Putting with the flag in....


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Nov 1, 2016
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For me, and when playing on a Saturday it has done nothing but slow the round down, to much hokey kokey of the flag in then out and so on. I'm 100% flag out as I can't putt with it in, hole lots alot smaller to me. But I've seen chaps want the flag in for a 3 footer when everyone else has had the flag out.....how exactly does this speed up the game?
Most people are not that anal about it. Usually all leave it in for the longer ones, then if someone wants it out for their short-ish one, everyone else just leaves it out for theirs that follow.


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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have had a few rounds of some owanting it in and others out, so a bit of pain but any long range happy to leave it and 10 foot or less have it out.... unless its a really quick downhiller.

but more concerned with the damage to the holes, keep seeing people just yanking the flag out with the ball still in the hole, i always bend down and take it out with my fingers
have had a few rounds of some owanting it in and others out, so a bit of pain but any long range happy to leave it and 10 foot or less have it out.... unless its a really quick downhiller.

but more concerned with the damage to the holes, keep seeing people just yanking the flag out with the ball still in the hole, i always bend down and take it out with my fingers
I use one of these NB ball retrievers , saves the hole and my back getting damaged :love:


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Jul 13, 2015
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Education of what ? There is no solid proof that leaving the flag in either helps them or speeds up the game.

Well if some clown wants it out back in from 3 feet away after someone else has had it out from 12 feet I'd suggest a serious lack of education.

Not once in competition golf or social golf have I experienced anyone ask for the flag to be put back in once it's out. If someone wants it left in from 20 feet and someone else wants it out from 30 feet the guy who wants it in putts first. It really isn't difficult.

There are so many numpties and idiots playing the game. Education is key, it's not rocket science.
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Assistant Pro
Jun 26, 2015
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Most people are not that anal about it. Usually all leave it in for the longer ones, then if someone wants it out for their short-ish one, everyone else just leaves it out for theirs that follow.
Pretty much same here.
I usually leave it in for every putt but if someone else wants it out I leave it out .
The only exception for me would be the long ones when I find leaving it in really useful but I have yet to find anyone who wants it out for these anyway.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Well if some clown wants it out back in from 3 feet away after someone else has had it out from 12 feet I'd suggest a serious lack of education.

Not once in competition golf or social golf have I experienced anyone ask for the flag to be put back in once it's out. If someone wants it left in from 20 feet and someone else wants it out from 30 feet the guy who wants it in putts first. It really isn't difficult.

There are so many numpties and idiots playing the game. Education is key, it's not rocket science.

My experience is that this is in happening quite a lot. I don't see it as an issue or a problem as there is usually another player ready and close by who will put the flag back in if requested.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
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I have found the quickest answer for anyone wanting the flag in from relatively close range is to let them putt first and then whip the flag out for everyone else. None of this flag in and out business. Most of my PP's happy to have it in from 10 feet and out


Jul 13, 2015
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I have found the quickest answer for anyone wanting the flag in from relatively close range is to let them putt first and then whip the flag out for everyone else. None of this flag in and out business. Most of my PP's happy to have it in from 10 feet and out

Spot on, it's not rocket science.



Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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I think we have to accept that some want it in, and some want it out - but that most folk seem happy to putt from long range with flag in. At some stage, someone wants the flag to come out., so out it comes. The flag will have to be put back in anyway, so if anyone wants to finish off their putting with it in, then they do it after it's gone back in. Simple. The flag only comes out & goes back in once - I've not seen any hokey-cokey.

What is pleasng is that the damage to the hole edge that we noticed in the early days, no longer seems to happen. Folk seem to have learned a more careful way of how they pick the ball out with the flag still in.

Deleted Member 1156

I haven't noticed any difference to pace of play. I've also seen several instances of balls hitting the flag and staying out that probably would have dropped. Seen fewer instances of overhit putts that have hit the flag and gone in.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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From all of the guys I play with on regular basis (about 30 in different swindles) it is very much a 50/50 thing.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Once out it stays out. Never had someone ask for it to go back in yet. Not seen any damage to holes.

Our course has thick poles so standard is to leave in from distance and remove when close. I've played courses with thin poles where my group hasn't removed them at any stage.

I'm a big fan of this rule, it works well.

Deleted member 1147

It’s worked pretty well at my place as far as I’m aware.
We have however had requests in the weekly newsletter to not take the ball out of the hole without first removing the pin. Apparently it’s causing damage around the edge of the hole.


Assistant Pro
Aug 7, 2012
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I would be confident it has quickened up play. Any occasional in-out-in is still better than of old where it was in-out for more putts. The main gain is first or long putts generally being all taken with the flag in, without having to wait for an attendant, who than has to go to their own ball while some one else comes to the tending duties.

But the hole damage really is a thing with us. Most I think is due to people yanking the flag out with the ball in the hole, and it scraping upwards as they do so. And also caused by people who leave the flag in and lift their ball out by hand. It possible to ensure no damage, but everyone is not going to pay the needed attention every time.

I presume the tests that concluded putting with the flag in would speed up play without affecting the chances of holing a putt did not test for this real-world case. I have seen some clubs using rims around the top inch of the cup, which I presume are intended to save the edge from damage. Maybe they should be mandatory, or is there some downside to them ?