Nic names


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Missis T is telling me she is reading a piece where a bloke was called Bran. His name was Brian but he had an eye missing.
Another was called two soups. His name was Campbell Baxter.
Last one was called foreskin, apparently he disappeared when it got hard.

one of the lads at work was called Dave. His nickname was Ted. Short for S***head. Actually a very nice guy.

Over to you
When at uni there were 3 of us (in a group) with the spelling of forename as per forum name, and 1 guy with the 3 letter variant - of course he was nicknamed Cyclops.
Bizarrely 20+ years later at work the same thing happened, I told the story and we used it occasionally.
A work colleague was nicknamed ‘digger’ - his initials were JCB.

My brother was nicknamed ‘foster’ as he was photographed by a mate whilst on holiday wearing three pairs of sunglasses on his head.
Played with a couple of guys early in the season, who it turns out used to work with one of my best mates. I dropped him a message and he said "oh aye, Hot & Cold". What? They were both plumbers, one wore a red boiler suit, one wore a blue boiler suit, so hot & cold :LOL:
There was a guy at my old club who was known as DRS after the over-taking device on F1 cars. He had it fitted to his trolley but he was never close enough to the group in front to activate it.