Map where you've played

Mel Smooth

May 4, 2017
Visit site
Dead easy to set up and map the courses you have played.

Anybody beating Paul on 194 clubs in 17 countries??
The 33 you see for me is actually the courses that the youth has played - I haven't included mine which would add a few more..

Happy Me Golf Map
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All I can remember is that I have only ever played 3 times North of the M4, Rolls of Monmouth, Welwyn Garden city muni and one near Enfield.
Played over 450 courses which includes some now closed.
England, Wales, Scotland, Switzerland, New Zealand.

Only 1 new one this year and it turned out to be the most bizarre ever.
Link doesn't work.

If you copy the link, you get something that I'm not sure is a url:

http://<?xml version=%221.0%22 encoding=%22utf-8%22?> <mlt LC_NUMERIC=%22C%22 version=%227.13.0%22 root=%22%22><chain id=%22chain12%22 in=%2200:04:55.333%22 out=%2200:05:11.300%22><property name=%22length%22>00:23:21.400</property><property name=%22eof%22>pause</property><property name=%22resource%22>C:/Users/graha/OneDrive/Desktop/Golf Videos and Picture/Ogden/Holes 2 to 18 with shot tracer up to hole 4.mp4</property><property name=%22mlt_service%22>avformat-novalidate</property><property name=%22seekable%22>1</property><property name=%22audio_index%22>1</property><property name=%22video_index%22>0</property><property name=%22mute_on_pause%22>0</property><property name=%22creation_time%22>2023-10-27T11:28:16</property><property name=%22xml%22>was here</property><property name=%22shotcut:hash%22>25006a9292b578c94aeeab06e4225e85</property><property name=%22shotcut:caption%22>Holes 2 to 18 with shot tracer up to hole 4.mp4</property></chain></mlt>
I am at 22 countries, that I can think of off the top of my head.
No idea how many courses in total but certainly over 100 in France alone (as we once went through our book of French courses ticking them off whilst bored waiting for a ferry)- many, many more in the UK.
I’ve played in 15 different states in the US, certainly well over 50 courses there.
For numbers of courses I've no idea, for countries I guess it depends what you call a separate country without getting too political.
I've played Scotland England Wales and both parts of Ireland, France Oz NZ Malaysia and Hong Kong. Outside UK and Ireland though the absolute numbers of courses are few, within I expect its well over 100 but I don't really know.
No idea!
For countries ;
I think that is all
94 courses in 4 countries (only counting 18 hole courses).