North West OOM 2014 Player auction


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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As some of you may of know me, Iain (nwjocko), Dave (Qwerty) & Andy (Junior) are doing a longest day challenge in June. We are playing St Annes old links, Blackpool north shore, Lytham green drive & Fairhaven in one day. The charity we are doing it for is autism initiatives. This is the charity the funds raised from this will go to, a worthy cause im sure you will all agree.

See thread in lounge :-

The auction starts with each player having a starting price tag of £3. People can bid on each player as they would bid in an auction. Players more fancied to win will obviously cost more money but your idea of the winner might be different than everybody elses and you could get yourself a bargain! People not playing in the event are also very welcome to bid on players.

The prize for the person who buys the winner will be 50% of the total money raised and some golf prizes.

I have written a small light hearted paragraph about each player to give people an insight to what they are bidding on.

Group A

Peterlav – Bomb machine off the tee, straight and long very often. Makes the game look easy which could intimidate a few people. Big Evertonian though and if he follows his football teams example he could look like a winner for a while then shoot himself in the foot.

Bluewolf – Big Danny had a terrible time with injuries last season after taking a battering from his nemesis Scouser. Not only has he got to contend with the demons of that battering he also shot the round of his life putting in a card for his handicap at his new club to nearly cut his old handicap in half. Big ask to contend with the new handicap and the demons. Some guys have all the luck :rofl:

Valentino – This year’s chief will have loads more mates than normal this year after becoming a country member at a very nice club. Rumour has it he played his home course with a blindfold on for half of last season until he finally started getting cut down to a more accurate handicap :reefer: . If he starts this season like he finished the last he will be a tough proposition.

Podgster – The 2014 sombrero award favourite will be a dangerous opponent this year with his fast improving game and his slowly reducing handicap. Opponents may have to wear shades for this battle as the canary has been known to blind people with his attire. He often also tires his opponents out by running everywhere, don’t take him on over the hills! His biggest danger might actually come from group B in Liverbirdie who is on the handicap committee at his current course.

Jackbfc – 2014 OOM newcomer and a bit of unknown quantity. Ripped it up on the society circuit last year so if he can bring that form to the big stage he could be a danger man.

Group B

Liverbirdie – Mr consistent with every aspect of his game and about as likely to give a hole away as he is a butty. Has an annoying habit of pulling off miracle shots when you think you have got him beat. Living on past glories though like his footy team can Peter end the drought and pick up some silverware?

Gregbwfc – Built like a giant and hits it like one. Struggled with injuries which may be down to the horse wrestling he does in his spare time. Will his back be able take the strain? If he stays injury free he will be a tough man to beat.

Karl102 – Joint favourite for the most putters bought 2014 award and another Giant. Insider knowledge points towards Karl being one of the dark horses for this competition this year. Already had a few good rounds this year that could have sneaked under the radar but not anymore. Finally seems to have found a putter that works really well (for now :tongue: ) if he can stick with that for longer than 5 mins he will be a force to be reckoned with. :ebay:

Odvan – A rival for Podgster in the 2014 sombrero award and a lively challenger. Quite new to the forum and making his OOM debut this year. Improving every time he steps out on the course this fella could be a real good pick at least until his handicap finds its level. Gives it a good clatter off the tee and will ruffle the feathers of the big guns on his day. Strong connections to Bolton area and going off past results that usually means theres some bandit blood in there :thup:

Karl cole – Another newcomer for the 2014 OOM and a somewhat unknown quantity. In the process of joining his first club and obtaining his first official handicap if he takes to competition play quickly he could prove a real bargain in this auction.

Group C (Group of death)

NWJocko – One of the pre-tournament favourites for sure. Talks more crap about his game than David Cameron does about the UK. Got the most athletic swing in the competition and if he gets on a roll he is a real birdie machine. Don’t let his trash talk about him being all over the place get into your head. His only weakness is his putting, he has had more putters than most golf retailers and if he starts to question his putter again it could all end in tears.

Qwerty – Another market leader and a popular selection. Hit one of the best rounds of the year last year at St annes old links in honking conditions but has since lost his tea cosy and his mojo may of gone with it. Hearing rumours that he has put the tender out to grannies across the land to design a new one but will it be in time? If he starts the season well and has his hob nobs with him nobody will fancy playing against him.

Birchy – Straight and steady is the best way to describe this chaps golf game pity the same cant be said about his figure. Can get a bit ratty with himself when hes not been fed but when his belly is full he could prove a real threat. Straight off the tee and decent with the putter but the rest is just made up as he goes along. Don’t expect him to share his biscuits.

LouiseA – Plays more golf than Rory Mcilroy so should be in decent form whenever you play her. Had some massive handicap drops in the last year to 18 months but does this mean her handicap has caught up? Im not so sure. Just pray the red tees aren’t behind any off the men’s tees or it’s like setting a firework off in a phone box, she will not be happy.

