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Nearest point of relief question....


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
You're on the right hand side of a wide cart path and your nearest point of relief is in the 2m thick hawthorn hedge that runs along right next to the cart path... how do you determine where the nearest point actually is if you (a) can't take a stance clear of the path because of the hedge? (b) if you can't get in the bush to measure it? (c) can't get in the bush to drop it properly? :mad:


Nov 16, 2011
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Why bother? You are going to play it as it lies anyway.

Unless you take the (penalty) option of going back to where you last played. And I've seen that done - because the guy marked and picked his ball up before considering what his options were - though it was a Rhododendron bush rather than hawthorn.


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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You're on the right hand side of a wide cart path and your nearest point of relief is in the 2m thick hawthorn hedge that runs along right next to the cart path... how do you determine where the nearest point actually is if you (a) can't take a stance clear of the path because of the hedge? (b) if you can't get in the bush to measure it? (c) can't get in the bush to drop it properly? :mad:

There are a couple of decisions on this which are worth looking at. You basically have to estimate it then decide whether it is worth it.

24-2b/3.5 Player Unable Physically to Determine Nearest Point of Relief

Diagram Illustrating Player Unable to Determine Nearest Point of Relief


As you have 1 club length dropping area, although the NPR might be in the hedge, you may be able to actually drop the ball away from it. You might even get lucky if it then rolls or bounces less then 2 club lenghts into a better spot (provided it's not nearer the hole, etc., etc.)

However you would have to re-drop if there was still inference from the path for a stroke with the club used to determine the nearest point of relief, even if you could play a stroke with another club, without interference (interesting given that you can change your shot option after dropping, but I see the logic). Worth bearing in mind when evaluating your options.

20-2c/0.7 Ball Dropped from Immovable Obstruction Rolls Nearer Obstruction than Nearest Point of Relief; Whether Re- Drop Required If Player Changes Clubs and Obstruction No Longer Interferes

I'm sure Duncan, Colin, Rulefan etc can clarify further.