Pushed too soon?


Nov 16, 2011
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Yep, too much too soon. Could have dominated for years if left to progress naturally I feel.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing!!

Obscene talent - absolutely! Pushy parents - certainly! The massive ($40M from memory) Nike deal certainly didn't help imo! But there has been plenty of 'precedence' for this sort of thing in other sports - particularly Tennis Tracy Austin pretty much fulfilled her potential; Jennifer Capriati 'failed'; Cori Gauff seems likely to become a superstar - but, imo, needs careful 'management'. I happen to know Katrina (No 'prarblem'!) Adams who is CEO of USTA. Probably the most 'grounded' female player I've met - and came from pretty 'humble' origins! I'm certain she will 'protect' her in the right way!


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Feb 7, 2019
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Wasn't there an American guy who showed lots of talent as a youngster who also had a pushy parent ?? Didn't he also get a massive deal from Nike, can't remember the guys name now but went on to win quite a few majors despite all of the above.


Jul 13, 2015
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Wasn't there an American guy who showed lots of talent as a youngster who also had a pushy parent ?? Didn't he also get a massive deal from Nike, can't remember the guys name now but went on to win quite a few majors despite all of the above.

Was that the guy who won a major with a broken leg?

Has had numerous back operations and now plays with a fused spine? The guy who has had to adapt his swing in order to reduce stress on his body?

Hmmmmm. I'd probably suggest he's pushed his body beyond its limits too. Injuries and surgery also tend to point to that conclusion too.

I could be wrong though!