Pull or pull slices..........


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Self fix mode alert:

I still think that I am rolling the wrist on take away and this is resulting in a flat swing plane on take away, too much wrist action and not enough arm movement taking the club back square to target line, so that’s defo something to work on. But after my lesson the other day I am getting two very common and consistent shots. The pro had me working on getting the weight back onto the left foot at impact with a positive shaft angle instead of allowing the club head to get ahead of the hands at impact, this was to promote more compression at impact and get a better more powerful strike on the ball…..

Fault 1: Although square to my target on set up ( ive checked with clubs on floor ), balls that I hit correctly seem straight pulls. Very strong contact but I estimate that a 7i would end up around 25-30ft left of the target. My club face must be square to swing path as there is no movement on the ball, its dead straight but straight left. When you look at divots they are pointing exactly where the ball ended up, 30* left of what I believe is my target line – Straight pull?

Fault 2: Although square to my target line, ball starts off left and cuts back to target, again the ball would start off roughly 20-25ft left of the target and cut back in to finish where I was aiming. After hitting I would check the divots and like above the divot is pointing left of the target and is pretty much inline with where the ball started its flight. – Pull fade/slice?

Fault 3: the odd shank, which im assuming is where ive thrown it that far over the swing plane at the top that i have no option but to shank.

Now working on ball flight laws, my understanding is that on the down swing I must be swinging out to in to get the pull or pull slice?

I suppose my main question is can this come from a flat swing plane (IE throwing at the top outside of the line) and is there any drills I can be pointed at to rectify this.


Nov 16, 2011
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Yep. Out-to-in allright, with face on /slightly open to swingpath for pull/pull slice resp.

Possible that the flat swing is the cause, but if you are changing as a result of Pro's lessons, then he is DEFINITELY the one to check with!

Headcover drill might help, but actual o-2-i is quite slight, so it's probably the thought of hitting either cover that would having an effect - a pretty effective incentive anyway.


Tour Rookie
Dec 27, 2011
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Hi OS you sound like you have the issue i have

Check your alignment as i thought i was playing a pull shot only to find i was aiming left of target in error !


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Yep. Out-to-in allright, with face on /slightly open to swingpath for pull/pull slice resp.

Possible that the flat swing is the cause, but if you are changing as a result of Pro's lessons, then he is DEFINITELY the one to check with!

Headcover drill might help, but actual o-2-i is quite slight, so it's probably the thought of hitting either cover that would having an effect - a pretty effective incentive anyway.

Ive just checlked with the pro with pretty much the same content as this thread, apparently moving the shoulders towards the target while keeping the hips central over the ball will incourage a pull, its also very easy to open your shoulders slightly as you move into this position, meaning a pull or pull fade, as apparently shoulders dictate swing path, more than hips or feet alignment, back off to the range tomorrow ...

... bloody game is getting right on my tits!:angry:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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In to out swing =flat angle of attack
Out to in swing = steep angle of attack

As I said in the other thread, if you increase the angle of attack, you may well move the swing above plane which in turn will throw the club outside the line in the downswing.
Result = pulls/pulls slices
Check your shoulders aren't open at address


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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bob, i think im flat on takeaway but cast at the top and come from the outside, according to the pro he reckons shoulders also, check their not open at address.

Any tips on stopping the casting at the top....pretty please.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Fix the pulls by keeping the handle (grip end) of the club pointing a little to the right of the target on the way down.....

here's a vid.... (it might help sort out your shoulders as well and stop them being tooooo open).

watch from 12 mins onwards.... the fix is at about 14 mins,

NB: I wouldn't suggest you are as bad as the example guy that they use though



Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 24, 2011
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Is it possible you are flicking the wrists slightly? Im suffering with the exact same 2 faults which my pro tells me is due to not quite transferring my weight and flicking at the ball which is causing the club face to close at impact. My pull does also hook sometimes as well though so it may not be the same thing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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OS, you have just typed up my largest swing fault. Once you fix it let me know buddy :thup:

JO may be on the right path, when I have a practice swing the club tends to come from outside what I would consider a ideal arch to the ball (ie square or slightly from the inside) , if I'm coming from the outside I'm left with very predictable results as highlighted in the video, will try and get the the range this afternoon if nothing more than to eliminate , I've got a strange feeling the right hand is getting a bit strong again.

Starting to think spiffy smiffy may have done the right thing in getting he's maggot out!


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It seems you've got a lot of swing stuff going through your head at the moment Oddsocks, only last week you were shanking......chill buddy......I've pencilled you in for single figures next year! :thup:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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the problem is james consistency, if i was consistently hooking,... fine, but what ever it is that is going on fixes one fault to release another. whats funny is routine faults keep raising their head.

Its looking like we are going to have a wet winter and i dont want another years inconsistent golf, IMO i dont strike the ball like a 12 capper, my strokes seem to lack power, a decent ball flight and a consistent strike, so i dont ever see myself getting lower. at most id rate my game an 18 capper that can scramble and that is not where i want my game to be, especially given that i have shoot some nice low 70's scores in multiple rounds.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
if i was consistently hooking,... fine,

I find that hard to believe!

You're struggling as you have a passion for the game and want to take courses apart!!! That's a good thing! Now all you got to do is strip your head of all the other crap that's going on in there and play some golf.

Yes fixing one thing often leads to another thing that's broken... but eventually those broken things run out, that's how it's meant to be! and your h/cap will reflect that as you go along. If you can somehow fast-track your way closer to the finishing line then that's great, your h/cap will fall quickly, but you might NOT be fast-tracking and then your h/cap will take more time to fall. Right now it sounds like you are actually facing up to your issues and that's a bloody good time to be playing golf... but you gotta see it through. Think about GREAT players who have rebuilt their swings, heaven forbid even changed to a different swing altogether - they've turned their back on something they've probably been doing for at least 20yrs! but they still go through the process as they strive to get better..... you wouldn't be the first person who's struggled with their swing and decided to do something about it.... just keep your mind on the END GAME and not on those few duff shots you hit along the way.
Last edited:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Ok the one fault is an over kill so to speak, but I just want a consistent swing, if its a slight fade, draw what ever so be it, but when it goes from high powerless fades, straight pulls, shanks.... It's hard to find any drive. :whistle:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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It's hard to find any drive. :whistle:

And your ball presumably. :(

What you are saying is you want to reduce the faults so you only have one to worry about.
Whether it's a draw or a fade, then you can allow for it.
You need a positive swing thought that works. Get your pro to find that thought and focus on it every time you hit a full swing


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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Off to the range to try and work out wtf it is that's actually going on, even if I just hit half shots, I need to get a bit of faith in the swing again.:fore:


Ryder Cup Winner
Jun 20, 2010
Croydon, Surrey
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And your ball presumably. :(

What you are saying is you want to reduce the faults so you only have one to worry about.
Whether it's a draw or a fade, then you can allow for it.
You need a positive swing thought that works. Get your pro to find that thought and focus on it every time you hit a full swing

Just a natural shot that's consistent bob, pointless fighting a natural shape for years, feels like since I have been fighting this draw,,,,, things have all gone Peter tong to the point where I don't have a consistent shot at all.