Pairs competitions


Jun 30, 2011
A query has come up at our club and that suggests it is against the rules of golf to allow a better ball team mark their own scorecard should they not be able to find a marker.

We as a club have allowed them to mark their own card seeing as it in our opinion is no different to a team of 3 marking their own scorecard or the same 2 ball marking each others cards if it was a singles comp.

Basically if they are going to cheat in a pairs they would cheat in a 2 ball individual.

I can’t find anything in the rules to say that it’s not allowed other than in the definitions for a marker.

If anyone could help in any way this would be much appreciated
Many thanks

The rules for the score card are covered under rule 3.3b which says the committee must approve the marker
therefore IMO if the committee has agreed to it then it is fine.

In a 3 or 4 ball team game the side does not have to have a separate marker so I do not see why (like you) the same cannot apply to 4BBB.
A query has come up at our club and that suggests it is against the rules of golf to allow a better ball team mark their own scorecard should they not be able to find a marker.

We as a club have allowed them to mark their own card seeing as it in our opinion is no different to a team of 3 marking their own scorecard or the same 2 ball marking each others cards if it was a singles comp.

Basically if they are going to cheat in a pairs they would cheat in a 2 ball individual.

I can’t find anything in the rules to say that it’s not allowed other than in the definitions for a marker.

If anyone could help in any way this would be much appreciated
Many thanks

I don't get that logic, as both players are competing individually. If they were to cheat, who would they decide who cheats for the best score out of both of them?

Most better ball pairs comps I have played in require to pairs to play together, each marking the other teams score. A pair cannot play on their own (at least without a marker), in the same way in a singles competition, an individual cannot go out on their own and mark their own card.

That being said, I suppose it is the Committees decision what they allow. Personally, however, I'd feel uncomfortable being the pair with no marker, getting a great score and then knowing there will probably be other competitors discussing the fact we were allow to attest our own score.