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Shot Scope dashboard SG


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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Just looking at the new Shot Scope dashboard, and it shows you you SG (total, approach and short game) vs a selected handicap for your most recent round. It's telling me that I lost 1.81 shots on my short game vs a Tour Player, and 2.19 vs a 25 handicap. Now is my understanding of SG not what I think it is, or is that totally broken?


Well-known member
May 25, 2022
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Or maybe, I don't understand the dashboard. The button is "change handicap". The options, when you click it, are "vs Tour Player", "vs 10 hcp" etc. If it was purely me against my previous round, do SG change? The whole thing seems backwards to me


Head Pro
Jul 31, 2015
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...anyway...havent looked at ShotScope for a while now but seemingly my login still works and all my old data from 2018/19 is still there.

i'd say the OPs' anomaly about the comparison between his shots gained to a tour player or a 25 handicapper is somewhat odd!!!

Interesting to go through all the pages and look at the data...not sure it is going to inspire me to dig out or buy a load of new tags and start collecting data again!!