Sad News - "The Voice Of Darts".


Aug 20, 2007
An underground bunker
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Really sad news, hope he gets well soon but, at 71 years old, its got to be worrying.

THE Professional Darts Corporation have been asked to issue the following statement on behalf of Sid Waddell.

Dick Allix, manager of broadcaster Sid Waddell wishes to make the following statement:
"Following recent tests, Sid has unfortunately been diagnosed with bowel cancer.

"He is now undergoing treatment and will, regretfully, be unable to undertake any professional engagements for the time being.

"As treatment progresses, I will issue further statements. I would ask that everyone respects his privacy at this time.

Waddell, 71, has been part of Sky Sports' coverage of PDC events since 1994, and was inducted into the PDC Hall of Fame in 2008 alongside fellow commentator Dave Lanning.

Waddell - often called 'The Voice of Darts' - has been involved in darts since televising the sport in the popular 'Indoor League' series in the 1970s, and he began commentating on darts in 1978.

He has also written a number of books, including 'Bellies and Bullseyes' and his memoirs 'The Road Back Home', and wrote the children's television series 'Jossies Giants' in the mid-1980s.

PDC Chairman Barry Hearn said: "Sid is a hugely popular character throughout the sport of darts and I'm sure I speak on behalf of the PDC, our players and fans in wishing him a speedy and successful recovery.

"Our thoughts will be with him and his family as he begins his treatment."


Money List Winner
May 4, 2010
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Sad news indeed. I would reckon darts owes him a huge deal as he is always brimming with enthusiasm.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I hope he makes a full recovery as soon as possible.... as a commentator I couldn't stand him though



Tour Rookie
Apr 7, 2011
Scotchy sidetracked in England.
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Top guy is Sid. Hope he gets through it ok.

The atmosphere is so tense, if Elvis walked in, with a portion of chips...
you could hear the vinegar sizzle on them

The atmosphere is a cross between the Munich Beer Festival and the
Coliseum when the Christians were on the menu.



Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Very sad news. He did a PA at a charity darts event I went to and commentated to the watching pub as each player took a go at playing Bobby George. Half the time the players couldn't throw straight as they were creased with laughter as Sid tried to describe their unique throwing action. One tiny back street boozer and enough money ON THE NIGHT to buy two guide dogs and a further two when all other donations were collected. Top guy and a very switched on an intelligent man.

Deleted member 1740

Get well soon Sid, A great servant to a very underated sport that was once deemed as a working mans pastime.


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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Get well Sid! I remmeber watching the darts purely to hear his class comments. Didnt really care who was playing!

'His like an ice cube in an oven'......

'Some people call him an under dog - I call him an under puppy' (Ref to Keith Dellar in his frst world final V Bristow).

'If Santa Claus was on the roof now they wouldnt let him in'


Assistant Pro
Nov 15, 2011
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Re: Sad News - "The Voice Of Darts".

RIP a top, top character

Some of his quotes

Bristow reasons . . . Bristow quickens ... Aaah, Bristow.

Jockey Wilson . . . What an athlete.

That was like throwing three pickled onions into a thimble!

He's playing out of his pie crust.

They won't just have to play outta their skin to beat Phil Taylor.They'll
have to play outta their essence!

Darts players are probably a lot fitter than most footballers in overall
body strength.

There's no one quicker than these two tungsten tossers...

He's about as predictable as a Wasp on speed

Look at the man go, its like trying to stop a waterbuffalo with a

The atmosphere is so tense, if Elvis walked in, with a portion of chips...
you could hear the vinegar sizzle on them

His face is sagging with tension.

There hasn't been this much excitement since the Romans fed the Christians
to the Lions.

Keith Deller's not just an underdog, he's an underpuppy!

I don't know what he's had for breakfast but Taylor knocked the
Snap,Crackle and Pop outta Bristow

Even Hypotenuse would have trouble working out these angles

Steve Beaton - The adonis of darts, what poise, what elegance - a true
roman gladiator with plenty of hair wax.

If you're round your auntie's tonight, tell her to stop making the
cookie's and come thru to the living room and watch these two amazing
athletes beat the proverbial house out of each other

The players are under so much duress, it's like duressic park out there!

This lad has more checkouts than Tescos.

John Lowe is striding out like Alexander the Great conquering the

Big Cliff Lazarenko's idea of exercise is sitting in a room with the
windows open taking the lid off something cool and fizzy.

It's like trying to pin down a kangaroo on a trampoline

Well as giraffes say, you don't get no leaves unless you stick your neck

His eyes are bulging like the belly of a hungry chaffinch

That's the greatest comeback since Lazarus.

It's the nearest thing to public execution this side of Saudi Arabia.

His physiognomy is that of a weeping Madonna.

He's as cool as a prized marrow!

Under that heart of stone beat muscles of pure flint.

He looks about as happy as a penguin in a microwave.

The pendulum swinging back and forth like a metronome

When I see Steve Davis I see two letters... C. S... Cue Sorcerer

By the time of the final on Sunday he should be fit to burst!

There's only one word for that - magic darts!

When Alexander of Macedonia was 33, he cried salt tears because there were
no more worlds to conquer..... Bristow's only 27.

Eat your heart out Harold Pinter, we've got drama with a capital D in

If we'd had Phil Taylor at Hastings against the Normans, they'd have gone

Look at him as he takes his stance, like he has been sculptured, whereas
Bobby George, with his bad back, looks like the Hunchback of Notre Dame.

He's playing like Robin Hood in the Nottingham super league

Phil Taylor's got the consistency of a planet ... and he's in a darts

The atmosphere is a cross between the Munich Beer Festival and the
Coliseum when the Christians were on the menu.

Jockey Wilson, he comes from the valleys and he's chuffing like a
choo-choo train!

He's like D'Artagnan at the scissor factory.

Trying to read Reyes's mind is like trying to read the mind of Jabba the

These guys look calm but inside they are as nervous as a vampire who knows
there's a sale at the wooden stake shop in the morning.

That was like watching Popeye when he found his spinach!

He's as twitchy as a frog in a blender

He's going like the Loch Ness Monster with a following wind!

Keith Deller is like Long John Silver - he's badly in need of another

He looks as happy as a scorpion who's just had a pedicure!

Eyes like a pterodactyl....with contact lenses

Cliff Lazarenko's jumping up and down like a gorilla saying give me back my banana!"

On Bobby George - "He's like a Sherman tank on roller skates coming down a mountain!"

He's twitching more than a one legged ferret!

He's moving with the purpose of a Panzer Division

He may practice 12 hours a day, but he's not shy of the burger van!

He's like Jack The Ripper on a Friday night.

He's got one foot in the frying pan and one on thin ice.

Rod now looking like Kevin Costner when told the final cost of

Tarantino re-writing Gunfight at the OK Corral couldn't have done any
better than this.

It's like Dracula getting out of his grave and asking for a few chips with
his steak.

That Lad could through 180 standing one legged in a hammock.

This game of darts is twisting like a rattlesnake with a hernia!

It's just like taking a sausage from a boy in a wheelchair.

This is the clash that makes King Kong versus Godzilla look like a
chimpanzees tea party!

Another of the quotes I'll miss will be from another legend John Gwynne "Can you believe it Sidney?!" Darts will never be the same.

Deleted member 1740

Re: Sad News - "The Voice Of Darts".

RIP Syd a top commentator with a great passion for the game.

He will be sadly missed.


Aug 5, 2011
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Re: Sad News - "The Voice Of Darts".

whats with the RIP posts, has he passed? he has a serious condition and lets hope he fights it and earns some remission.