Old Skier
Tour Winner
Appreciate the problems and your reasoning, majority of my bods will most probably still be willing to take part no matter what the numbers.I'm going to be considering the options of postponing this over the weekend.
Even though it's not scheduled until August, with less than half of the donations in to play, and with further restrictions still to come, I think people are going to find the expense of travelling to meets when they've been off work for a month or more, plus companies finding it tough to support the prize table, I really don't want it to be a damp squid.
The day is all about celebrating someones life and their involvement on this forum and extracting as much of your hard earned as possible for Karen's chosen charity, as such I don't want it to be a struggle to put together with numbers dropping and little or no sponsorship's....
I will make a formal announcement in the coming days.