Matchplay mentality


Tour Rookie
Aug 23, 2012
So, by some sort of miracle I managed to qualify for my club championship divisional knockouts... my first tie is tonight.

However, my experience of competitive matchplay is limited and I was wondering how you guys and girls approached a matchplay competition as opposed to a strokeplay competition.

Right now in strokeplay I play to get as much under level-5s for the 18 holes as I can, playing the course as two nines; I'm not sure if this approach would translate to matchplay though.

Whatever happens, I'm just going to enjoy it; I never expected to qualify after a poor first round and a couple of horror holes yesterday, but wondered how others went about matchplay in terms of mentality and tactics.


Challenge Tour Pro
Oct 21, 2012
South Lanarkshire
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So, by some sort of miracle I managed to qualify for my club championship divisional knockouts... my first tie is tonight.

However, my experience of competitive matchplay is limited and I was wondering how you guys and girls approached a matchplay competition as opposed to a strokeplay competition.

Right now in strokeplay I play to get as much under level-5s for the 18 holes as I can, playing the course as two nines; I'm not sure if this approach would translate to matchplay though.

Whatever happens, I'm just going to enjoy it; I never expected to qualify after a poor first round and a couple of horror holes yesterday, but wondered how others went about matchplay in terms of mentality and tactics.

I would say don't change mentality or tactics unless the person your playing does something really bad or something pretty special that forces your hand.

If he's OB, take a safe option to hit the fairway. If they take a risky shot and it pays off, it may be worthing havng a bash yourself.


Journeyman Pro
Mar 25, 2011
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Go all out to win the first hole. Whatever the result, give 100% to winning the second hole. If you're 5 up get 6 up. If youre 3 down get to 2 down. Its never over until yere shaking hands and that works both ways, if you're 5 up with 6 to play aim to shake hands on the next green, if youre 5 down with 6 to play youre still in it.

In short, have a friendly game and banter (if you are both so inlcined), but above all be a sportsman and gentleman while you grind him into the ground.

That's how I play it anyway :)


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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Instead of treating it as 2 9's, treat it as 18 1's, because nothing about any previous hole is relevant once you're on the next tee.

Play your own game as much as possible, unless your opponent does something brilliant or terrible which means playing aggressively or cautiously depending on which it is.

Make sure you know where shots are given/received.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I completely disagree about not changing mentally (given your description of your normal approach)-
what you score for 9 holes is irrelevant, any thoughts of how you are doing 'against the card' are counterproductive.

however I agree the rest of Keeno's summary - play each shot, and hole, to the best of your fairly assessed ability ie if you know you do get the green in 2 on a particular par 4 then set off from the tee (club selection etc) with this in mind. If you dump it in the rough work out the most reasonable way to get the best score you can. if that means 2 wedges and one putt then take that route.

rarely is it good to assume what your opponent will do - even more so if this means taking on a shot that's beyond your comfort zone. this way lies madness.make your 5 and if he makes his 4 you lose the hole - if you dump it in the water trying to get out the rough to the green 200yds away over a ditch because he's only got a 140 yd approach from the middle of the green then you didn't lose the hole - you gave it away.

however I do agree with being relaxed and enjoying the round.

drat - Region 3's beaten me by using less words again :clap:


Assistant Pro
Apr 4, 2015
West Midlands
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So, by some sort of miracle I managed to qualify for my club championship divisional knockouts... my first tie is tonight.

However, my experience of competitive matchplay is limited and I was wondering how you guys and girls approached a matchplay competition as opposed to a strokeplay competition.

Right now in strokeplay I play to get as much under level-5s for the 18 holes as I can, playing the course as two nines; I'm not sure if this approach would translate to matchplay though.

Whatever happens, I'm just going to enjoy it; I never expected to qualify after a poor first round and a couple of horror holes yesterday, but wondered how others went about matchplay in terms of mentality and tactics.

Matchplay is different from normal stroke play you can win a hole with a 10 in matchplay, You have to change your tactics depending what your opponent does.

If he drives his ball into the trees, and you would usually use a driver too, I wouldnt risk it hes already put one into the trees you have the advantage on the hole dont give that up too easily.
But that's just how I see matchplay dont make it easy for them by making too many mistakes when you could have played a different shot.


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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rarely is it good to assume what your opponent will do - even more so if this means taking on a shot that's beyond your comfort zone. this way lies madness.make your 5 and if he makes his 4 you lose the hole - if you dump it in the water trying to get out the rough to the green 200yds away over a ditch because he's only got a 140 yd approach from the middle of the green then you didn't lose the hole - you gave it away.

I forgot this one. Never assume anything.

Anyone can make birdie from the trees or double from the middle of the fairway!

If you start thinking you've won or lost a hole before it's over the (unwarranted) highs and lows will drain you mentally very quickly.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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After the tee shots have been hit I way up the odds of the opponent going close with his next or try to think what score might win or half the hole.

This assessment changes on each shot.

It's part of the fun for me.


Q-School Graduate
Oct 7, 2014
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I am a fan of using gimmies to get in their head. Give everything thats for a half then make them putt one thats for the hole within 4 feet. They will start shaking having not played a putt yet.

Try to be the first one to leave the tee every time. Get him used to chasing you.

