Storm damage on your course?

A couple of the interesting looking short Scots pines have gone, back of 5th side of the 11th tee which were uprooted, and one by the 15th tee snapped in half. A few on the edges oob on the right of 17th also snapped.. fair bit of sand off the beach on the 5th fairway..
Only one significant tree damage (lots of minor stuff). As per my other post sadly it was the wrong side of the tree that went. 2nd big bit of damage to this tree during the past year I suspect they might take the whole thing down.

Newton tree.jpg
Just back from a quick 18 and, apart from twigs and small branches - the biggest of which was about an inch thick - there's no other damage at all...maybe the tree roots go deeper on chalk...:unsure:
Surprised to hear we lost our storm shelter (which housed the defib) and the weather vane from the clubhouse roof today. Didn't think the winds were as bad as Friday but I guess they could have been seriously weakened and today was more than enough to damage them. At least the defib was saved (and checked to be working).
Been up at Garesfield since I left CLS a couple of years ago, it’s right on my doorstep. Think I saw you when I played with some mates at CLS in the new year, your mate nearly hit me on the 2nd ?

aye were you playing with John and Craig? thought it was you on the tee i'd put my first tee shot in the 11th bunker :ROFLMAO:
Sounds like we’ve lost a glorious specimen blue larch by our 18th tee (the larch of course being evergreen and vulnerable)….what a shame if that’s the case…otherwise most important trees are pretty much intact.
We had a few trees fall on the 7th but they don't affect the playability of the course.

We did have one large tree fall on the 14th hole too which played a major role in how the hole played. It was in play from the tee shot so you had 2 options play right of it and this brought the right rough into if you didn't draw one round it. The other option was to go over it which is possible but a lot of people couldn't hit it high enough to do so. Now it's gone it changes the way the hole will be played as it brings the out of bounds into play much more, but in doing so makes the hole play shorter too as it's a dog leg left to right and the tree forced you to the right. If I'm honest I'm glad it's gone as I think it will make the hole more exciting to play as the wind is regularly off the left and it made a lot of people including myself play it safe and take an iron or 3 wood to ensure the trouble was out of play.

We had a few trees fall on the 7th but they don't affect the playability of the course.

We did have one large tree fall on the 14th hole too which played a major role in how the hole played. It was in play from the tee shot so you had 2 options play right of it and this brought the right rough into if you didn't draw one round it. The other option was to go over it which is possible but a lot of people couldn't hit it high enough to do so. Now it's gone it changes the way the hole will be played as it brings the out of bounds into play much more, but in doing so makes the hole play shorter too as it's a dog leg left to right and the tree forced you to the right. If I'm honest I'm glad it's gone as I think it will make the hole more exciting to play as the wind is regularly off the left and it made a lot of people including myself play it safe and take an iron or 3 wood to ensure the trouble was out of play.

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That is a big loss, strategically, to the hole