Room 101

And Paul Mcartney - knocks out a simple tune that any 5 year old could and its a masterpeice...

Hmmm, I'm no fan but if it's so easy....why haven't the rest of us done it? He's actually a talented tune-smith.

Golf 101

1. Holes that are virtually unplayable for normal/ave players.
2. Clubs that have no casual bar (caught me out yesterday)
3. Sports World....used to sell some gear that wasn't dunlop, now can only manage 99% dunlop and one token box of top flite balls....and £8 shirts that were never £29.99
4. Subscription golf channels....can we not have p.p.v. please, I don't want to sign up for all flipping year.
5. Almost every other person at the driving range.
Thought of another

Coming in off the eighteenth on a quiet day and having to go look for the bar staff before I can get a drink.

Milk Floats.
Does it? :D


Always drive on the wrong side of the road... europe by the back door.

They used to scare the cr4p out of me as a young apprentice. Cycling to work in the dark to meet a silent milk float coming the other way head-on.

28 years later - strange how they were the first thing that came into my head :-)

No offence meant. Paul Macca is getting a rough ride. perhaps Heather should read this thread...
Ali has clearly been drinking at our place. First you must find the staff then either get glared at,tutted at,subjected to a list of their family issues and why they hate their job/employer,or in the respect of one particular person all of the above.
Golf related - Slow play

Non golf related - every other driver on the road that cannot keep their cars on the tarmac and not crash into others, for whatever reason (phone, texting, MP3 players, Satnavs, or just pure inability to drive). At the risk of alieninating a fair number on here, prodominately drive one of the 3 German makes (Merc, Audi or BMW). There, I've said it!!
People who think they own the course / are a better person than you and therefore refuse to let people play through. Usually the older generations.

And also people who shout and throw their clubs when it goes wrong, unnecessary and stupid.
On the car front, yes, predominately these are the most likely marques. That's because 1 in 5 company cars is a 3 series bm, and 1 in 5 is an audi A4. Not sure what proportion Mercs are, but I bet it's high. They do the highest mileage, and have the most crashes. It is nothing to do with the personality of who buys them.
Back golf related again

Finding your ball in a divot after crunching one down the middle of the fairway. Come on R&A why can't we have a drop?

Non golf related

All Soap Operas, drivel for people who should be out living their own lives, not someone elses.
On the car front, yes, predominately these are the most likely marques. That's because 1 in 5 company cars is a 3 series bm, and 1 in 5 is an audi A4. Not sure what proportion Mercs are, but I bet it's high. They do the highest mileage, and have the most crashes. It is nothing to do with the personality of who buys them.

Accidents have realitively little to do with mileage. I used to do over 50 thou a year, and never had an accident. It's all to with concentration, distractions, and sheer bullying on the road, and I hate to say it, does predominately come from these 3.

Personally I like the Beemers as cars (rear wheel drive an'all), but I just couldn't have one.

Drive on :D

I knew I wouldn't make any friends regarding this one :(

And back to the Golf.
Had 7 beemers, 1 audi and 1 merc. Also had 2 accidents in 22 years. Still drive like a berk though, what ever car I am in.


People who don't let you through when you are playing a match, because 'you are not going to get anywhere'. Rubbish. I certainly won't if the first lot don't get out of the way.

Litter, and people who chuck it in the bushes.

Finding top flites when loosing proVs.

Ditto AliB, where do bar staff go?
I have always said there are only 2 types of golfers.

1. The ones who buy expensive balls, loose them and find crap ones (this is me)

2. The ones who buy crap ones, loose them and find expensive ones.

On the Macca, Mucca issue.
'Paul Macca's mate asked him if he would ever go down on one knee again, He said I doubt it, she aint even talking to me!'
On the car front, yes, predominately these are the most likely marques. That's because 1 in 5 company cars is a 3 series bm, and 1 in 5 is an audi A4. Not sure what proportion Mercs are, but I bet it's high. They do the highest mileage, and have the most crashes. It is nothing to do with the personality of who buys them.

Accidents have realitively little to do with mileage. I used to do over 50 thou a year, and never had an accident. It's all to with concentration, distractions, and sheer bullying on the road, and I hate to say it, does predominately come from these 3.

Personally I like the Beemers as cars (rear wheel drive an'all), but I just couldn't have one.

Drive on :D

I knew I wouldn't make any friends regarding this one :(

And back to the Golf.

I think statistcally, Fords and Jap cars have the most accidents.
I do own one of the above but don't do sat navs or mp3. As for the mobile, only answer if it rings... people shouldn't ring when i'm driving :D Don't usually have time for texting as i'm normally reading the newspaper or shaving.
As for bullying. it can't be speed related cos mine is restricted..

How about lorries that take 5 mile to pass each other because they are BOTH going the same speed.

Back to golf
Finding topflites, people tend not to look for them when lost(value) would you get nettled for a quid?.

People on motorised disability scooters that belt through shopping centres causing people to jump into shop doorways then they park up and walk around the shops.

Halifax adverts

Bald men that buy shampoo..... why?

People walking around supermarkets talking on handsfree... why?... your hands are free

wearing white socks with suits

RETRACTION OF SOME OF ABOVE.. H.I.D agrees with the Audi and BMW drivers, she said that whenever she approaches a junction, she knows they are going to pull out on her (maybe because she is a woman.... waiting for a whack now)