Huds1475 – Another making his OOM debut in 2014 and not long been a member of a club. Have seen his ball striking improve markedly over the past months and could be an outsider for the 2014 sombrero award. His real weakness is his putting, seen him miss the shortest putt in history of about an inch recently so anything can happen. If he sorts that out he will be a danger.

Group D

Garyinderry – Last year’s OOM champion will fancy his chances again this year buoyed by last year’s success. The most technical player I have ever come across and a student of the golf swing. He could explain the backswing over 3 days alone. Only hits a straight shot when he skulls it and has been compared to Bubba Watson with the amount of shapes he throws in. Not many weaknesses in this fellas game so one of the pre-tournament favourites for sure.

Centuryg5 – Another 2014 OOM newcomer. Member out at Leasowe on the Wirral which by all accounts is a tough course so this guy will know his way around a golf course for sure. His handicap will transfer well so he could make a big impression. A few wished his profile picture was him but sadly not the case.

StuC – Lively contender would be an understatement for this chap! Bubbly character to say the least who has a presence about him. Well known for snaffling nearest the pins with dodgy shots so if hes having one of them days you might feel like the world is against you. The feint hearted might need a set of ear muffs when playing Stu as he makes himself heard. There won’t be much need for Stu to report his results back to the forum, just open your window and you will get a decent indication “Ccccchhhhhhaaaaaaadddddddddeeeeeeeeee”.

Vikingman – Another debutant in this year’s OOM 2014. Mid-teens handicap so will be no mug and know his way around a golf course. Widnes rugby fan so maybe he can follow his teams lead and be a surprise package in the years event.

Scouser – Last but not least is the clear overwhelming favourite for OOM 2014 best on tee banter award is Scouser. Claims Matchplay is his game and has previous with giant killings after slaying the wolf last year. Don’t play him for food whatever you do, 6 stone wet through and eats like a horse and will do anything for a good feed. Nobody will enjoy playing him as the thought of defeat and a lifetime of taunts is unbearable (ask bluewolf). Also ask him about the elephant and the pencil, a true moment of inspiration.

Post your bids, trash talk and banter in here :dancer:

Bid status :-

Group A
Peterlav -
Bluewolf -
Valentino - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster -
Jack Bfc -

Group B
Liverbirdie - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc -
Karl102 - £3 by NWjocko £10 by Val
Odvan -
Karl cole -

Group C
NWJocko - £10 by Qwerty
Chorleychomper -
Birchy - £5 by Bluewolf
Huds1475 -

Group D
Garyinderry -
Centuryg5 -
StuC -
Vikingman -
Scouser -

Everybody is welcome to bid for this very worthy cause :thup:
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Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 6, 2010
Herts/Beds border
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Sounds like great fun Birchy :)

For those of us "southerners" it may help if you could add handicaps to your descriptions of the players and explain the format


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Ooh, I don't know where to lay my bet:-Peterlav – Not bad for a blue, can’t bet on a blue, he'll finish the season poorly.
Bluewolf – No chance with that new handicap, 2 scousers in his group (he still has a mental block with scousers due to a previous slaying).
Valentino – Plays fantastic when a no pressure card, otherwise when it counts.Just mention Lymm.
Podgster – The handicap meeting is tonight, he’ll struggle of his new handicap f 14.
Jack Bfc – Unknown quantity, unknown quality.

Group B
Liverbirdie – Modesty forbids me........
Gregbwfc – Big hitter so by design is a tree hugger.
Karl102 - Will practice too much, being a teacher, so will regress.
Odvan – Everton may get to Wembley, too much overtime for him.
Karl cole – Another newbie, bound to wilt after being too nice to everyone.

Group C
NWJocko – he can drive a ball into the next county – he often does.
Chorleychomper – Steady Dave, hasn’t been able to keep his head down since the loss of his nan’s stone bonnet.
Birchy – lessons will be the death of him.
LouiseA – We’ll just play courses that have the red tees set at 6,500+.
Huds1475 – Improving colt out of the Davyhulme stable, a breath of wind though and he’s all over the place.

Group D
Garyinderry – Fluked it last year by misreading the line on the last, but as he was shaking that much – it went in. Lightning will not strike twice.
Centuryg5 – Century by name, century on his scorecard, unless he’s off 28 – no chance.
StuC – Plays at Lee park off 16, no chance on proper courses.
Vikingman – He’s from Widnes, play a coastal course, the fresh air will kill him.
Scouser – He’s just rubbish.
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Sounds like great fun Birchy :)

For those of us "southerners" it may help if you could add handicaps to your descriptions of the players and explain the format

Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now :thup:

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) -
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) -
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) -
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) -
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) -
Birchy (13) - £5 by Bluewolf
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) -

Group D
Garyinderry (8) -
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) -
Last edited:


