My consistency :( Swing video inc


Medal Winner
Mar 31, 2015
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I'm really struggling with consistency in my golf. I still cant break 100. its near as dam it always town to my Tee shots. I have had a handful of lessons which I have always really improved in the small time with the Pro my last two lessons I went from slicing to a quick fix to a lovely draw with 280 yards. my problem is in between my my ears the brain..
when I'm having a lesson I get on so well and come away thinking that was great lets go play, which is then where I'm let down I don't have a regular bad shots it's just so inconstant one will be a slice,hook anything can happen.

the problem is I know I'm more than capable of a pretty nice shot but over think it way to much on course.
I spent an hour at the driving range the other night and it was light second nature picking up any club and hitting them lovely, I think i had 100 balls and only a couple where miss hits at most which for my level is great. so the next morning with this in my I arrive at the course have a warm up in the net and its all back to the terrible mss hits and bad shots first tee I take a safe 7 iron and again left into the rough so frustrating!

Here is a video on my swing in Slo-mo from the night at the driving range. (apologies for the length of the video I could work out how to cut the length down)

I know its not great but its still a solid ok shot which if only I had every time.
My question is what do I need to work on to get the consistency up and my brain to not over think it.
I don't mind investing in lessons unfortunately now the dark nights are in I can only practice once a week and play once a week.

Sorry for the long post :)


Tour Rookie
Aug 9, 2015
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You could play off single figures swinging the club like that. Obviously it's not perfect, who's is? But there are plenty of single figure golfers who don't look as good but are better players.

I've no idea why you can't break 100, but it's definitely not only down to your swing.


Medal Winner
Mar 31, 2015
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Honestly this is the most frustrating thing so many people say I have a really good swing. its just I forget how to swing when I'm on the course :(


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Honestly this is the most frustrating thing so many people say I have a really good swing. its just I forget how to swing when I'm on the course :(

I know that feeling very well... I can tell you what helped me and it might help you.

You need to take the performance pressure off yourself. Don't think about score so much - I know this is hugely frustrating and is easier said than done! I was exactly the same.

Two things worked for me a couple of years ago when I was struggling to break 90 regularly:

1. Play off the tee with a 3/4 swing, just play nice and easy.
2. Ignore the flag, aim for the middle of every green.

I went from playing in the mid 90's to breaking 80 with that approach.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 1, 2007
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Whilst at the range try to identify for yourself whats working well for you just one or two things. Then try to incorporate them into a short simple pre-shot routine that you can take to the course with you and repeat, this will give you something positive to think about.
I aways think that the reason things like this happen is because there are no consequences when at the range therefore no pressure to perform.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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You could ask your pro to check your grip. You can never be consistent with a bad grip as the wrists and hands will have to much freedom to do what they like.

Also consider shortening your swing a bit, watch how far back a pro goes back with an iron in slo-mo

Go back half way and at first you wont hit a thing but you soon will.


Head Pro
Jul 4, 2011
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If you want my 2p's worth... play a round and make a mental note of any time you don't make a bogey. Then explain why, write it down. At the end there should be a clear reason why. How many 3 putts, how many duffed chips, you getting out of every bunker in 1 shot? Lost balls off the tee? How many terrible ( and I mean terrible) iron shots etc etc etc.

We can't tell you why you aren't breaking a hundred, you should be able to tell us though!

We all still slice, hook and hit poor shots but you have to accept them, try not to change stuff out on the course!


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Your clubface is closed at the top of your backswing (pointing skyward) which would explain why you sometimes hit it left. Get your grip checked would be my advice. Apart from that, pretty good downswing


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Can I ask how long you have been playing? You sound in the same boat as me- 1st 6 months I was struggling to break 100 with the odd one just under, then started getting down to 95-100's then now I am down to early 90's with the occasional in the 80's and I know with time and practice I will go lower.

Honestly I think there's a few things but one of the main things is stop thinking about your swing while out on the course- it scrambles your brain. Just think of getting a decent tempo and hitting to target.

Leave all the technical thought to the range or if you go out on a practice round hit a couple of balls at a time on particular shots you want to practice. Your mind will eventually remember it and it will be grooved in.

The 2nd thing is just keep swinging the club as much as you can- at least twice a week(and at least once on course).

Lastly find out how to play your course- find out the good misses and aim more in that direction. IE if missing to the right of the green leaves you a tough up and down over a bunker with the green running away then aim for the left of the green. Par 5's think where you want to be playing your 2nd shot to.


