Speeding wheelie merchant


Grand Slam Winner
Mar 9, 2007
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Somw guy has been prosecuted for 7 counts of speeding in a 30 mph zone, 3 of them over 80 mph, one of them while pulling a wheelie.

Now he gets 39 points on his license, 6 points for each offence plus another 3 for not being in control (the wheelie).

Now, I am no mathematician, but that is 45 points to me.

Also, he gets an 18 month ban (apparently he looses the points after the ban, where as mine stay on my license for 3 years), a £600 fine and £30 costs. Ooh.

Apparently this will teach every one a lesson regarding speeding.

Is it me, or is this pathetic. I am not after the death sentence, but I can't take this seriously at all.

If you do 142 on a motorway, you get sent to prison, but 82 in a 30 where there are likely to be vulnerable people crossing the road, a bit of a ban.


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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I can't say I'm surprised. We had a case where a kid, 15 I think, was done for taking and driving. Asked for 70 counts to be taken into consideration - fined £70.

Left the court, stole a car to get home!


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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Couldn't agree with you more Murph. 18 months is not a deterrent, since most of these folk are happy to drive whilst banned. I reckon a 2 year GPS tag would be more appropriate. Caught driving even a shopping trolley with intent should then lead to a short spell.

Yesterday, some folks were complaining at the planned 6 point specials coming in this year. These are fixed point average speed cameras and if you average over 45 mph in a 30 or 95 in a 70, you get 6 points. To average over 95 on the M-way over 5 miles would mean hitting a ton more often than not.....can't really complain at 6 points if the needle is sat bang on 100 for miles on end. As for 45 in a 30....if it was up to me, I'd make it an instant 6 points, maybe more and probably introduce a mandatory month's ban.

My road is a 30, some drivers go 50.....there have been deaths and crashes.....yet still we get no speed camera or speed notification-type sign....


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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If you do 142 on a motorway, you get sent to prison

Except not here.....one of our local coppers has been let off (after appeal) for doing 130 on the M54. He got done, then the police fought to get him off. He was off duty.

Why didn't the police accept the fine, make a public scape goat of him, then privately go easy on him......it would have restored a lot of confidence in the public perception of the force.


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2007
Chatham, Kent.
The judiciary are just arses to be honest. Stronger sentencing is definately needed.

I do have a lot of time for traffic police however. They seem to use a bit of discretion which is great for example, on an empty motorway in good conditions many of them unofficially wont pull anything under 95 or so if you are driving sensibly.

Anyway, the motorway speed limit is a farce. It was set down when cars where crap and stopping distances were huge.


Head Pro
Dec 26, 2007
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Yes agree John, only the other night watched a cop show where the two motorway cops said..' if we stopped everyone who did 80/85 mph we would be stopping 90% of drivers',but speeding in built up areas should be enforced.


Assistant Pro
Mar 11, 2008
Watford, Hertfordshire
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Don't get me started on speeding..........I got done doing 35 in a 30 one Sunday (when the roads and pavements are really heaving!!!!). One notification in the post later and I am given the option of a Speed Awareness Course for £100, or £60 and 3 points - FOR 35 MPH.

Makes me seeth when you see some of the injustice floating round in the name of road safety


Tour Winner
Nov 17, 2007
west yorkshire
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Got zapped at 4.30 in the morning doing 37 in a 30. Not another car to be seen anywhere.
I have no problem in principle because I was exceeding the limit but when you see some of the ar$eholes on the road. If i had a video camera fixed to the car i could catch 50 a day