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) -
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) -
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) -
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) -
Birchy (13) - £5 by Bluewolf
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) -

Group D
Garyinderry (8) -
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) -

Bluewolf has come to his senses and realised his only hope is buying himself :whoo:


Journeyman Pro
Mar 16, 2008
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Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) -
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJockoi
Podgster (21) -
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) -
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) - £5 by karl102
Birchy (13) - £5 by Bluewolf £5 by karl102
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) -

Group D
Garyinderry (8) -
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) -

Bluewolf has come to his senses and realised his only hope is buying himself :whoo:

Am flattered chaps, but my latest trip yo the range would tell you otherwise.... I've added m entries coolio


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) - £5 by Birchy
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) -
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) - £5 by Birchy
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) - £5 by Karl102
Birchy (13) - £6 by Karl102 (needed £6 to outbid Bluewolf)
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) -

Group D
Garyinderry (8) -
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) - £3 by Birchy (need compensation just in case a miracle does happen :D )

Deleted member 1740

Can I bid £20 for Qwerty, "forms temporary class is permanent ":thup:


Tour Winner
Sep 23, 2010
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Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) - £5 by Birchy
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) -
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) - £5 by Birchy
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) - £5 by Karl102
Birchy (13) - £6 by Karl102 (needed £6 to outbid Bluewolf)
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) -

Group D
Garyinderry (8) -
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) - £3 by Birchy (need compensation just in case a miracle does happen :D )

I'll start off the bidding for Podgster with a fiver aswell Birchy.

Would love to see the trophy presentation photos in the canary yellow outfit :whoo:


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
Visit site
Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) - £5 by Birchy
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) - £5 by NWJocko
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £5 by Odvan
Gregbwfc (12) - £5 by Birchy
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) - £20 by StuC
Birchy (13) - £6 by Karl102 (needed £6 to outbid Bluewolf)
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) - £3 by Huds1475

Group D
Garyinderry (8) - £5 by Huds1475
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) - £3 by Birchy (need compensation just in case a miracle does happen )

Keep them coming! Dave is saddling the most cash at the moment! :thup:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
Visit site
Go on then Coolio... Stick me down for a tenner on Liverbirdie.. These lessons he's having might just help him get rid of that weak slice that he plays with and pick up some much needed distance...:whistle:


Journeyman Pro
Jun 23, 2013
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Go on then Coolio... Stick me down for a tenner on Liverbirdie.. These lessons he's having might just help him get rid of that weak slice that he plays with and pick up some much needed distance...:whistle:

OOOOooooooo Outbid! He's yours, definitely ain't worth £11...

That said, I'm seemingly not worth £1 :rolleyes:


Money List Winner
Apr 16, 2012
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Bid status and ive now put handicaps in brackets now

Brief description of format :-

Matchplay group stage. Points for winning matches, holes and getting halves. All points affect your ranking for the final. Higher ranking after matchplay has better chance to win. A bit like the fedex cup style ranking where the higher ranked have better chance to win but people from lower on leaderboard can still win with a good day and a bit of luck.

Group A
Peterlav (6) - £5 by Birchy
Bluewolf (6/7 cards in for new hcap but looking low) - £3 by Bluewolf
Valentino (14) - £10 BY NWJocko
Podgster (21) - £5 by NWJocko
Jack Bfc (tbc) -

Group B
Liverbirdie (6) - £10 by Bluewolf
Gregbwfc (12) - £7.50 by Odvan
Karl102 (14) - £10 by Val
Odvan (15) -
Karl cole (tbc) -

Group C
NWJocko (7) - £10 by Qwerty
Qwerty (9) - £20 by StuC
Birchy (13) - £6 by Karl102 (needed £6 to outbid Bluewolf)
LouiseA (15) -
Huds1475 (23) - £3 by Huds1475

Group D
Garyinderry (8) - £5 by Huds1475
Centuryg5 (11) -
StuC (16) -
Vikingman (15) -
Scouser (23) - £3 by Birchy (need compensation just in case a miracle does happen )

Things heating up now. Even Peter has had a £10 bid :eek:


Money List Winner
Nov 30, 2010
St. Andish
Visit site
OOOOooooooo Outbid! He's yours, definitely ain't worth £11...

That said, I'm seemingly not worth £1 :rolleyes:

I had to bid on myself mate!! It's like receiving a valentines day card from your mum... Does nothing for your confidence at all does it?;)

Deleted member 1740

I had to bid on myself mate!! It's like receiving a valentines day card from your mum... Does nothing for your confidence at all does it?;)

Haha that's common for the "relationships" that happen in Skem that!


Ryder Cup Winner
Jul 14, 2011
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Birchy, Podgster is off 24 (I know:rolleyes:) I'll bid £5 plus £1 (call it an Arsenal bid).:whistle:

I'll have another £5 on centuryG5.

Anyone else want a "slice" of me? Thanks, Dan, I think?:thup: