Signing in on the computer.


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Nov 26, 2021
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Under the new rules, do I have to sign in on the computer for a competition. I turned to play a Medal competition on time, collected my card from the starter but forgot to sign in on the computer. I was disqualified. I am a little absent minded and it seems unfair. If I have broken a rule then can you tell me which it is because I can't find it. Thanks Martin.


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Nov 26, 2021
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It would be easier if when entering a competition it was accepted as signing in. I am a senior citizen and a bit absent minded. Alternatively if a person has entered why can't they be allowed to sign in after their round if they forget before?


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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It is a condition of the comp where I play. It replaced signing in the book.
We installed an extra PSI screen to make it easier and these are placed so that you do not need to enter the pro shop. We now keep the cards next to them.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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Probably a condition of competition rather than a specific rule of golf?
Now 'Terms of the Competition'
Specifically 5a(2)
(2) Entry Requirements and Dates
The way to enter the competition and the starting and ending dates for entry should be specified.
Examples include:
Method of entry, such as completing an online entry form, returning an entry form by mail or entering names on a sheet any time before the player’s start time.


Head Pro
Oct 9, 2013
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It would be easier if when entering a competition it was accepted as signing in. I am a senior citizen and a bit absent minded. Alternatively if a person has entered why can't they be allowed to sign in after their round if they forget before?

We have IG and I have set the competitions that players don not have to check in on the basis they have to collect their card and most pay on the day, having to check in before your round was such pain for sum. Yes we have had some who pay in advance an do not play without letting me know, so in effect a No-Return so they are DQ and penalty score applied and it went against their three NR and a 30 Comp ban - doesn't happen often through


Tour Rookie
Dec 29, 2006
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Under the new rules, do I have to sign in on the computer for a competition. I turned to play a Medal competition on time, collected my card from the starter but forgot to sign in on the computer. I was disqualified. I am a little absent minded and it seems unfair. If I have broken a rule then can you tell me which it is because I can't find it. Thanks Martin.
Sorry to hear of tour problem. Have you considered contacting The Club asking for the reason for disqualification and if as you suspect where it actually states it is a “Term of the Competition?”


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Jul 22, 2019
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At our place we do not sign in. We register on howdidido, draw is done, and we just turn up. Pro gives us a card with all our handicap details on it, and then he signs us in himself.

Works quite well, until it doesn't. For example, the pro was not working one day, and the young guy in his place had no way of printing the handicap details on the cards. So, very few people knew what to put on the card in terms of handicap. In my 3 ball, one guy put his playing handicap in the course handicap box and nothing else. The other guy put no handicap details down and said it was OK, the system will do it for him. I corrected their cards for them, although when I came in it was apparent loads in the field really had no idea what they were supposed to be playing off during the round.

No one was disqualified, probably because the Committee understood the issue. However, if the Committee followed the rules to the letter, I'm pretty sure over 50% of the field would have been disqualified for not having their course handicap on the card (a field of over 100)

Deleted member 29109

At our place we do not sign in. We register on howdidido, draw is done, and we just turn up. Pro gives us a card with all our handicap details on it, and then he signs us in himself.

Works quite well, until it doesn't. For example, the pro was not working one day, and the young guy in his place had no way of printing the handicap details on the cards. So, very few people knew what to put on the card in terms of handicap. In my 3 ball, one guy put his playing handicap in the course handicap box and nothing else. The other guy put no handicap details down and said it was OK, the system will do it for him. I corrected their cards for them, although when I came in it was apparent loads in the field really had no idea what they were supposed to be playing off during the round.

No one was disqualified, probably because the Committee understood the issue. However, if the Committee followed the rules to the letter, I'm pretty sure over 50% of the field would have been disqualified for not having their course handicap on the card (a field of over 100)

Maybe DQing half the field might have woken them up to their responsibility to fill their cards in correctly!


