NGT got me through yesterday. long post.


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Jul 11, 2011
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Actually managed to finish a round for the first time in a few weeks, so was nice to get a card in and stop the rot of my HC going up.

When I did the self assessment from NGT, three areas showed as areas I need a little focus, 'Bounce-Back', 'Freshen-Up' and 'Rise-To-Occasion', all three in the past have plagued me at one point or other during a round. I've walked up to holes stood on the tee box and thought, "Bogey hole, this is going to go right", the first question in 'Freshen-Up' and sure enough I've done just that, then during rounds I've been playing well, then I'll start to worry get the jitters that something is going to go wrong and end up screwing up a shot, these two are questions 4 and 3 in 'Rise-To-Occasion' and then that would inevitably lead to things going from bad to worse for a few holes, question 3 in 'Bounce-back' So it was brilliant yesterday that I was able to put these things out of my mind very quickly.

The round started well, my usual first tee shot didn't go right towards the 9th green, I may have taken a little off the tee shot and concentrated on getting it straight as the lady who does the half way hut had her car parked next to the hut and in line with my usual shot. I didn't really want to have to ask her if I could play my second from the back seat of her Ford Focus. In hindsight while I write this, thinking about not hitting the car, took my mind off my usual shot and I just hit the ball with a good result. Second was a pulled 5 iron, pin high but on the wrong side of the wall which runs the length of the hole. You get a from drop from the wall (local rule) which afforded me sufficient space to get the ball over the wall, or I hoped it did. Recently my short game had gone to hell, I couldn't buy a chip or pitch, so with only 5 feet from a 3 feet high wall and the ball in a fluffy lie, I took my LW, got under the ball, up and over it went on the green but short of the hole. It may have been a shorty, but the chip wasn't duffed and more to the point the ball cleared the wall which previously it wouldn't have.

The next 5 holes were played one over, the last the 6th is where NGT really came to the fore for me. I'd played my tee shot spot on, even though I say so myself. The 6th is a 90 degree dog leg left, if you are very long you can cut the corner over the trees, but the sensible play is to get you ball to land on the corner and let it run down the hill, which is what I did. My FC played his right and then played his second right again where it ended up under a tree in the rough. My second ended up short left on the green, which in NGT terms is a shorty but an improver. My FC took his third and left it 18inches short of the flag a very good shot considering where he was and the lie he had. I took my third scraped the hole, just went past, 4th dropped for par. My FC with an 18 inch par putt, pulled it left and missed dropped it in for 5.

It was then though that my FC started the whinging, moaning and whinging, he really let it get to him, his next tee shot was pushed right, in fact for the rest of the round he pulled, hooked, pushed, duffed tee and fairway shots, lost a ball, and continued to miss short putts. Just about all I heard from the 6th onwards was, "I've never done that", (well yes you have, you did it on your last tee shot), or, "Stupid bloody game", or "I hate this %&%£^$ game", or "Why's it done that? this is game is crap"

All those comments on any other day would have got to me, but I heard them once, then all I heard was the birds singing. In some respect they helped me a little, in that I'd hear what was being said and it took my mind off my next shot, so I just played the shot without over thinking it.

But getting back to the start of this long post, in previous rounds what was happening and being said by my FC would have got to me and I would have started to play badly, but having read though the 'Bounce-Back', 'Freshen-Up' and 'Rise-To-Occasion' parts of NGT, they certainly helped yesterday.

I played my best round of the year to date, shot a gross 86 net 68, no cut but the improvement over previous rounds was vast. So I know I can play, yes there is improvement to be made on that front, but the thanks to NGT what was happening around me, didn't affect me.


Tour Winner
Jan 10, 2012
Newcastle upon Tyne
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Actually managed to finish a round for the first time in a few weeks, so was nice to get a card in and stop the rot of my HC going up.

Well done Dave, onwards and upwards :thup:

It was then though that my FC started the whinging, moaning and whinging, he really let it get to him, his next tee shot was pushed right, in fact for the rest of the round he pulled, hooked, pushed, duffed tee and fairway shots, lost a ball, and continued to miss short putts. Just about all I heard from the 6th onwards was, "I've never done that", (well yes you have, you did it on your last tee shot), or, "Stupid bloody game", or "I hate this %&%£^$ game", or "Why's it done that? this is game is crap

Perhaps you should have a word with fc, (Stu ? ) , and point out his behaviour, I used to play with a work colleague that was like this, and walk off more games than he completed.........better still, buy him that book of the course you went on;)

All those comments on any other day would have got to me, but I heard them once, then all I heard was the birds singing.

:DQuote of the year surely.......

I played my best round of the year to date, shot a gross 86 net 68, no cut but the improvement over previous rounds was vast. So I know I can play, yes there is improvement to be made on that front, but the thanks to NGT what was happening around me, didn't affect me. do it week


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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No Comp next week, I'm on-call from Monday for the week, so no golf at all for the week at the course or the range. The 14th will be the next one, but I've got 2 weeks to practice, next while on-call putting practice in the house, then the week after back to grass.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Brilliant stuff. I've already posted on here how much it's helped me and need to read it again this week as I've not played this weekend and so want it fresh in my mind for the stableford on Saturday


Sep 11, 2011
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Apart from watching where your fc has hit the ball, and having some general banter, all the whining is just white noise for me. It doesn't even register. Only you affect your game. It might be you playing badly, or it might be you listening too much to your fc... but it is still your fault.

Learning to stop your fault(s) is what it improves your game.

Deleted member 1418

I played Tuesday morning and yesterday focussing on mental position A and aiming for beyond the pin. Have to say that it's working for me every time at the moment, swinging very easily and not forcing shots and as such giving myself so many chances for birdies. As a result, am scoring very well.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I played Tuesday morning and yesterday focussing on mental position A and aiming for beyond the pin. Have to say that it's working for me every time at the moment, swinging very easily and not forcing shots and as such giving myself so many chances for birdies. As a result, am scoring very well.

They are the main two thing I've worked on as they seem the easiest to take out on the course and use without having to "learn" or think too much about anything. Have hit some bad shots and using "freshen up" more to forget what has gone before (just a hiccup). Nothing worse than buffer since using it and a cut to boot. NGT (New Golf Thinking) is working

Green Bay Hacker

Journeyman Pro
Jan 9, 2014
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Excuse my ignorance but what is NGT? I Googled it and it came up with Nasogastric Tube insertion :) or Nominal Group Technique, neither of which seem appropriate on the course.

Just seen Homer's post above.


Tour Winner
Jul 11, 2011
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NGT = New Golf Thinking



Money List Winner
Dec 31, 2008
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Maybe that's why you don't understand Aimpoint.

Joke, i have to think how I post on here apparently.

Infraction infraction.

Haha. Glad to see they are being shared round evenly!! :)

You going to Logan? Practice round thurs eve?