New Swingbyte 2 arrived today

£135 in the UK from UK distributor via Yank website link.

The web site you are referring to has no address and just a mobile phone number. I've tried ringing the number a few times just to check they have actually got it in stock before I ordered (I have been caught out too many times by web sites saying things are in stock when they are not), but they have never answered. I may well be doing them a disservice and they may well have them in stock, and they are obviously an authorised stockist. But I would not want to buy from a web site with no address that does not seem to answer the phone.

The other authorised seller said that Swingbyte have not sent any over to the UK yet as they still have a backlog in the US. I did speak to him but he could not give me a date for the UK release. Hence why I went on ebay and got it from the US. As I am a bit impatient like that. But fully appreciate that it is a lot more difficult to send one back to the US if anything goes wrong.
OK, had a bit of a play with the android V1 app and ipad V2 app.

Initial thoughts are that is is very impressive, but you need to know how to use all the data it gives back. You get a lot of stats back from it. The inventors specialise in remote tracking of objects and I believe had never played golf until last year. And they have just applied their knowledge to modelling the swing of a golf club. Which in a way is good as the focus is on the technology and getting the modelling right. But the app is very much aimed at giving you a lot of stats and modelling your swing. And hardly any info on what to do with them all. There's a very small amount of this in the app, but not much. Then again there are some pro swings to compare yourself to which show you the ideal path of the club.

I see a huge opportunity in someone or some app that could interpret the data and give you suggestions for how to improve. And to me it's not 100% clear if this thing is aimed at instructors or punters.

However, if you have a bit of knowledge of how you are supposed to swing the club, especially regarding swing plane, you can get a lot of value from it. So for example I also subscribe to Mark Crossfield's app, and this evening I was looking what he was saying about swing planes and also what swingbyte was showing me. And it did make a lot of sense and I could see why I was slicing a lot of shots. And more importantly what I need to do to stop it.

So I now have very clear visual confirmation that I take the club away too far behind me and also my swing plane is not right and is too out to in. Also the video you can do in V2 of the app is very cool, as you can compare a video of your swing side by side with a modelling of the club head either face on, from the top or in 3D, plus you can see a modelling of where your club is at every point in the swing.

I think it's great. If you are a happy hacker and don't really know what you are supposed to do then it is a waste of time. But if you a bit of a clue about things like swing plane and club head speed, then it will show what you are doing well and not so well. And the of course it's up to you how you interpret the data and how you can improve. I know that most golfers are quite traditional and fear change, and will be saying 'a good pro could tell you a lot of this anyway'. And to a certain extent I agree. And if you don't trust electronic devices and would rather see a human being to improve your golf then it's not for you. But personally for the price of a new wedge, I think it's well worth buying.

If anyone wants to PM me for some more info then please do and I can send some screen grabs of the data it gives you.
Mine has arrived, looking forward to trying it out, it will have to wait though as I am playing 9 tonight