Medal Winner
Mar 31, 2015
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Some really good pointer guys thank you.

I think because I only get to play once a week I put so much pressure on doing well.
My next plan is to go round when its quiet making note of the bad shots and trying to get a tempo going with shorter back swing and go for nice and easier swing.

I will report back with my results :)


Medal Winner
Mar 31, 2015
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Can I ask how long you have been playing? You sound in the same boat as me- 1st 6 months I was struggling to break 100 with the odd one just under, then started getting down to 95-100's then now I am down to early 90's with the occasional in the 80's and I know with time and practice I will go lower.

Honestly I think there's a few things but one of the main things is stop thinking about your swing while out on the course- it scrambles your brain. Just think of getting a decent tempo and hitting to target.

Leave all the technical thought to the range or if you go out on a practice round hit a couple of balls at a time on particular shots you want to practice. Your mind will eventually remember it and it will be grooved in.

The 2nd thing is just keep swinging the club as much as you can- at least twice a week(and at least once on course).

Lastly find out how to play your course- find out the good misses and aim more in that direction. IE if missing to the right of the green leaves you a tough up and down over a bunker with the green running away then aim for the left of the green. Par 5's think where you want to be playing your 2nd shot to.

I have been playing since April I had hacked round a few times with old clubs before this but nothing serious


Assistant Pro
Jan 3, 2014
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I'm really struggling with consistency in my golf. I still cant break 100. its near as dam it always town to my Tee shots. I have had a handful of lessons which I have always really improved in the small time with the Pro my last two lessons I went from slicing to a quick fix to a lovely draw with 280 yards. my problem is in between my my ears the brain..
when I'm having a lesson I get on so well and come away thinking that was great lets go play, which is then where I'm let down I don't have a regular bad shots it's just so inconstant one will be a slice,hook anything can happen.

the problem is I know I'm more than capable of a pretty nice shot but over think it way to much on course.
I spent an hour at the driving range the other night and it was light second nature picking up any club and hitting them lovely, I think i had 100 balls and only a couple where miss hits at most which for my level is great. so the next morning with this in my I arrive at the course have a warm up in the net and its all back to the terrible mss hits and bad shots first tee I take a safe 7 iron and again left into the rough so frustrating!

Here is a video on my swing in Slo-mo from the night at the driving range. (apologies for the length of the video I could work out how to cut the length down)

I know its not great but its still a solid ok shot which if only I had every time.
My question is what do I need to work on to get the consistency up and my brain to not over think it.
I don't mind investing in lessons unfortunately now the dark nights are in I can only practice once a week and play once a week.

Sorry for the long post :)

Just based on your video it looks like your swing starts with your wrists turning rather than your shoulder turning. This means that yhe club is getting out of position at the general check points in the up part of your swing. One if the guys has mentioned how closed your clubface is at the top and that's probably due to your wrists turning too early.

You may also benefit from shortening your swing a bit, and this may take quite a while to get the correct feel and to get used to.

Your downswing starts with your hands first rather than the bottom half of your body, and by the time your club face had met the ball your hips are still around 45degrees to your target rather than your belt buckle facing the target full on. Try making your first
thought at top of backswing be- drive with the hips.

Get yourself one of the swing apps for your mobile or tablet and compare yourself to one of the pros. I know you've just started and aren't a pro but it'll let you see for yourself the difference between where they are at certain points in the swing and where you are. There may be some that are free but even if you need to buy one (it'll be around £4) it'll be money well spent.

Hope this helps


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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OP _ wondering if what is seen on the vid shot to shot kinda normal range practice routine with whatever club being used?

the lessons you had/having what were/are the main areas you working to? .... set-up body alignments - takeaway to the 'set' with the path of the club - transition sequencing -

thing with a swing motion as such it's something that can often times look pretty good without having in it repeatable function as there's still couple too many variables in it - no doubt what the Pro working to sort


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 25, 2015
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The problem with driving ranges is that you can end up playing the same club over and over again very quickly and it is easy to get in the groove on a flat surface. Out on the course it is probably Driver followed by a walk then a mid or short iron then possibly a wedge and a couple of putts then back to your driver. All played under pressure of weighing up different situations along the way. You can go several holes without playing a single standard swing shot because You are under or behind a tree, ball below or above feet, out the rough or bare lie plus worrying about bunkers, ponds, wind etc. Let alone adrenalin pumping through your veins as you try to get a bit extra out your club.