Swing too long?


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Its been awhile since I've had any real time to work on my swing (one of the main reasons my handicap has stagnated this year)
I finally got the chance to get my swing on video for the first time in over a year yesterday.
After viewing I didn't quite realise just how far back I actually swing.:mmm:

After a quick chat with the pro he thinks along as I'm not over turning to gain extra power I should leave alone.
What do you guys think? leave alone or try and shorten it?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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super swing lad! wouldn't have a clue how to improve that!

ball a little back in the stance?? I do that too btw! looking like you are nutting it!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Good rhythm & timing to it, good motion back & through.

Yep maybes given the club your using, it's a little ways past at the top.
But is that giving you a deal of accuracy problems re FIR, GIR?

If not giving any major issues out on the course, or accuracy & particularly dispersion during practice sessions then maybes leave alone. But if in a search to get better, lower scores, lower handicap, it is accuracy, dispersion that's letting you down some, then it would be something to have a look at.

Is so, the only real way to success through practice having already got a good motion through the swing, will have to be through lots of real slow motion work/drills. (as with the swing being ingrained as it is, as soon as you just try to make any changes just through ordinary full speed swings , it won't happen, you'll just go back your default swing, swinging as you are here to that length, with your longer clubs the swing will be a little longer again.

So slow motion drill would be from takeway (ball tad forward to eliminate the little sway) to left arm horizontal, shaft at around 90º then feel that it's the right shoulder turning behind you & that shoulder turn to top that just carries the arms & club up to 3/4's when the shoulders stop, it's then a deal easier to stop the arms/hands & club at the same time.

Ball position here is a little back, say around one ball back, & thats the reason you have to have a little right ways sway off the ball before the turn in the very first move away. Ball being further back has subconsciously factored in that tiny sway right off the ball first to get yourself 'behind' it.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Good rhythm & timing to it, good motion back & through.

Yep maybes given the club your using, it's a little ways past at the top.
But is that giving you a deal of accuracy problems re FIR, GIR?

If not giving any major issues out on the course, or accuracy & particularly dispersion during practice sessions then maybes leave alone. But if in a search to get better, lower scores, lower handicap, it is accuracy, dispersion that's letting you down some, then it would be something to have a look at.

Is so, the only real way to success through practice having already got a good motion through the swing, will have to be through lots of real slow motion work/drills. (as with the swing being ingrained as it is, as soon as you just try to make any changes just through ordinary full speed swings , it won't happen, you'll just go back your default swing, swinging as you are here to that length, with your longer clubs the swing will be a little longer again.

So slow motion drill would be from takeway (ball tad forward to eliminate the little sway) to left arm horizontal, shaft at around 90º then feel that it's the right shoulder turning behind you & that shoulder turn to top that just carries the arms & club up to 3/4's when the shoulders stop, it's then a deal easier to stop the arms/hands & club at the same time.

Ball position here is a little back, say around one ball back, & thats the reason you have to have a little right ways sway off the ball before the turn in the very first move away. Ball being further back has subconsciously factored in that tiny sway right off the ball first to get yourself 'behind' it.

I think the swing stops working so well with the driver,with that club in hand it really does appear as an overswing (club way past horizontal). So it's a work in progress there.
The sway is a real PITA. It comes and goes, I can sometimes get stuck over the ball ( à la Kevin Na a while ago). I resist the urge to forward press as it usually starts me taking the club back inside, which is a game killer for me.

I like that drill, I feel the resistance a lot earlier into the backswing. I shall see how I can work that into my swing tomorrow.

I will report back tomorrow. Hopefully with video too.


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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Tried the drill today. It works but I can't seem to get it to fully work in a full swing.
Its a little shorter, the club doesn't pass horizontal now but its far from being shorter.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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It depends on the results of accuracy & dispersion, & whether thats an issue that you feel needs addressing. From your swing motion in general you're not going to have an issue with distance so much, so to shoot lower assuming a good short game it's all about more accuracy for FIR, & accuracy & importantly distance control for GIR & having more putts in the birdie range.

But to see whether you can get to left arm horizontal & shaft at or really near 90º, then let the body pivot/shoulder turn carry it up, the goal through that really is so both the arms & club & turn stop together at the same point it will be shorter because of the way it goes back, it's not so much about a very specific short length but more about connection.

Swing in vids here a deal shorter, ball looks in a better position.

But as always it's about the results with the ball, so you'd need to hit a good bunch of shots over different days to see what the average accuracy/dispersion would be, so see if it better, it should give you better control but it depends if you can live with finding that change, as you'll have to live with it feeling a ways weird over the short term, as comfortable would still be what you're used to doing normally.
It's about finding a way to be connected better arms & body for more accurate strikes & results, not so much about being too pre-occupied with a specific 'short' length, just not having an overswing - if that overswing is causing accuracy issues in the first place.

But whatever the changes someone is looking to make, it doesn't very often just switch immediately to what they're looking for. Very hard to make any real inroads to a permanent change swinging at a normal speed swing to, as that will always pretty much bring anyone back to the default swing motions they've used to making.
Just gotta look at the Tour players trying to change stuff it always takes some time. You'll always see them working at half pace for a good bunch of shots as at that speed they can feel what they are trying to do a deal better, then they'll hit one at 80% to see where they are with it, then back to the slow-mo drill backswing positions & then more half speed swing motions, then the one at 80% again fro a reality check.

The reason you'd look to curb an overswing in the first place if it's causing issues - overtime they usually do.

Is it's then a deal easier to get to a good impact with minimal timing issues, so a lot more consistent contact, so better distance control & the face angle arriving in good shape so more consistent direction, better dispersion & accuracy, & no need then to try to compensate with arms hands through impact in anyway because an overswing has given any timing problems.

One thing that's just come out, that will give you accurate image of where your overall game is at is 'Game" as once you get past 6 or so rounds you'll start to see a pattern of really where the weaker points in the game really are.
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Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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One other way to experience a shorter swing is the backswing & stop drill. Not easy to do.

To get the most out of it, you would have a 2 stop backswing, so swing back to left arm horizontal position making sure the shaft angle is very near or at 90º & stop for a second or so.

Then with the shoulders continue the turn carrying the arms & club to a hands to shoulder high shaft at 3/4 position & stop, to feel that 'end' of backswing position then just count & hold that position for 1 & 2, on 3 press some weight into the left foot as the trigger from the 'stopped' 3/4 top position & swing down & through to a balanced finish.

So you are not bothered by contact issues while your trying to do this put the ball on a short tee but pushed right down, & maybe use an 8i first off.

This backswing & stop drill not that easy to do, but really does give you a feel, makes you much more aware for just where that shorter top position is than just trying to feel it at first in the continuing motion of a swing at normal speed, & also makes you a lot more aware of the arms club & pivot/shoulder turn being completely connected.
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