Snooty Clubs

...they were the snootiest set of people I have ever seen at a golf club. We were well dressed, respectful and not presenting any trouble - and every time I think of Valderama that's the memory I have.

Did they mention who they were?

They just spoke Spanish very loudly, waved their arms around a lot, gesticulated and ushered us towards the car park.
The OP needn't have gone to Spain to find ''snooty'' golf clubs. He's got Parkstone and Ferndown on his doorstep. I remember seeing Manuel Ballesteros (Seve's brother) treated like a lump of s*** at Ferndown. Why? Because he wanted lunch and didn't have a collar and tie!

I have friends who are members at both. Ferndown is still a bit old school, but a fabulous course. Parkstone is moving to the 20th (not 21st!) Century slowly, but to be honest it's too short a course anyway!
Parkstone is a good challenge when the heather isgrowin and when they use to let it grow right into the edge of the fairway. Length wise not a challenge as long as you are straight off the tee. Know what you mean about both clubs though. Neither are what you might call forward thinking
It's not just golf clubs. I remember an occasion when I was about 20 yrs old (yes I can remember that far back) Three of us went into a very posh country club a few miles from where i live. We knew it was posh and as we pulled into the car park and saw the Bentleys, Mercs etc.... this just confirmed it.

As we walked through the lounge it went very quiet, all these "sorts" were sat in their tweed jackets drinking aperitifs and we just walked up to the bar and ordered 3 pints of Tetleys, asked the bar man if there were any more nuts as they were a little low and we spent the next 20 mins being very loud, catching nuts in our mouths and generally amusing ourselves.
I think it was arefreshing change for the bar staff as they seemed to have a little smirk as we left.
We were pi$$ing ourselves laughing in the car park.
How dare we enter their inner sanctum.

I think i'm due another visit :D
HTL, they asked what car you drive??? Bloody hell thats OTT isnt it.

Luckily for me I havent encountered much in the way of snobbery in terms of my golfing life.

Agreed, i think i would of laughed in his face, and asked him the same question back!