nearly but not quite


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
Visit site
Wednesday played the last medal +0.1

yesterday, last society day (Old Fold Manor) :(

an oddity in that we had to play 9-holes in the morning and the 18-hole competition in the afternoon, a late start to make room for their club competition. arrived to find their comp cancelled but couldn't get off any earlier as ours were still arriving.

blistered the morning 9, hit every fairway, hitting the irons cleanly; 4 under, (couldn't get the pace of the greens). :) (I think had we been able to carry on I could have been no worse than even and probably still under for the 18)

come the comp, could I hold it together? sadly no. :(
still driving well, mostly straight and long (81% FIR for the day :)) but some costly second shots (a couple of poor club choices - too ambitious - and those downhill lies again!) and not exactly sparkling putting took their toll. ended up with 28 points (5 behind the winner) but beat both my playing partners and in recompense I won two nearest the pins (firsts for me), and on one hole I was the only one (of 25) to hit the green!
Sounds like a nice day.

The greens at Old Fold are supposed to be good, but my society were there earlier in the year whilst I was in China, so I missed out.
Good shooting. Its always hard to get the pace of greens when you go to other clubs especially the sublte borrows you don't see but only know through experience. Sounds like the ball striking is pretty good though
the greens were quicker than I am used to and with more borrows than the St Moritz bob-run. they had also been tined, which as a club comp was intended to be played seemed a little odd. the whole course was in good condition and the rough was exactly as it should be - not overly long but penalizing.

the club house is 'stately' , grade 2 listed. the clock in the entrance is almost worth the visit alone - carved oak long case possibly 18th century.
I think the tining has to be done at this time of year, regardless of what is on. We still have a medal to go, and yet they have tined the greens and tees, and over seeded and top dressed. Green keeping is a year round thing, it can't wait.