Reflections on 2009


Money List Winner
Jan 18, 2008
Verwood, Dorset.
Well it's that time of year again where some of us look back at the past year and a) wonder where it's gone, and b) wonder what the hell happened.

I know that from some of the threads and posts on here that some have had a harder year than others.

From my point of view the year started out pretty badly. I was made redundant in Feb, just before my 40th birthday, my wife was pregnant with our second child, and the house was on the market. We'd found a couple of houses that we liked. Sadley, due to the redundency, the house was taken off the market and the move was indefinately postponed. So much for the HIPS pack! £500 now wasted!

In March, our beautiful daughter arrived. This was whilst visiting the in-laws in Devon, two weeks early!

Despite numerous applications, I still couldn't find work. My industry was in severe decline. Both my wife and I looked at various franchises, and considered several business opportunities. None of which suited us at the time.

I then stumbled across an opportunity whilst searching for something to help my golf. I was searching for an easy on couse guide to the rules of golf. I found something on Amazon, great. However it took 3 months to arrive! Thus the idea of improvemygolf was born.

I'd been involved in specilist leisure retail for many years, and in internet sales as well. With that and my desire to run my own business, improvemygolf now became a real possibility. All I had to do was convince the wife that the house moving fund should now be used to fund a business.

Well, you know the rest by now regarding that particular project!

Well, now it's the end of the year. My eldest son has now just turned three, and knows what Christms is. Kayleigh is now almost nine months old. The business has been going three months, the house move is off, for the time being and we're now wondering what 2010 will have in store for us?

Golf wise, it's been a year of improvement and frustration. But the highlight was the GM event at The Belfry, and the Spring meet at Royal Ascot. I'm looking forward to next years events, and I'm disappointed not to make the Castle Stuart event in 2010.

Let's just hope that 2010 proves to be a more stable year for us all.

Back to the original reason for the post. How has 2009 panned out for you?

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all.

It's been emotional!

On the downside my wife has not been very well throughout 2009 (well documented on here) and as a result was forced to stop working at the end of October. As she had been made redundant this time last year and didn't get the role until March money at both ends of the year has been tight. I've had a few health issues too but thankfully my wife is entering a new phase of treatment next year and is starting to make progress and I'm doing much better.

On the course I thoroughly enjoyed organising the GM Spring Meeting at Royal Ascot and finally managing to put names to faces. Many thanks to everyone who played especially those that had the real long journey's to get there. I hope wherever next years is played (and when) that I can meet a lot more of you and renew the acquantances I made. Elsewhere HTL and I remain unbeaten and I really enjoyed our tussles with Smiffy and Norm. Lydd was a fun day too despite the blandness of the course.

My performances were erratic but as ever I've enjoyed playing and also my time on the practice ground and range. I've loved every second on here (Homergate was a bit trying but we all got through it and out the other side). I've loved watching both Bob and Graham as they've struggled with the challenges the v-easy and improvemygolf respectively threw at them and I loved writing for GM. I hope everyone has a great 2010

Hope things improve for you. It's that time of the year when you start reflecting upon how things have gone, isn't it, and what's in store?

My birthday post this time last year kinda summed up my year then and put things very much into perspective for me too. Financially a disaster but rich in so many other ways. Meeting and playing golf with so many good friends took the edge off an otherwise terrible time. This year has been similar.

The Goswick trip was a blast.... and playing with guys like StuartD, TonyN, Vig, Doh, DCB, Tommo21, Madandra, Psycojoe, Atticus, Dodger, Mike Melville, Stevek69, thecraw, Andy (and probably some others I can't remember at this time of night) have been the best times of the year.

All hail to the forum. Looking forward to next year already as it looks like being the best year ever for events. Life ain't all bad, you know. Stick in mate.
Thanks John. My post was supossed to be a positive one. The kids are great and business is good. It's just strange how the year panned out when we had plans to move and a PAYE job at the start of 2009. It just goes to show.

