Major Champion
The direction of play means the LHers feet would not be on the track - but as you say the option of him playing backwards after dropping on the 18" strip would still see him standing on the track.Re LH player.
Even with 18", if the players feet were still on the path, the ball could not be dropped in the general area. So the npcr would be on the other side of the path.
But I do agree with your last paragraph.
I'll add that my argument for keeping the track 'in bounds' is that the area between the fairway and the track is filled with mature trees - to a depth of maybe 6-10yds between 1st cut rough and track. As a result actually taking relief from the track may not be the players best option given his NPR may find him having to play a shot blocked by trees - when his shot off the track may have a clearer line back to the fairway.