McIlroy doing his best to lose in Dubai


Tour Rookie
Mar 14, 2007
Dublin Ireland
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Watching Dubai and McIlroy doing his best to throw away his first victory. Dropped shots at 15,16 & 17--a five shot lead with four to go is now a 1 shot lead.
At least he hit a great drive on 18.

Hope he manages to get the victory.
I would have been more pleased with Justin Rose winning, being an English man and all that but hat off to Rory, the boy did good! Nice to see.
I would have been more pleased with Justin Rose winning, being an English man and all that but hat off to Rory, the boy did good! Nice to see.

I have no time for rose whatsoever, what a boring, stuck-up arrogant sod he is.

Never met the guy. :(
I would have been more pleased with Justin Rose winning, being an English man and all that but hat off to Rory, the boy did good! Nice to see.

I have no time for rose whatsoever, what a boring, stuck-up arrogant sod he is.

Never met the guy. :(

I've not met Mr Rose either, but from what I've heard when he's been interviewed, I've seen & heard little to impress me. Though I am open minded enough to be proved wrong, if I got the opertunity to meet him.
I have some time for Rose partly for the way he battled through his demons when he turned pro and partly because he has been very good to me in fundraising efforts historically. I'll always keep an eye on his scores but I also think he would be better served coming back to the European Tour as he looks a little out of his depth ont he PGA tour.
I have came accross rose twice, twice he was a prat.

Come on spill the beans- stop hiding what experience you have had! Explain why you actually don't like him... Was he directly rude to you? did he begrudge and autograph etc , or whatever it may be!

People are intrigued now, it would be unfair to leave it like this :D ;)
1) I overheard him speaking about a father and son who wanted an autograph like they were scum to one of his cronies.

2) I witnessed him treating a couple of nightclub hostesses like something he had trod in, he deserved a slap for that.

As I say, jumped up spoilt little prat.
1) I overheard him speaking about a father and son who wanted an autograph like they were scum to one of his cronies.

2) I witnessed him treating a couple of nightclub hostesses like something he had trod in, he deserved a slap for that.

As I say, jumped up spoilt little prat.

And people have the nerve to give Monty greaf about his attitude to people. At least he's got 8 order of Merits to his name, he can be excused a bit of snootyness, especially as he's aproaching seniors tour age in another 5 years.

What's Justin Rose actually achieved apart from being young & promising... a few years ago btw.

But I'd still give him the benifit of the doubt until I've experienced him at first hand.