I know that there are a lot of folks that have had quite a turbulent year. I'd like to wish all those still looking for work, a better 2010.
At the start of 2009 I was at Risk of redundancy and was taking off it on the 5th Jan, so I spent last xmas with redundancy hanging over me. I started the new internal job and quite liked it and though my golf wasnt up too much I was enjoying it. Then came 1st June, I was put at risk of redundancy again, this time there would be no job and left C&W on 31st August, I spent 3 months looking but mostly ironing, shopping and cleaning :( I got a new job and started on the 7th Dec and though they have messed me about quite a bit its a job... Though just before I started I lost a good golfing friend from the club, it knocked me for six and just hope 2010 will be an improvement on 2009.
I like many started 09 at risk of redundancy, I was lucky to keep my job, however it is not the same and I really do not enjoy working anymore. On a positive note I started playing golf again after a 20yr layoff and although I am finding it harder to get my handicap down to where I was when I stopped playing I am enjoying my golf tremendously.I am off 16 at present so my goal is to become a Tiger again next season.I am moving to a new club in Jan and will have to go through not knowing anyone again and getting to know people and finding a playing partner.2010 cannot be as bad as 09 surely so I'm going into it feeling a bit more positive. I hope all the people without work find it as soon as possible and we all get back to how we used to be.
Wishing everyone a prosperous and enjoyable 2010.
In comparison to most, a pretty staid year. No fear of redundancy, though my partners firm has to bid for their contract every few years and this is another of them, so some concerns there.
My youngest got herself engaged, classically on a trip to Venice; surprised her as much as us.
Goswick was a revelation, what golf is supposed to be I think. Had the first modest successes, got cut - not as much as I'd hoped but it was a start, but performances are still too up and down.
For next, a b awful month in prospect at work in January but with the promise of Scotland to compensate.

For all of you, I wish you and yours, heath, wealth and happiness.
Fantastic 2009.lost my job which was great because it was driving me mad,however that was great timing as my girfriend also gave birth 2 our second child and that allowed me to help her and also spend more time as a family .Got another job when things started to settle on a self employed basis,this still allowed me time with the family and to play alot more golf getting my hp down from 24 to 12 within 6 months.I can safely say a cracking lucky ive got my health and a great partner,pure joy.Through every adversity lies a seed of a greater or simular benefit,happy xmas and prosperus new year to all.
Well 2009 has gone by in a flash. the year started badly for me with a rather serious health scare and an unconfortable neck injury due to slip last Dec. The health scare was a kick up the backside and I took heed of what the doctors said. Workwise, well, having been the vicytim of a "business realignment" in 2008, I was always on the lookout for a new job. I managed to get a new job this spring and started there in May. A new challenge was what I needed and I'm thriving on it at the moment. Golfwise, well, as documented elsewhere on here, I've struggled in recent times, but I hope I've found a route to further improvements.

It's been a good year to meet the guys from the forum, Goswick in February was great and a good day at Letham Grange was another fun day out. Looking forward to meeting more of you at Castle Stuart.

Have a good Christmas and New Year guys and hopefully a good 2010 for you all.
2009 was a strange year for me and has brought many changes the biggest of which was meeting a new lady who lives in Wales and I may well move there next year. I started the year as a self employed taxi driver but for various reasons had to give that up along with my involvement with the Federation of Small Businesses. On the course my handicap has gone up to 26 and I cant seem to get down. I've been as low as 22. However I have enjoyed it and am now Club Treasurer which also gives me a load of satisfaction but of course I would have to give this up if I move to Wales.
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you all
I honestly can't believe that another year has passed, it has been as the song says been a rollercoaster year for me.
 I am lucky to work in an industry not has not yet been affected by the downturn and had the bonus of a promotion in March, this was supposed to allow me more time on the course but had the oppsite effect and I found I only played 2 midweek medals not the usual 15 or so. 

We had a health scare earlier this year when the wife discovered a lump but thankfully all appears to be well and she is waiting for surgery to remove what they believe is an abcess. 

The forum meets were a highlight with Goswick being the stand out one, I also  enjoyed the game in Florida with Alan especially when Madandra phoned to ask what I was up to you should have heard him moan when I told him, lol.
 Castle Stuart is another meet that will be fantastic and will provide the chance to play with some old and new faces. 

I am looking forward to 2010 and a new season where I an determined to get to single figures and will make sure I play as often as I can. 

The forum I'm sure  will continue to give us great entertainment with some friendly banter, good advice and the odd bit of bickering. 

Finally I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year, and may you get all you wish for in 2010. 

Cheers toad. 