it seems they didn't give clear instruction on how many times you could play so has had to call everyone that booked more than 2 times and ask them to cancel them:LOL:
What I have learned over the last 14 days is how unappreciated some members are and also how unaware they are of others members needs also how some just want to act as if it’s normal

We started off 2 balls on 9 holes and only 2 rounds and used the IG limiter they created

First members found a way around it and then told other members how to do it

We then decided to go to 18 holes at the weekend so we then allowed people to book more times during the week but not to go mad - some of course booked everyday

We are now at 18 holes and decided on 3 rounds a week and now people complaining that’s not enough. Just can’t win with some people. They have again found a way to be able to book more than 3 and continue to attempt to book at 4th despite numerous emails - just self self self

And then we add the Ladies - we wanted to have every tee time all week long open for everyone , no block bookings or reserved spots beyond two a day for the people who don’t use the IT - Nope not the ladies , ended up forcing through a block booking on their regular Tuesday spot to create their “Ladies Day” - it’s not gone down well and can see things getting worse and I suspect they are going to lose any ability to play in comps at weekend

At first we were told two rounds in the rolling week, to me, that means 7 days from today, then 7 days from tomorrow, then 7 days from Saturday and so on. It was soon found that once today's round was finished you could book the day after tomorrow (if you had a tee booked today and tomorrow). In the first week we were also very quickly told we could play every day up to the weekend if times were available, which they were because we were on 9 holes with two sets of concurrent tee times. I discussed it with Trev and Simon one evening where I found out the rolling week was In their eyes Sat - Fri. I have no problem with that, and adjusted my bookings accordingly. However, going to 18 holes has seriously reduced any flexibility we had inWeek 1 with two sets of 9 to book, and the seven day period is chockablock from the start. I'd love to play every day if I could, but appreciate the needs to make it available to all members, in my opinion we should go back to 9 holes, at least whilst still on 2 balls, and keep the limit at 3 9 hole rounds in 7 days (not rolling days).