Money List Winner
They're going to get Stephen Fry to read it to reduce that risk to almost zero.'Risk Free'? Does psychological trauma not count?
They're going to get Stephen Fry to read it to reduce that risk to almost zero.'Risk Free'? Does psychological trauma not count?
I notice that there's a lot of money going on Peter as soon as people realized that he was in mine and Scousers group 😳£15 on Peterlav
£5 on Andy Greg
I notice that there's a lot of money going on Peter as soon as people realized that he was in mine and Scousers group 😳
Don't be paranoid big man
Stick me down for a fiver on Podge mate.
I've heard that one person who read it in full was immediately rendered catatonic and hasn't woken yet!! The medical profession are considering using it as a new form of risk free anaesthetic 
Plays off 16 now I think so not half as much a bandit as he was last season
He's playing well though, he definitely won't end the Summer still off 16, in fact, put me down for £15 on the Podgster please
Birchy, you missed my bid on Louise earlier on the thread
You've also missed Peter's £15 bid on Podge. Which I'm now upping to £20Got it now, cheers pal :thup: