I use Game Golf and for the 19 rounds post lockdown my stats are: (Im 13 hcap, judging against the states of a 10&20 handicap )
First figure me, next 10 hcap, next 20 hcap
FIR 45%, 48%, 43%
GIR 32%, 37%, 21%
Puts 1.9, 1.8, 2.0
Scramble 17% 21%, 10%
100 Yards in 78%, 62%, 50%
100-150 yrds 51%, 46%, 33%
150+ yards 21%, 28%, 21%
So Based on %'s for each area i'm a:
FIR 15hcapper
GIR 14hcapper ish
Puts 15hcapper
Scramble 13hcapper
100 Yards in close to scratch
100-150 yrds 5 hcapper
150+ yards 20 hcapper
So basically my strength is between 0-150 yards to lower my handicap. I just need to get there
First figure me, next 10 hcap, next 20 hcap
FIR 45%, 48%, 43%
GIR 32%, 37%, 21%
Puts 1.9, 1.8, 2.0
Scramble 17% 21%, 10%
100 Yards in 78%, 62%, 50%
100-150 yrds 51%, 46%, 33%
150+ yards 21%, 28%, 21%
So Based on %'s for each area i'm a:
FIR 15hcapper
GIR 14hcapper ish
Puts 15hcapper
Scramble 13hcapper
100 Yards in close to scratch
100-150 yrds 5 hcapper
150+ yards 20 hcapper
So basically my strength is between 0-150 yards to lower my handicap. I just need to get there