On course altercations.


Money List Winner
Mar 6, 2011
Emerald Isle
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Had intetesting one in lough erne. Our 4 ball had a bit of a mare on about the 10th .
We all hit off 11 which is blind over a hill , when we got down to the balls one of the guys on d green was waving his arms a bit ..
Not in a good way ..
We were all kinda wondering whats up as we had bn a long time playing 10 .
He was standing over a shortish putt which he missed ..

i turned my back as we were kinda thinking this wont help matters . Low and behold up the fairway he storms Mouting about balls coming up behind them on fairway .

As he was doing this 2 balls from group behind came rolling down behind us .. i was ok and just stood quiet as they all shouted ,
(the guys in our group were apologising but he wasnt having it)
until that was... , he stuck his finger twords my face and told me not to do it again

I lost it told him where to go and if he didnt get out of my face id kick the head off him shove his finger where the sun doesnt shine and roll him back down the hill to his group . He went pale . It did ruin my game tho ..