Tour Winner
I am in a grumpy mood after 3 hours sleep, so I fancied a moan.
I have decided to do a room 101 on the GM Forum; anything that really annoys you put it in and forget about it.
You each get 1 pick.
For me it is AG, they are so eager to sell the Nicklaus gear they could not care less about you views they just give the hard sell over + over, granted the wedge I have is great but I could have come to my own conclusions and not have some bloke go on and on about how good it.
Also their custom fitting is awful, not being a member of a club and relatively new to golf I went to AG and believed I was custom fitted, how wrong I was, my irons are too long, wrong size grips and probably have more things wrong for me. GGGGGGRRRRR.
I need to join a club ASAP and get a friendly pro to sort me out with all my gear.