Matchplay Rant

I don't enter these, I love 4bbb match play but my availability is severely limited due to family commitments and it's not fair on my partner or our opponents.
it seems unfair but I think it comes about through too many extensions being requested resulting in a mess - and then when you get to 'who is to blame' the parties often can't agree. 1st party says the 2nd cancelled three times and so is to blame - 2nd party said that the 1st was inflexible in arranging dates making it difficult for the 2nd party to come up with dates they could absolutely commit to. And so it would go on. Committee leaves it to the parties to agree whether one party should give the other a walkover. I suggest that knowing that both parties will be DQd puts pressure on the one who knows they are at perhaps more at fault (or indeed care less!) to concede.
problem is that the pair that would concede could just be a pain and take both pairs out instead. I could definitely see it happening between some pairs at our club if they were drawn together!
Out of interest, any clubs have a day on which matches have to be played if no agreement can be reached. Never seen it applied but just seems to make sense that if both teams cannot agree a date then a day is set aside on which matches must be played. If 1 team does not make it, they are out, if both teams do not show then their oppo in the next round gets a bye. Just seems to be a fairish way of breaking the annual deadlock over times and dates. There is never going to be a way to please everyone but at least this would be an option.
A player can't cancel on the day - they can say they will be unable to turn up and offer a reason which may or may not be acceptable to the committee. In my view, if the other player was a surgeon called away to perform and emergency kidney transplant, or a secret agent who had to go on a last minute assassination, fine for one such request. Second time, I would say "I'll be there at the appointed time, and will accept the walkover if you aren't". Forgetting a kids birthday party is not even close to an adequate reason for postponement.

As for the argument of inflexibility, once a data and time is agreed, that argument falls.
Allowing 9 days of an extension plus a further extension on top of that is absolutely ridiculous – for a start it’s terribly unfair on the players in the next round, who will obviously have much less time available to play their match. What if the other players in the draw could play early in the round but are away on holiday for the later part of it? They’d be denied the chance to play during the time that suits them because the club allowed the previous match to overrun so much. I don’t see how a club could do this - if they do it for one match then presumably they have to do it for anyone else in a similar situation. I would’ve thought the whole competition would turn into an absolute shambles if they allowed that. The pair who’d tried to play within the deadline 3 times should’ve claimed the match and let that be that.

When I was a member it was up to the top named person/team in the draw to arrange a match. If you offered 3 times and your opponents turned them all down, you were entitled to claim the tie although of course you could still try to arrange it if you wanted to.

There was one time when despite our best efforts, four of us couldn’t get a fourball played within the 3-week time limit but we could all play on the morning after the deadline so we played then and hoped to put the winners’ names on the board before the draw for the next round was made. My partner and I won the match but by that time the competition secretary had already tossed a coin and put our opponents through as a result of that. We were told that it was our hard luck because we hadn’t played the match in time but our opponents weren’t having it – they said they’d lost fair and square and didn’t want to go through on a coin toss knowing that we’d beaten them. Eventually we were begrudgingly reinstated.

We had 3 weeks for each round, which seems like a long time but over the summer when people are often away for a couple of weeks, you can soon find that there are realistically only really a few days to get a match played.
Ours neither. In fact we take a hard line that if the competitors aren't able to play before the cut-off date - for whatever reason and regardless of who may be deemed at fault - both parties are DQd.
Totally unfair- they should listen to both stories and DQ the pair who repeatedly cancel.

I enjoy 4BBB but gave up the competitive side for these very reasons.
Our club has a definite deadline for each round published on the drawsheet at the start of the competition, generally the last day of the month for each subsequent round.

It is the responsibility of both pairs to arrange the match, normally the second pair to put their name through contact the opponents and offer 3 dates, 1 of which has to be a weekend.

If no dates can be agreed between the teams, then on the last day of the period during which the match is to be played, if one pair is present under the clock on the Old Course 1st tee at noon, then they are deemed to have won the tie and progress to the next round.

A bit odd-sounding i know, although having said that i've played singles and pairs for 2 summers now (8 matches in total) and never struggled to get a match arranged well before the deadline.
Problem is the other pair arent doing the right thing in forfeiting and the guys seem unwilling to push it and claim the match.

I stopped playing in our winter league because of this problem.
Worse in winter due to the lack of daylight & weather issues.
Still, I definitely would have claimed the match after the 2nd cancellation.
Golf - a sport for gentlemen (unless its the knock out comps)

never ceases to amaze me the stories of ungentlemanly conduct surrounding these knockout games. I would be deeply ashamed to be seen to act like these guys.
UPDATE: the opposition have offered to flip a coin for the match!!! My mates are taking it to the committee for a decision.

Accept it, but do it over the phone :D

Seriously, fourballs are a nightmare to arrange and as many have said the rules need to be clear and the organisers strong. Ideally it needs to retain a degree of flexibility (I have seen situations where one from each are on a consecutive fortnights holiday) but on the whole if one team continually cries off then it's really up to the opponents to say enough is enough, we can't meet any day remaining and you've now had a number of chances to get this played so we are putting ourselves through. If they had done this in the OP scenario I very much doubt if the opponents would have objected tbh.
Toss of the coin is a very poor way to decide it.

Although he do use a similar choice to decide home/away ties in our local club matchplay knockout. They decide the choice of home/away based on the bonus ball from the Saturday lottery, odd/even gets your two choices and far as everyone knows the outcome.
Accept it, but do it over the phone :D

Seriously, fourballs are a nightmare to arrange and as many have said the rules need to be clear and the organisers strong. Ideally it needs to retain a degree of flexibility (I have seen situations where one from each are on a consecutive fortnights holiday) but on the whole if one team continually cries off then it's really up to the opponents to say enough is enough, we can't meet any day remaining and you've now had a number of chances to get this played so we are putting ourselves through. If they had done this in the OP scenario I very much doubt if the opponents would have objected tbh.

Don't accept it. You arranged several matches and your opposition failed to keep up their end, to either turn up or offer a reasonable excuse. If they can get a decision from the R&A that missing a kid's birthday party is an adequate excuse, then toss a coin. Otherwise tell them to toss something else ...
I used to be a Competition Secretary. On one occasion I granted an extension on medical grounds, because I knew that one of the players had undergone surgery on a serious knee injury and needed a week after the deadline to fully recover. Unfortunately he was a member of the Committee, so I never heard the back of that one, with accusations of favourism, etc from their opponents! Never be a Comp Sec! :(
Don't accept it. You arranged several matches and your opposition failed to keep up their end, to either turn up or offer a reasonable excuse. If they can get a decision from the R&A that missing a kid's birthday party is an adequate excuse, then toss a coin. Otherwise tell them to toss something else ...

In this instance I'd also not accept and knowing that committee would by default DQ both sides - I'd make a formal request to be awarded the match Pretty grim that the other side don;t see themselves at fault and seem happy to win the match on the toss of a coin, Not good.

A few years ago me and my buddy couldn't find a common date to play a 4BBB and we realised that we were actually a bit to blame as I wasn't available within the time remaining. I had to pull out late for personal reasons and the other pair said they didn't have any scope to rearrange, So my buddy played the pair by himself - he lost. Sometimes that's what you must do - and it was the honourable thing to do we thought
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