Find the thing that will push his buttons- I am a long hitter so I am hoping that my long hits will make him try to keep up and will slice or duff.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I am a fan of using gimmies to get in their head. Give everything thats for a half then make them putt one thats for the hole within 4 feet. They will start shaking having not played a putt yet.

Try to be the first one to leave the tee every time. Get him used to chasing you.

Find the thing that will push his buttons- I am a long hitter so I am hoping that my long hits will make him try to keep up and will slice or duff.

I like playing people like this - such obvious attempts over mind games and gimmes add hugely to my mental strength and reinforce a belief that you don't think you can beat me easily without them (on top of the fact that it will briefly bring a smile to my face when I consider the thinking youhave been doing to come up with the first putt request at a cost to you over your concentration on your shot)

As you head off over the horizon I may briefly contemplate the long wait you are going to have over your shot; and those evil thoughts of what might go wrong, even from the middle of the fairway. I'll get there, and play entirely in my own time - what luxury :)

You will smash your driver miles, and I'll just come up short every time with a 3 wood or hybrid and get to play first and leave you wondering if I could keep up if I tried...


Sep 11, 2011
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I know some say don't play the course. I do unless he's played a rank bad shot and I can get away with just hitting, say, two recoveries and then chipping on to him being 3 off the tee and on the green for 4/5. I'm generally not interested in what my opponent does. If its a par 4, I play it as a par 4. If I get a 4 against a shot, and he gets a 4 I just shrug it off. But, in my little mind, if I'm getting par after par he's going to have to shoot the lights out to compete. Also, if I'm playing as though I don't care what he does, and shrugging off losses how does that make him feel?


Has Now Found His Wedgie
Sep 3, 2007
Kingdom of Fife
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Understand your strengths and do not throw holes away, ive seen holes won with some very big numbers!

Yep, won a hole with a 9 once. Just treat each hole as a new game and shoot less strokes than your opponent. If he's blown a drive into the trees, take something that will get you down the fairway. If he lays it into the green in regulation, make sure you try to do so to. If he hits it close, you have to try to do so too. Hole by hole, even if you're 4 down with 4 to play, you can still win every hole in front of you and take it to extra time. Won a couple recently where the only time I was up in the match was when I won on the first extra hole. Don't give up until one of you has won.

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Yep, won a hole with a 9 once. Just treat each hole as a new game and shoot less strokes than your opponent. If he's blown a drive into the trees, take something that will get you down the fairway. If he lays it into the green in regulation, make sure you try to do so to. If he hits it close, you have to try to do so too. Hole by hole, even if you're 4 down with 4 to play, you can still win every hole in front of you and take it to extra time. Won a couple recently where the only time I was up in the match was when I won on the first extra hole. Don't give up until one of you has won.

this is completely the opposite the opinions given in most of the responses so far - although in fairness I'm not actually sure what If he's blown a drive into the trees, take something that will get you down the fairway is supposed to mean - if it's anything other than playing your normal game with the bias towards passive rather than aggressive then I disagree with it too.

what all these examples have in common is that you are reacting (to both perceived problems and successes); basically he has control. Your subconscious will recognize it and when he says 'roll over' you will.

his situation will of course influence any marginal calls you might have but they should never make your decisions for you.

if somebody raises the 'but what about when you have to sink something for a known half ie he's in the hole or stone dead?' then I would simply point out that if you can sink it you should be trying to sink it anyway - for a win!!!


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I always assume that my opponent will play a great shot, putt in or chip dead, that way I don't get disappointed if they pull a shot out of the bag and I always assume that they will ask me to putt out.

I rarely give up on a hole, no matter the score, until I can't win or halve it. MAKE SURE that you know which holes you get shots on if you are playing a lower handicapper and NEVER concede a hole without being certain of each players scores, he may have added a penalty and not mentioned it


Q-School Graduate
Oct 7, 2014
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I like playing people like this - such obvious attempts over mind games and gimmes add hugely to my mental strength and reinforce a belief that you don't think you can beat me easily without them (on top of the fact that it will briefly bring a smile to my face when I consider the thinking youhave been doing to come up with the first putt request at a cost to you over your concentration on your shot)

As you head off over the horizon I may briefly contemplate the long wait you are going to have over your shot; and those evil thoughts of what might go wrong, even from the middle of the fairway. I'll get there, and play entirely in my own time - what luxury :)

You will smash your driver miles, and I'll just come up short every time with a 3 wood or hybrid and get to play first and leave you wondering if I could keep up if I tried...

It's not about not thinking I can beat people without it. It's about testing the players ability to cope with pressure.

Stepping ahead of your competitor sets the pace and displays confidence and self assurance.

And by using hybrid and 3 wood all day you give up 60-70 yards on me which will mean more missed greens and long putts. If you played like that, I'd own you!


Ryder Cup Winner
Aug 4, 2009
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It's not about not thinking I can beat people without it. It's about testing the players ability to cope with pressure.
It doesn't. It tests their ability to still be able to concentrate on the golf if they think you're a pillock. ;)

Stepping ahead of your competitor sets the pace and displays confidence and self assurance.
Or arrogance and ignorance

And by using hybrid and 3 wood all day you give up 60-70 yards on me which will mean more missed greens and long putts. If you played like that, I'd own you!

bloody 3 character minimum