Well-known member
Jul 22, 2019
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Maybe DQing half the field might have woken them up to their responsibility to fill their cards in correctly!
Can't disagree. But, I reckon many Committee members would like to save themselves the grief of a large number of members accusing the Committee of messing up for not having the name labels working. I know the rules of golf do not spare the members responsibility, but when a club decides to take on that responsibility themselves in 90%+ of competitions, then I can imagine a large section of members getting aggrieved that they get DQed for something they never had to worry about previously. Sometimes I think it would just be easier for the club to forget name labels, and make players fill in their own cards. If the rules make them responsible for it, then so be it.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Can't disagree. But, I reckon many Committee members would like to save themselves the grief of a large number of members accusing the Committee of messing up for not having the name labels working. I know the rules of golf do not spare the members responsibility, but when a club decides to take on that responsibility themselves in 90%+ of competitions, then I can imagine a large section of members getting aggrieved that they get DQed for something they never had to worry about previously. Sometimes I think it would just be easier for the club to forget name labels, and make players fill in their own cards. If the rules make them responsible for it, then so be it.

When our seniors committee stared to produce the cards for the players it was always part of my argument against it, players would forget how to do a card for themselves and new players would never learn. They used to get done the evening before the comp but when I pointed out that they could not be done until after about 12.30 am with the WHS they stopped doing it.

We had a period allowing players to get used to the new system but now the rules are applied. We have only had a few DQs afterwards, word soon gets round when it happens including one guy complaining to anybody he talked to and we have not had a DQ for handicap reasons for some time now.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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When our seniors committee stared to produce the cards for the players it was always part of my argument against it, players would forget how to do a card for themselves and new players would never learn. They used to get done the evening before the comp but when I pointed out that they could not be done until after about 12.30 am with the WHS they stopped doing it.

We had a period allowing players to get used to the new system but now the rules are applied. We have only had a few DQs afterwards, word soon gets round when it happens including one guy complaining to anybody he talked to and we have not had a DQ for handicap reasons for some time now.
Sadly in the end, after all has been tried, the most effective 'education' is the DQ.??


May 10, 2017
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I think this has more to do with the WHS and giving your intention of putting a qualifying score in rather than just putting your score in if it suits you at the end. You must make your intention clear of playing a qualifying round so signing in for a round before hand means that if your score doesn't go in then a penalty score can be applied. At our club any enter on arrival competitions have to be signed in or DQ however in a drawn competition your intention is there as you have put your name in the draw.

Just to add, you can also inform a handicap committee member before your round and this will suffice


May 10, 2017
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In GB&I each National Union determines that it is a requirement that all rounds for handicapping purposes (other than those used for the Initial Handicap Award) must be pre-registered either through the computer software or manually. Entering a competition or being named in a draw or a booking system is not in itself pre-registration. Registration must be confirmed on the day itself in the manner prescribed by the club/Committee.
A round has not started until the player has teed off; and any player who for whatever reason does not start his/her round after pre-registering must be removed from the event and must not have a score posted on his/her handicap record.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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We’ve had to enter our scores on a screen for years so we are used to going to the computer after every comp round. We now have to register pre round as well but it’s not possible to forget because you can’t enter your score without first signing in.

It’s a pain if you forget to sign in because although you can do it after the round you have to wait 5 minutes before you can then enter your score, but no one ever gets a dq for not signing in.

The pro gives you a pre written card (name comp and date only) when you pay for the comp so it’s easy to identify if a missing score on the computer is a no show or not entered their score.

Old Skier

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May 10, 2013
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The pro gives you a pre written card (name comp and date only) when you pay for the comp so it’s easy to identify if a missing score on the computer is a no show or not entered their score.

This in itself could be deemed as registration and why no one is DQ’d. One payment you are registered in the competitions book at our club although we are trying to get members to also register on the PSI.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 4, 2012
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We’ve had to enter our scores on a screen for years so we are used to going to the computer after every comp round. We now have to register pre round as well but it’s not possible to forget because you can’t enter your score without first signing in.

It’s a pain if you forget to sign in because although you can do it after the round you have to wait 5 minutes before you can then enter your score, but no one ever gets a dq for not signing in.

The pro gives you a pre written card (name comp and date only) when you pay for the comp so it’s easy to identify if a missing score on the computer is a no show or not entered their score.
So are you still having cards 'Boxed'